Saturday, January 15, 2022

Astonishing Answer

 Isn't it funny that when we receive an affirmative answer to our prayers of especially great fervancy and in the way we had desired that we have a hard time believing it has happened?  That's what happened to the folks at Mary's house.  They were in earnest prayer, no doubt praying "in faith" but still the difficulty in believing.  Perhaps they had been expecting some other type of answer thus the confusion their minds over the answer most longed for.  Rhoda believed but she was too overjoyed and excited to let Peter in.  

She persisted though when the others wouldn't believe her.  Combined with Peter's continued knocking, they finally re-opened the door and there, sure enough, stood the in-the-flesh Peter and not his ghost.  Astonishing!

Peter described how the Lord jailbroke him, left a message for "James and the other brothers and sisters" (vs 17) and then went off to destination unknown.

When the odds seem stacked against us most overwhelmingly, let us persist, in faith and earnest prayer.  The Lord does answer big or small prayers in the most unusual of ways.  There is power in the Name of Jesus.


                                                      ~ERC  October 2021~

Based on Acts 12:1-17 NIV.

Sing, Power in Prayer, with 11th Hour.

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