Sunday, January 23, 2022

Lord's Day Devotion - Jesus' Hands

Lord Jesus, when we think of the work of Your hands, we cannot help but to praise You with grateful thanksgiving.  We think of all Your wondrous creation.  It's totally awe inspiring!  You just keep it coming too with all the sunrises, sunsets, rainbows and  all.  You, our Creator, Redeemer, Savior and Friend are even more beautiful and majestic.  We praise You  as we see Your splendor in the magnificience of Your creation and created beings.

There is more though.  The work of Your hands, accomplished by the ugliness of Your nail-pierced hands, side and feet was a sad, sorry, terrifying spectacle!  Wounded and dying there upon the cross, for me, for all of us human beings.  Oh Jesus, our unfailing Friend, how dear you are.  Thank-You for Your love for me and all mankind (another work of Your hands), that kept You up there.

You are our Potter, we the clay that rose up and spoke insolently back at You, sinning and sinful.  Out of Your deep love, You spun Yourself on the potter's wheel of this world.  Your purposeful stride upon this Earth, face set as a flint towards Jerusalem and the inevitable cross; living in human form, so that in Your perfect righteouness, You could die in our stead.  How Your Father's love and will was done and satisfied with this mammoth work of Your hands!

We are eternally grateful Jesus, to You.  You did not flinch, despite the whippings, beatings, mockings and spittings upon, from your purpose to redeem, ransom and reconcile us back to God and Yourself.  In You we now have redemption, forgiveness of sins, relationship with You and everlasting life, and so much more.

As we break the  bread  and  partake of it, and as we drink from that cup of wine together, we are reminded of this wonderful gift wrought at the cost of the work of your hands.

Thank-You for all you have done.

In Your Name, Lord Jesus, we bow in reverent awe and worship, giving you grateful praise.  

"Praise the Savior" all of You who know Him for that wondrous work wrought upon the cross by Jesus Christ our Savior, and hopefully, our Lord.

                                                    ~ERC  January 2022~

Sing, Praise the Savior, along with Marjitin de Groot, Grace Community Church, CA

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