Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Shake the Dust


They were still shaking the dust off their feet like  Jesus had taught his disciples to do if a town or village didn't accept the message of the Kingdom of God.  This dust shaking seemed to have been part of the culture of those times, and therefore, made "useful" to Jesus' followers even after Jesus' ascension back to His Father's home in Heaven.

What did dust shaking signify?  Here's what the SPM Study Guide* for the book of Acts remarks,

"It was customary for Jews to shake off dust of a pagan town from their feet when they returned to their own land as a symbol of cleansing themselves from the impurity of sinners who do not worship God.  For Jews to do this to their own fellow Jews was equivalent to regarding them as no better than unbelieving Gentiles."

In other words, an insult, offensive to the core.  Yet, I also see what Jesus attached to the practice.  He said,

"Whatever house you enter, stay there until you leave that town.  If people do not welcome you, shake the dust off your feet when you leave their town, as a testimony against them" (Luke 9:4,  NIV.  See also Matthew 10:14 & Mark 6:11).

It was a "testimony against them".  Like saying, "We've brought you this message of saving grace through faith in Jesus Christ.  We did our part, our responsibility.  However, you townfolk have rejected this message, you will have to bear the consequences that might follow such rejection".

In the gospels, we hear of this practice but I didn't expect to see it in actual practice in Acts, although, I guess I shouldn't have been surprized.  The followers of Jesus Christ were continuing what had been taught earlier.

The effect of Barnabas and Paul literally doing this action against fellow Jews certainly stirred up more than a mere kettle of fish.  Barnabas and Paul had come, they had spoken the Word of God in the synagogue, people were believing.  That filled the Jewish religious leaders with jealousy, because they felt they had been publically affronted by Paul.

Paul said that because they rejected the message of Jesus, then he and Barnabas would bring it to the Gentiles.  Whoa!  No wonder there were bees (or more likely hornets) in those folks' bonnets!  It infuriated them yet Paul and Barnabas had to be faithful witnesses for Jesus and His message of salvation.  They spoke faithfully, courageously.

Despite the Gentiles joy and gladness of being singled out as recipients of the message, those who had rejected, stirred up persecution against Paul and Barnabas and "threw them out of their region" (vs 49, 50 Good News).

This is where more dust shaking came in.  Paul and Barnabas did not do this in revenge or retaliation but "as testimony against them."  Paul and Barnabas had imparted the message.  Those hearers had been free to accept or reject.  They chose rejection.  Paul and Barnabas were then clear of responsibility to the consequence of their rejection.  It was now all on those rejecters' shoulders.  The shaking of dust had "spoken" final words.

Just a further observation.  I do not believe that individuals who had earlier rejected could never, later, accept Jesus as Savior.  No, it was still possible to accept.  While there is life, there is still hope.  Do not be discouraged if you have, in earlier times, rejected Jesus.  Please come to Him now.  He is ready and waiting to hear from you.

Nonetheless, there will come a time when it will be forever too late.  If the rapture happens (that event when Jesus calls all believers up to be with Him - forever.)  There's no second chance then.

The other limiting factor would be if you passed away before accepting Jesus Christ as Savior.  Then in time to come, Jesus Himself will have to shake the dust of His feet off at you.  That makes me shiver.  Maybe that even sounds harsh and uncaring.  However, NOW is the time to accept.  NOW is your chance.  The message of Jesus is going out NOW.  Come to Him today.

Admit you are a sinner who sins.

Repent of this condition.

Believe this message.

Confess your sin and sorriness to Jesus in sincerity and truth.

Ask His forgiveness of sins and that you now want Him in your life.

Jesus will forgive and wash your sins away.

Thank Him for His salvation and rescue from the slavery and consequences of sin.

Joy in God and sing of His love.

Tell others.

                                                   ~ERC  October 2021~

Based on Acts 13:42-52 NIV/GoodNews

*SPM Study Gjuide to the Acts of the Apostles Bible Knowledge; Goh Kim Guat; c2009; Issachar Sdn. Bhd.

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