Monday, January 31, 2022

Chinese New Year Window of Thought

 Poh-Poh (sort of pronounced with an English long 'o' sound) sat in the recreation room, just off the kitchen, gently rocking in her chair.  All was quiet in the house as the grandchildren had gone off to their own pursuits for the day.  Her son, Chan (rhymes with 'son') was off at work while her daughter-in-law Lin Ping was out foraging for Chinese New Year (CNY) goodies at the shops.

Poh-Poh sighed, but contentedly.  She enjoyed short breaks from all the activity and noise a family musters up, so here she sat cogitating in the stillness.  Today, she would not be 'Poh-Poh' (Grandma) but Lian Hua ('Len Wah', meaning Lotus Blossom).  She'd reminisce about her many years of Chinese New Years from childhood up.

Her very first CNY season that she could remember well must have been when she was five or six years old.  Her family in China did not have too many extra coins to rub together so it had been a big surprize to get a beautiful new red cheongsam (Chinese dress), just like her cousins always had.  Oh how she'd flitted  and flounced in that thing, dancing in the courtyard for all the village folk to see.  That was when she was happy, before tragedy had struck.

By the time the next CNY had rolled around, her Mama was very ill.  Most of the family's coins had gone to buying medicine, all to little avail.  It wasn't a very merry CNY that year.  Her Mama hadn't made it to the next one.

Before Mama had left them, she'd called each of her children in for a private talk.  When it was Lian Hua's turn her father had sternly commanded her to behave and be quick as her Mama needed rest.  She recalled her heart had been pounding wildly, half afraid of the sick bed and mother.  She'd crept in hesitantly, mindful of her Papa's warning.

"Mama," she'd whispered.  

"My darling Lian Hua."  Mama had said faintly, struggling to say what she wanted.  "Lian Hua, always remember what your name means, and that you are exquisitely beautiful no matter what life brings you.  I love you very much.  Give me your hand Lian Hua."  She barely had time to put her hand in her mother's for that one last time before her Papa came in to escort her out.  She had felt her Mama give her something and say, "Sh-h-h!"

"A secret?" she'd wondered.  "A secret something between her Mama and her?"  It had been intriquing but she didn't even have time to cry or say, "Good-bye Mama!"  Papa had whisked her away.

She had put 'the secret' into her pocket, until she could look at it alone, later.

It had been a shock to discover 'the secret' was a small beautifully carved wooden cross.  Her Papa hated the cross, white missionaries and their God.  Why would Mama give her this?!  She'd keep it always.  In fact, Lian Hua brought it out of her pocket now.  It was worn smooth from years of gentle caresses.  It was her treasure and link to her Mama.  She wondered if her Mama had become a secret Christian and was telling her to find out what her Papa had considered was the "white man's God", too.  It was the  most wonderful thing her Mama had done for her even from her deathbed, and beyond the grave.   She remembered, basking now in the mystery of it all.

Oh, she hadn't realized she was crying until a tear dribbled down onto the cross.  Lian Hua dabbed it dry with her hankerchief as she pondered the next CNY and the many thereafter.  Most had been nightmares and she'd, believe it or not, had come to hate the CNY occasions.  They were anything but festive!

After Mama had gone away, Papa had become an increasingly angrier and cruel man.  He said he had too many mouths to feed and no one to cook for him, even though Lian Hua had been doing the cooking.  She had barely been seven or eight when Papa demanded she do the cooking.  She was the youngest daugher and lazy, he'd shouted at her.  "It's past time you did your part for the family, or else!"  

He had left that threat hanging and it had loomed and grown on the horizon of events many times over in her mind.  Lian Hua had shivered in fright then, she recollected.  It made her shiver now to think of it.  The chill grated in zaps along her spine.

It hadn't been long before she'd found out what the "what else" was.  Her Papa had traded her!  He had said that since she was stubborn and lazy, he'd teach her a lesson.  So he traded her for a donkey to help him plough his fields!  "At least a donkey will do some work, even if it is stubborn some times," he'd smirked at her.  She never saw her Papa or siblings again.

It had been so unfair and untrue  but she kept her Mama's words in her heart and she knew, that what her Papa had said about her would not make her conform to the low expectation.  It truly hadn't, much.  This part of her life she had never even told her husband Malcolm, their son or  daughers.  Malcolm had never asked about her life in China or even after she had been traded, other than some basics, and he  had never suspected the worse.  That part had not been pleasant to dwell on let alone share.  However, this afternoon, for whatever reason, she couldn't make herself  stop reviewing that part of her life.

The man her Papa had traded with was not a nice guy; Mr. Lee, by name.  He brought her to Macau and made her wash dishes, for free, in his restaurant.  Eventually she had been 'promoted' to chopping veggies and garlic but still lived in tattered and torn clothing and made to sleep in a hovel above the restaurant along with the others in the same predicament as herself.  Restaurant customers had never  known of this invisible slave trade taking place right under their noses.  Hey, it was the best restaurant, respected and reputed to have the best Chinese cuisine in the region.  It couldn't possibly have any dark secrets!

Thankfully, it  hadn't been totally unbearable as she had made some friends with others in the same plight, unable to escape, or be free to come and go as they wished.  They got to eat leftovers that customers never finished so they hadn't gone entirely hungry.

As the CNY seasons had come and gone, rolling the years away, Lian Hua had  constantly wondered about her little wooden cross.   It must have been a treasure for her Mama otherwise she wouldn't have given it to her but what was its meaning?   She had never been able to discover that and no one seemed able to give her satisfactory answers.

Then one day shortly before another CNY, of course, she finally got her break.  Hope filled her heart.  A western man along with a Mr. Wong happened to be at the back of the restaurant when she'd gone out to throw some bags of garbage in the bins.  The men spoke to her.  She was scared and tried to run back inside but the men had called out to her assuring her they didn't mean any harm.  They only wanted to know if she could read Chinese and give her some kind of paper.  They held it out so  she could see the front of it.

She gasped!  Right on the front there was a picture of a cross that looked exactly like the one her Mama had given her so many years ago.  She had grabbed the paper, stuffed it into her pocket and run inside, breathing great gulps of air with her heart pounding to beat the band.

"Calm yourself," Lian Hua urged herself, "or Chief Chef will do a body check.  You don't want him thinking you stole something or have him discover the cross and now the  paper in your pocket!  He hates those things as much as ever Papa did."

That night she spent extra long in the bathroom where there was a single, dangling bulb of light.  Here she could read in private and with great interest she devoured the words on the page, finding the key to unlock the wooden cross secret.  "Yesu (pronounce 'Yea Sue' [Jesus])."  She was surprized the Name was more than a swear word.  'Ye su' had been a real person, someone who loved everyone, even her!  What!?  She started to cry.  People killed this kind, good and loving Man who helped people?!  Why?  Why would they be so cruel to Him?"  Lian Hua trembled in agony over it. She hurried on in her reading.

It had been news to her to find out what 'sin' was and that she herself was a sinner and even responsible along with everyone else in the world, for having Jesus die on the cross; that old wooden cross.  This must have been Mama's secret!  She had wept and smiled through her sobs and tears then and even now, her eyes wept, as she rocked in her chair so many years later.

"Oh, what a Savior, that He died for me, a scullery maid slave!"  That thought coursed through her being.

"XieXie Ye Su," she'd whispered as a furious knocking had hammered at the lavatory door.  Oh, she had gone in there full of despair.  Out she'd come full of joy and hope in believing Jesus and that He had died for her! That He loved her and cared about her!  Her - the little 'lazy' good-for-nothing Lian Hua of her Papa's label!  

Lian Hua had thrust open the door, bursting out exclaiming "Yesu died for me! Xie Xie!  Gan Xie Yesu!"  (Thank-You, Jesus!)  She had danced and twirled in joy. 

The startled co-worker slave Ping Ping didn't quite know what had come over Lian Hua who had always been a bit eccentric but never this 'bad'.  She laughed and shook her head as she took her turn in the loo.

Lian Hua, had joyfully snuggled into her floor space for the night, too happy to sleep.  She started humming a tune she realized was one she'd heard her Mama hum not too long before she'd gotten so sick.  "Oh," Lian Hua had thought, "this must be a Jesus song!"  She did finally sleep and had woken up the next morning still invigorated with the joy of  knowing Jesus and what the wooden cross was all about.

"Zao shang hao, everyone!  Yesu ai ni!" (Good Morning...Jesus loves you!) she had greeting them all as  they had slowly winked opened their eyes.  "Groan, Lian Hua, let us sleep a bit more, it's still early!"  Oh, Lian Hua remembered feeling at the top of the world despite the surroundings.  "It's going to be a wonderful CNY this year!"

In fact, it was indeed almost that time of year again.  She'd seen them decorating the restaurant and CNY music filled the air.  Lian Hua's old feelings of loathing CNY had suddenly melted away.  This was not just an ordinary CNY but a new Jesus life year for her.

Not everyone was thrilled about this change in Lian Hua; the Chief Chef, for one.  He'd reported it to Mr. Lee and Mr. Lee had come and beaten her up.  Her nose was broken, and her body battered and bruised for weeks afterwards.  The pain of her broken nose nauseated her but she still had to work at full steam.  Mr. Lee had shouted into her face in a rage, "You stop talking about Jesus and wooden crosses!  Do you hear?!  Or, else!" 

Her joy had not been dampened however but she did question, "Uh-oh, not 'or else' again.  Jesus, help!"  she'd prayed.

Ping Ping had listened to Lian Hua's story but she said, "Look, you got beaten up for your Jesus, you think I want that to happen to me too?"  Lian Hua had pleaded with her.  As far as she knew, Ping Ping had never accepted Jesus as Savior and that made her sad.

Several weeks later, Lian Hua met the two men again when she went out to dispose of the kitchen  garbage.  Her faith and love for Jesus had  continued to soar and radiated from her face. That day she'd happily stepped out the back humming her Mama's tune.  She had halted in her tracks when she had seen the men.  There they were again.  She had dropped the garbage and raced over to them falling on her knees and folding her hands in a prayer stance, saying to them. "Xie xie, ni men.  Yesu ai wo.  Xie, xie! Wo ai Yesu!" (Thank-you.  Jesus loves me.  I love Jesus.)

The men looked at each other and grinned.  They reached out to Lian Hua helping her to stand up.  They wanted to know why she  was all bruised up.  Lian Hua steered  them away from answering that by telling them about her cross and the paper  they'd given her.  Did they have any more of those papers to give away and also different ones for her to read?  Wow!  They sure did.  They handed some over along with a New Testament for her to read.  They prayed for her and she had scuttled back inside.

Through Lian Hua's testimony several other restaurant workers had come to Christ.  Chief Chef and Mr. Lee found this more and more intolerable and even though Lian Hua had become an even better worker, they threw her out onto the streets.  That had been Mr. Lee's "or else".

The two missionary men had come every two or three weeks in hopes of seeing Lian Hua again.  Finally, after another CNY had come round, they spotted her, chased after her, and looked upon her with great pity and compassion.  "Lian Hua, tell us what's happened.  Why are you on the streets?  We've been looking for you for ages.  Ping Ping told us you no longer worked at the restaurant."

Lian Hua explained, "I've been a slave for Mr. Lee since I was about seven or eight years old.  Now I have become a servant of Jesus Christ, Mr. Lee does not like that."

Mr. Wong and Mr. West asked if she'd  be willing to come to the mission house with them.  "Oh, we have wives, so it is ok for you to come.  We want to feed you and take care of you until you know what you'd like to do with your life.  You are free to live as Jesus wishes you to live.  We'd appreciate any help you can give with our work but it is not a prerequisite to you coming into our home and mission."

Lian  Hua recalled being exceedingly grateful for that!  As it so happened, Mr. Wong's wife ran a small cafe where the homeless could come, have a meal and hear the gospel of Jesus Christ.  Mrs. Wong, or LiLi, as she wished to be called, said she could use help making meals and speaking with the souls that came in.  Lian Hua was overjoyed to help as it was really about the only thing she knew how to do at the time, anyway.

Mrs. West, Agatha, by name, taught her how to crochet and also how to keep accounts.  She had soon become very good at both of those skills.  In return, she sometimes babysat for the West's children Bob, Bonnie and Bill.  They were fun kids and so obedient it was always a pleasure to give the couple a night out alone now and again.

Several years on, one would never have known Lian Hua's past as she'd meshed and merged into her then, present.  Lian Hua put her present thoughts on pause, got up from her rocker, stretched and shook her legs a bit and went to make herself a wee spot of tea.  Bringing it back to her chair, she looked out the rec room's grilled window.  CNY decorations swayed gently in the afternoon breezes.  She felt a bit drowsy but wanted to continue her historical daydreams.  

Taking a sip of tea she smiled, realizing she was at a favorite point in her self story.  You don't have to guess that it was at  another CNY time.  Coincidentally, major events in her life revolved around CNY, so no surprizes there.

Enter Malcolm.  The debonair Malcolm Chan Wen Ming, LiLi's brother.  Confidence and charm oozed out of him and he certainly could make a room sparkle more brightly.  At least in her opinion.  Ha, ha.  Of course, she wasn't going to give him an inch of acknowledgement on that account.  She'd made him work for her attention she recalled now with a mischievous chuckle.  Nonetheless, the instant she'd seen him, the thought buzzed through her brain, this is your "knight in shining armor!"  My, where did that thought come from?!  "Lord, was that you or just my own flight of fancy?"  She had had to wait patiently and see.

Malcolm's story was that he had just returned from overseas' studies, thus his English name, he'd told her.  Did she want an English name too?  "Well, not particularly.  I've got on fine without one so far.  Lian Hua is a name to be proud of and my Mama loved it, so I'm happy with it too."

"Ok. ok.  No offense meant,"  he'd replied.

A couple of days before CNY, Mrs. Wong had asked the two of them to go to the market.  Lian Hua to purchase the  fruit, veggies, and so on for the next few days and Malcolm was to carry it all back for her.  Lian Hua thought that's strange, I'm used to doing all that alone, why'd she ask me to bring Malcom along?

She now knew LiLi and Agatha were playing cupid and she'd been too naive to realize.  To make a long story short - the match making had paid off.  She and Malcolm Chan had became happily married.  Lian Hua sniffed some at this.  She still missed the dear man even though he'd been with Jesus for 10 years already.  "Yesu," she whispered, "You gave me a fine life and a fine husband in Malcolm.  I miss him but I await  Your timing to join him.  Thank You, for the grandchildren to influence for You  now and a great-grand on the way soon, maybe even this coming CNY!  You always bring big events to me around this time of year.  You make me smile and I have never regretted belonging to You!  Thank-You, Lord.  Gan Xie Yesu!"

Here I sit sipping tea and still crocheting, making gifts for others.  Not every grandmother gets to sit and rest like this but I'm glad for the respite, she thought to herself.  She looked up from her work again, contemplating the red Chinese lanterns decorating the window grill.  Tastefully done.  Red. An important CNY color.  The color of  her favorite cheongsam of childhood so long ago.  Red.  The color of the blood of Jesus shed for her.  She looked beyond the latticed space to the well-trimmed green grass.  Green for growth.  Growth in Christ Jesus.

Mr. Wong and Mr. West had explained that well.  She had been traded for a donkey to work like a donkey but Jesus had tamed the donkey in her and given her a life's work for Him to further His kingdom in herself and others.  She was forever grateful to grow in His grace and to share His message with one and all no matter how stubbornly donkey-ish they may be.  

Praise the Lord, the One who died for me and never failed her.  It is indeed a Happy New Chinese New Year.  She was ready, come what may.

"Gan Xie Yesu!"  She really couldn't stop saying that enough.

Oh, she could hear some of the others coming home.  "Lord, quick, one last wish I must softly ask before we are interrupted.  May we all have,

Xin Nian Hao (New Year Goodness), 
Xin Nian Kuai Le (New Year Happiness)

                     and most importantly...

       Xin Nian Meng En (New Year of God's Blessings) ."

Sipping her tea with one hand she slipped the little wooden cross back into her secret pocket with the other.  "Time to be Poh-Poh again," she said into the air, as she gently sat rocking in her chair.

                                               ~ERC  January 2022~

Note:  This is a ficticious story made up out of the figment of my imagination although, it's true, there is much human trafficking going on in the world and in places we don't even realize.  Any names, events, etc mentioned above being the same as anyone else's life experience should be seen as purely coincidental.

Credit to Jane Koh for the accompanying photo.  Many thanks, Jane, it really fits the bill.

Friday, January 28, 2022

They Listened!

 Like the Psalmist said,

"How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity" (Psalm 133:1 NIV)!

In Acts 15 we have just such a model example.  It was tense at first but the apostles and other leaders were wise in how they handled the altercation precipitated by Judaizers upon Gentile converts.

The "fierce argument" (GoodNews) was brought from Antioch with Paul, Barnabas, the Judaizer influencers and others, to the apostles, elders and leaders of the church in Jerusalem.

I don't know about you, but I love it when a family member, friend, close associate perhaps at work or from church, LISTENS to what I have to say.  When they listen, considering seriously that I just might have something legitimate to say regarding whatever issue or decision relevant to all involved, one feels like one may well be worth something.

I don't mean that hearers must kowtow to all that's said, but at least consider it, add it into the equation and so vindicate what was said.  No doubt we all would love to be treated in this manner.

This is why I love this portion.  The oversight in Jerusalem were wise.  The listened to BOTH SIDES of the argument.  In addition to this, they did not huddle secretly in a corner or inner sanctum away from the "whole assembly" (Acts 15:12 NIV), making arbitrary decisions.

No.  Everyone involved in the matter were privy to the details!  Isn't that a caution!  Yes, there were some smaller group discussions by the leaders but then they openly gave an answer and of how they arrived at their particular conclusion.  I just love how they conducted the matter - full disclosure.

Here's what the SPM Study Guide for Acts commented,

"There were a few meetings that apparently took place (as described by verses 4-22):

i)  general meeting of welcome and report (vs 4-5)

ii)  meeting of the leaders (vs 6-11) and

iii)  a meeting of the  apostles, elders and the whole assembly (vs 12-22)."*

Oh that churches nowadays would be so forth coming!  (Sorry, just had to interject that.  Communication to avoid mystery and misunderstanding is a good thing.)

It is paramont to note, however, that this oversight group did not simply "lean on their own understanding" (Proverbs 3:5-6) but sought God and His word, then regarding of utmost value what God had to say.

James, the Lord's brother, who seemed to be the leading brother-in-Christ in Jerusalem at the time, referred the whole group to Amos 9:11-12.  Among other things was the phrase,

"...all the rest of mankind...all the  Gentiles whom I have called to be my own..."

That was James quoting Amos who was quoting God.

The oversight used God's word aright.  Holy Scriptures which were able to make them wise, not only to salvation but to decision making (2 Timothy 3:15).  These words of God confirmed their decision of the man-made wisdom in alignment with God's purposes.

My point is, know the Scriptures.  To know is to have read, meditated upon and perhaps even memorized God's Word.  Personal reading, Bible studies, listening to God-honoring sermons, all  combine to help us live and make vital decisions that please the Lord.  God's Word can help keep us from making a hard-headed, stubborn fool of ourselves.

In summary, there were the Judaizers point of view, Paul and Barnabas' refute, Peter's testimony, Jerusalem oversight discussions and end decision sanctioned by the Scriptures.  The end result, when the report was delivered back to Antioch and the other churches in that area that were involved in the inquiry, was that 

"they were filled with joy" (Acts 15:31 GoodNews).

It was a happy ending that ended in peace and harmony.  The unity of the Spirit was maintained, all because the oversight listened.

Isn't it a wonder!?

                                                        ~ERC  October 2021~

Based on Acts 15:1-34 especially verses 15-18 NIV/GoodNews.

*SPM A Study Guide to the Acts of the Apostles Bible Knowledge; Goh Kim Guat c2005; Isachar Sdm. Bhd.

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Such a Prude

 "So Maddy, give us the details," Janine teased playfully.  "Did anything happen on your date last night?"

"Yeah, tell us," the giggly girly group gushed.  "We want to hear all the juicy details."

"Sorry, I don't have anything much to report.  Chad and I, we just sat out under the stars on my parent's porch swing and talked."  Maddy answerd.

"Huh!?  What!?"  The girls chorused, "Are you a prude?"

Maddy chuckled, "I haven't known you all for long having just moved here not too long ago, so I guess I need to explain something to you.  It was only natural to feel some very nice vibes sparking between Chad and me but I want to exercise restraint; self control.  You see, girls, I'm a follower of Jesus Christ, so I want to honor Him and follow His way.  Not sure if you all will get this but I'll keep talking if you want  me to."

"Well," Janine, who seemed to be the spokeswoman for the group replied, "this is certainly DIFFERENT!  Not sure I'd want to follow His way but sure, let's hear the rest.  Can't do much harm, I suppose.  Girls are you all up for it?"

Sally stomped off but the rest stayed.  Sally knew what was coming as she'd been brought up like Maddy had been but rejected all that "prudishness" as she thought of it now.  She didn't have the time of day to listen to "old fashioned" nonsense.

The other girls watched Sally go then turned their attention back to Maddy, "OK, Maddy, carry on.  This could be good gossip too."

"To me, this is not a fad, not old fashioned and not being a prude."  Maddy explained.  "It's called not living to please ones' self but to have holy living instead that pleases God."

Maddy continued, "If a person belongs to Jesus, he or she has His Holy Spirit living within him or her.  The Holy Spirit can help a person to have the power and authority to have self-control and to live a more holy life, to please his or her Heavenly Father."

"Now I don't always follow well, " Maddy confessed, "as I have a will of my own, so don't go and think I'm a Miss-Goody-Two-Shoes or anything.  I do fail, I do make mistakes.  However, with the Lord's help I have pledged to live to honor my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, as much as possible.  This relates to dating as well."

"So is there a law against getting into 'juicy bits,'?  Jemma asked, snickering.

"Good question," Maddy said.  "I wouldn't exactly call it a law like one of the ten commandments, but it is pretty clear from the Bible, which terms it, "sexual immorality" that we need  to steer clear of it, live a holy life and only have sexual relations with our own husband or wife, as the case may be in a heterosexual bond.   Chad is not my husband, nor am I his wife, so with the Holy Spirit's help I will not engage in any touching or kissing or more with Chad or any other guy, until such a time as when I'm married to him or some other godly gentleman of similar beliefs."

"Am I making any sense, girls?"  Maddy smiled her question.

"Well," Janine interjeted, "Sort of, but it's not for me. I want to have all the fun I can get while it lasts.  I don't even think I want to get married."

Maddy sighed quietly to herself.  She'd have a lot more praying and work to do to bring these friends to Christ and under His authority.  Until then, she'd pray that she herself would stay true to her own pledge,  "So help me, God," she prayed fervently.

"Girls," we better get back to class; break time's over,"  Maddy directed.

Maddy's standard of 'holy living before  God', is certainly a foreign one in society today.  However, it also seems to have been the case, ever so long ago in Bible times.  Sadly, not much has changed with human nature.  Look at Acts 15, especially verses 27-29.  Read the whole portion to get the context, but in these verses pinpointed, there are a few things mentioned that the Gentile believers were to abstain from.  One of those listed was, "sexual immorality".

Sexual immorality was one of those sins that was taken lightly even back then.  In fact, it was often associated wth heathen, pagan practices.  Thus the Gentile believers, as seen in the book of Acts needed to realize, this was now unholy behavior to them and unseemly for a follower of Jesus Christ to engage in.  Instead, it was part and parcel of Christian living to be holy as God is holy.  We all do well to adhere to this, to be the salt and light in our own times even if we are mistaken for being "such a prude".

                                                      ~ERC  October 2021~

Based on Acts 15:1-29.

Monday, January 24, 2022

Book Review - The Birder's: An Unexpected Encounter in the Northwest Woods - By Rob Albanese - Publication Date: 25 January 2022

I like this story not only because it's cute and humorous, but because it's also educational.  The older Mr. Flynn and the across-the-street neighbor lad, Ollie, have a common interest in birding and they learn lessons from each other as they go outside to try and observe some birds in their natural habitat.

The author-illustrator, Rob Albanese has some amusingly fun, cartoon-like illustrations to accompany his storyline.  All in all, good vibes radiate from this wonderful little children's book.  In my opinion, grandfathers, especially, will love to read this story to their grandchilden, which may even inspire both to embark on a similar common interest to top it all off.

                                              ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~
                                                             January 2022

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

Book Review - Magdalena's Choice - By Molly Jebber - Publication Date: 25 January 2022

 Magdelena and Toby were in love in Amish country.  However, 'class' distinction ideas overtook Magdelena's 'daed' in very un-Amish-like fashion.  He felt 'poor' Toby was not fit for his more well-to-do family.  The two love birds strove valiantly to overcome this obstacle of prejudice yet remain obedient to her parents' wishes while not being subservient to them and the boundaries the Amish faith placed upon them.  

There is sadness and humor but will there also be victory?  I do like how the pair gallantly honor God in how they give their expectations to Him and let Him decide the outcome in His good timing and way.  Over all, this has been a very pleasing story for me to read. 

Additionally, there are some yummy looking recipes for baked goods nestled at the end of the book.  These were refered to in the story, from the bakery where Magadelena worked.  I believe I'll give at least one of them a try.

                                           ~ Eunice C., Reviewer/Blogger ~

                                                      December 2021

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

Sunday, January 23, 2022

The Set-Up


Church planters must love this portion of Scripture.  It all looks so smooth sailing but we know Paul and Barnabas went through a rough patch, to put it mildly, to reach this state of progress, "The Set-Up".

What I'm talking about is that the two brothers-in-Christ had been faithfully preaching the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Exciting times because they, 

"won many disciples" (Acts 14:21).

These newborns were not left to their own devices.  Praise the Lord, Paul and Barnabas hung around and

 "strengthened the believers and encouraged them" (Acts 14:22 GoodNews)

even at the risk of their own lives, yet again. 

What did they strengthen and encourage them in?  Did you take note?  Was it a long doctrinal spat of teaching?  Teachings they were to remain steadfast in?

Writer Luke wrote that they,

"encouraged them  to remain true to the faith" (vs 22 GoodNews again).

They had need of gumption and backbone which they'd get through their faith in Jesus Christ and the aid of the Holy Spirit indwelling them.

Why did they need this?  Paul and Barnabas warned,

"We must go  through many hardships..." (vs 22 NIV).

Persecution was rife.  Paul and Barnabas had already experienced plenty of that as they were goaded from town and city to town and city; Paul even having been stoned to death and left for dead (so their persecutors thought).  The threat was real and constant.  They could not have gone through this on their own strength.  They were warning the believers that they needed to be genuinely sincere in their faith because of the hardship they'd face.  They too, would not be exempted.

Faith.  Not faith in themselves but in their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, would be their bulwark.  We have the Same Source of strength and encouragement today.    Be encouraged to be strong in your faith in Jesus Christ.

I just heard today from an Open Doors* video that there are currently about 360,000 Christians living in countries that severely persecute believers who have faith in Jesus Christ.  This is still very much an issue today as it was back in Paul and Barnabas' day.  The Source of reliance is still the same:  Jesus Christ.

After Paul and Barnabas had won the large number of disciples to Christ, strengthened and encouraged them to "remain true to the faith", look at the next step of progression in forming a more solidified assembly of believers.

The "Set-Up"... In each church, 

"they appointed elders" (Acts 14:23).

They didn't just simply pick them.  They had prayers and fastings.  Silences.  Waiting.  Waiting upon the Lord's direction to see how the Holy Spirit would direct.   Then they could,

 "commend them to the Lord in Whom they had put their trust" (vs  23).

They did this in each church in the area.  Three were mentioned.  How these men, Paul and Barnabas must have rejoiced, not in pride, but in the blessing from the Lord that He had counted them worthy of their calling to which He had called them.  They'd earned treasure for the Kingdom of God.

Three new nucleuses of potential to multiply and win futher large numbers of disciples for Christ.  Further assemblies and overrseers to in turn, continue "The Set-Up" process new church plant to new church plant and from generation to generation.  Our Heavenly Father no doubt delights to see this on-goingness of bearing fruit for Him.

                                                    ~ERC  October 2021~

Based on Acts 14:21-27 GoodNews/NIV.

*About the timing of this video, it's now January 2022, when I saw the video,  that I'm blogging this Set-Up  entry which was originally written in October 2021.

Lord's Day Devotion - Jesus' Hands

Lord Jesus, when we think of the work of Your hands, we cannot help but to praise You with grateful thanksgiving.  We think of all Your wondrous creation.  It's totally awe inspiring!  You just keep it coming too with all the sunrises, sunsets, rainbows and  all.  You, our Creator, Redeemer, Savior and Friend are even more beautiful and majestic.  We praise You  as we see Your splendor in the magnificience of Your creation and created beings.

There is more though.  The work of Your hands, accomplished by the ugliness of Your nail-pierced hands, side and feet was a sad, sorry, terrifying spectacle!  Wounded and dying there upon the cross, for me, for all of us human beings.  Oh Jesus, our unfailing Friend, how dear you are.  Thank-You for Your love for me and all mankind (another work of Your hands), that kept You up there.

You are our Potter, we the clay that rose up and spoke insolently back at You, sinning and sinful.  Out of Your deep love, You spun Yourself on the potter's wheel of this world.  Your purposeful stride upon this Earth, face set as a flint towards Jerusalem and the inevitable cross; living in human form, so that in Your perfect righteouness, You could die in our stead.  How Your Father's love and will was done and satisfied with this mammoth work of Your hands!

We are eternally grateful Jesus, to You.  You did not flinch, despite the whippings, beatings, mockings and spittings upon, from your purpose to redeem, ransom and reconcile us back to God and Yourself.  In You we now have redemption, forgiveness of sins, relationship with You and everlasting life, and so much more.

As we break the  bread  and  partake of it, and as we drink from that cup of wine together, we are reminded of this wonderful gift wrought at the cost of the work of your hands.

Thank-You for all you have done.

In Your Name, Lord Jesus, we bow in reverent awe and worship, giving you grateful praise.  

"Praise the Savior" all of You who know Him for that wondrous work wrought upon the cross by Jesus Christ our Savior, and hopefully, our Lord.

                                                    ~ERC  January 2022~

Sing, Praise the Savior, along with Marjitin de Groot, Grace Community Church, CA

Friday, January 21, 2022

Prayer - Gives Us Joy


Father God, I need You every hour.  Be my story and be my song.  Your Son Jesus is my blessed Redeemer.  All glory, honor and praise be unto Him!

Thank-You for the evidence of Your goodness and intervention in the lives of mankind, whether upon believers or unbelievers alike.  Like Your word says,  as Paul told the people of Lycaonia, the Good News is that the living God "who made heaven, earth, sea and all that is in them" (Acts 14:5 GoodNews) has,

"always given evidence of His existence by the good things He does:  He gives you rain from heaven and crops at  the right time; He gives you food and fills your hearts with happiness [and joy]" (Acts 14:17 Good News).

Father, You have not left Yourself without testimony.   You have shown all peoples and generations of the earth kindness (Acts 14:16-17 NIV).  We praise You for Your bring us joy. 


In Jesus' Name we praise and thank and have joy.

                                                    ~ERC  October 2021~

Based on Acts 14:14-20 NIV/GoodNews

Sing, Redeemed How I Love to Proclaim It, with Easy Worship Resources. (Gaither Homecoming)

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Shake the Dust


They were still shaking the dust off their feet like  Jesus had taught his disciples to do if a town or village didn't accept the message of the Kingdom of God.  This dust shaking seemed to have been part of the culture of those times, and therefore, made "useful" to Jesus' followers even after Jesus' ascension back to His Father's home in Heaven.

What did dust shaking signify?  Here's what the SPM Study Guide* for the book of Acts remarks,

"It was customary for Jews to shake off dust of a pagan town from their feet when they returned to their own land as a symbol of cleansing themselves from the impurity of sinners who do not worship God.  For Jews to do this to their own fellow Jews was equivalent to regarding them as no better than unbelieving Gentiles."

In other words, an insult, offensive to the core.  Yet, I also see what Jesus attached to the practice.  He said,

"Whatever house you enter, stay there until you leave that town.  If people do not welcome you, shake the dust off your feet when you leave their town, as a testimony against them" (Luke 9:4,  NIV.  See also Matthew 10:14 & Mark 6:11).

It was a "testimony against them".  Like saying, "We've brought you this message of saving grace through faith in Jesus Christ.  We did our part, our responsibility.  However, you townfolk have rejected this message, you will have to bear the consequences that might follow such rejection".

In the gospels, we hear of this practice but I didn't expect to see it in actual practice in Acts, although, I guess I shouldn't have been surprized.  The followers of Jesus Christ were continuing what had been taught earlier.

The effect of Barnabas and Paul literally doing this action against fellow Jews certainly stirred up more than a mere kettle of fish.  Barnabas and Paul had come, they had spoken the Word of God in the synagogue, people were believing.  That filled the Jewish religious leaders with jealousy, because they felt they had been publically affronted by Paul.

Paul said that because they rejected the message of Jesus, then he and Barnabas would bring it to the Gentiles.  Whoa!  No wonder there were bees (or more likely hornets) in those folks' bonnets!  It infuriated them yet Paul and Barnabas had to be faithful witnesses for Jesus and His message of salvation.  They spoke faithfully, courageously.

Despite the Gentiles joy and gladness of being singled out as recipients of the message, those who had rejected, stirred up persecution against Paul and Barnabas and "threw them out of their region" (vs 49, 50 Good News).

This is where more dust shaking came in.  Paul and Barnabas did not do this in revenge or retaliation but "as testimony against them."  Paul and Barnabas had imparted the message.  Those hearers had been free to accept or reject.  They chose rejection.  Paul and Barnabas were then clear of responsibility to the consequence of their rejection.  It was now all on those rejecters' shoulders.  The shaking of dust had "spoken" final words.

Just a further observation.  I do not believe that individuals who had earlier rejected could never, later, accept Jesus as Savior.  No, it was still possible to accept.  While there is life, there is still hope.  Do not be discouraged if you have, in earlier times, rejected Jesus.  Please come to Him now.  He is ready and waiting to hear from you.

Nonetheless, there will come a time when it will be forever too late.  If the rapture happens (that event when Jesus calls all believers up to be with Him - forever.)  There's no second chance then.

The other limiting factor would be if you passed away before accepting Jesus Christ as Savior.  Then in time to come, Jesus Himself will have to shake the dust of His feet off at you.  That makes me shiver.  Maybe that even sounds harsh and uncaring.  However, NOW is the time to accept.  NOW is your chance.  The message of Jesus is going out NOW.  Come to Him today.

Admit you are a sinner who sins.

Repent of this condition.

Believe this message.

Confess your sin and sorriness to Jesus in sincerity and truth.

Ask His forgiveness of sins and that you now want Him in your life.

Jesus will forgive and wash your sins away.

Thank Him for His salvation and rescue from the slavery and consequences of sin.

Joy in God and sing of His love.

Tell others.

                                                   ~ERC  October 2021~

Based on Acts 13:42-52 NIV/GoodNews

*SPM Study Gjuide to the Acts of the Apostles Bible Knowledge; Goh Kim Guat; c2009; Issachar Sdn. Bhd.

Saturday, January 15, 2022

Astonishing Answer

 Isn't it funny that when we receive an affirmative answer to our prayers of especially great fervancy and in the way we had desired that we have a hard time believing it has happened?  That's what happened to the folks at Mary's house.  They were in earnest prayer, no doubt praying "in faith" but still the difficulty in believing.  Perhaps they had been expecting some other type of answer thus the confusion their minds over the answer most longed for.  Rhoda believed but she was too overjoyed and excited to let Peter in.  

She persisted though when the others wouldn't believe her.  Combined with Peter's continued knocking, they finally re-opened the door and there, sure enough, stood the in-the-flesh Peter and not his ghost.  Astonishing!

Peter described how the Lord jailbroke him, left a message for "James and the other brothers and sisters" (vs 17) and then went off to destination unknown.

When the odds seem stacked against us most overwhelmingly, let us persist, in faith and earnest prayer.  The Lord does answer big or small prayers in the most unusual of ways.  There is power in the Name of Jesus.


                                                      ~ERC  October 2021~

Based on Acts 12:1-17 NIV.

Sing, Power in Prayer, with 11th Hour.

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Just Like Peter and Cornelius

 They were just praying.  It was the hour of Jewish prayer, so of course, they were praying.  They were not necessarily praying for what happened that day, to happen.  That's the shock of it all.  God honored their prayerfulness and godliness, though.  However, if  they hadn't been talking to God and expecting Him to speak with them, they may not have had or seen their visions because of the busyness and distractions of their lives.

Peter and his roof top vision of unclean food and Cornelius' vision to go find Peter at Simon the Tanner's were the powerful links the angel of God set in motion.  God was going to explode His audience coverage range.  The message of salvation was not going to be kept under the wraps of the Jewish banner, it was time to go forth into all the world, starting with that Gentile, Roman God-fearer, Cornelius.

God's ways are certainly wonderful, mysterious and amazing.   Doesn't it give you ripples of joy to think of how God orchestated all this?   I smile happily as I write about it.  He is so ingenius.

The thing is...we sing about a "sweet hour of prayer" and "a little talk with Jesus" but we need to examine ourselves and count the seconds we do spend talking to the Lord.  Do you count them only on one hand?  If we expect to hear from the Lod - we must give Him a bigger chance to do so.

Note that both Peter and Cornelius were following the Jewish hour of prayer time; there were three a day!  It's not that heaven's window of time is only at specified times - no; our Heavenly Father's ear is listening all the time.  Nevertheless, it is good to also have scheduled times of serious, get-down-to it, appointments with the Lord.

Was thinking of Geoge Muller - a warrior of prayer who indeed "moved mountains".  With him it wasn't certain set times of prayer but more that "praying without ceasing" type, in his den.  It was more  that he had only a set time of not praying in which other people could try to get a word in edgewise with him.

We are all different but the point is, are we in tune with our Heavenly Father, leaning and depending upon Him, communing with Him in the name of Jesus - just to be in His presence.  One never knows what revelations He'll share with us, or what missions He'll send us on.

Ha, ha.  Maybe that's what we are afraid of.  Peter was going against all custom and law of his Jewish upbringing and later on he was called into question for it too.  Questioning despite what had happened with Cornelius and his household.  You may have some explaining to do too, but that's the wild ride God may take some of us on, if our ears are attentive and our hearts are open through spending swathes of time with Him...just like Peter and Cornelius.

                                                  ~ERC  October 2021~

Based on Acts 10:1-33.

Book Review - The Italian Island - By Daniela Sacerdoti - Publication Date: 11 January 2022

 Set upon a quest to find her roots on behalf of her late father, Anna finds herself on the Italian Island of Galatea.  Mystery and mystique become, at first, a surprizing and somewhat scary aura surrounding her but later, she welcomes the episodes of visions which reveal what she wishes to know.  In this unfolding ancestory tale of her father's immediate connections, Anna meets Mira, Mimi, Lupo and others, eventually discovering who had been her real grandmother.

The culture of the sea and the romances that bloomed, are intertwined in the lives of the Islanders flavoring the tale and keeping the reader following with great interest.  The events are staged as WWII stretches its dark shadows, even to this innocuous looking island.  I have been astonished and stunned at the grips of fear, the twists and turns, discovering, along with Anna, the astonishing revelation.

I enjoyed the story and believe other readers of Historical Fiction and Romance will not be disappointed.  The story has plot, interesting cultural reveals, as the past and present hitch themselves together.

                                              ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                           December 2021

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

Sunday, January 9, 2022

Story - Chapter 1 - Shades Beyond the Dark Window


She looked out the window.  She couldn't see much.  It was night time.  Darkness, the mantle that shrouded the world beyond the glass panes.  It reflected her inner turmoil and terror.

Something startled her and she stepped further back into the darkened room.  No lights would gleam from her side of the window.  NO!  She could still see the square of outside inky night, hoping against hope nothing and no one could see her.

The only break in darkness was when the clouds parted back their curtains and let the moon light caress the elongated icicles hanging from the eaves.  It was as if the moon was trying to encourage and soothe her numbness with small glimmers of light,  creating sparkles like newly fashioned diamonds of hope and love.

She gasped, "Possible?!"  She doubted it but it did make her feel the teeniest bit, less afraid.

How had she gotten into this room anyway?  She was locked in.  She knew that because she'd tried the door handle.  It wouldn't budge.  Just her luck! 

She must have fainted, and fallen, hitting her head when she had run from Festus, his henchmen and hound dogs hot on her trail.  She had already been weak and dizzy at the outset with the starvation diet he'd had her on.  "Too fat and too stupid," he'd bellowed at her, slapping her for good measure.  She remembered that and the palpable dread, so why couldn't she remember her name or what happened and why she was now imprisoned in this place?

Festus' men must have found her and brought her to this other place but then why the water, bread and cheese on offer?  He wouldn't be kind like that.  That was another strange thing, she could recall his name, but not her own.

Maybe she wasn't a name.  She was a nothing, only chattal to be shoved and ordered about.  So much for being a cherished wife!  Ha, details coming back.  Not ones she really cared to recall.  Darkness of her memories, of her spirit - how symbolic- mirrored by dark night.

Tiptoeing back to the bed, she lay down.  The positioning let her face the window, where she again looked out.  Dark silhouettes of tree branches bounced and bobbed in the wind matching her pounding scared, exhausting thoughts.

She lay there contemplating the darkness inside and outside of the window.  Was the window her friend?  She didn't think so.  It would betray her the moment any filter of light pierced the darkness.  The darkness could possibly befriend her.  That was it...darkness = friend.  "Focus on that," she commanded herself.  "Love the darkness that hides and silences my presence."

Speaking of silence, it was suddenly shattered as if a plate had crashed to the floor.  She bolted from bed, standing, quivering in fear.  She glanced out the window, then she felt herself fall.  She fell bounce-landing on something, and lay still, not moving a muscle; stilling her desire to scream with strict self-commands.  She surprized herself that she still had a reserve of gumption.  For a 'nobody' of no name, that was something.

Shoutings and poundings and scufflings of someone looking viciously under, behind and in things.  She heard Festus' voice raging.  Cold fear instensified in her veins like zaps of a zillion lightning strikes.  He did not call her name except by some irrepeatable slur.  

Keep silent.  Silence was her weapon.  Darkness of voice and movement.  The thought went through her mind, "Someone is protecting me.  Helping me."



Someone with wisdom.  Someone who'd been looking out the window when she was on the other side struggling in the snow and ice.  Some who saw.  Someone who had light.  Maybe that someone even knew her name.  She relaxed minutely, and regulated her breathing, continuing to keep as still as a church mouse.

The thing she'd bounced on seemed like a trampoline.  It must have been purposely positioned under a trap door, the switch of which must have been operated by the unknown benefactor.  She hoped he or she would not be harmed.

The sounds above subsided and eventually all became deathly silent.  She dared to open her eyes but she may as well have kept them shut.  It was pitch dark in this place; darkness that could be felt, like being down a mine shaft with the lights switched off.  Like what her Papa had done when he had taken her once to his mine but that was so very long ago it almost seemed like a dream now.  Panicked bile began to rise up into her mouth.  "Keep calm," she whispered to herself in her mind.

"Is this how it would all end," she wondered?  The "me" with no name, in an undisclosed place, who was a 'nothing'?  Well, through the Festus' window of dubious prophecy, he constantly told me I'd come to nothing's nothing.

She remembered then, the mini-moon strokes dancing on the icicles outside the window.  Did that spell 'hope'?  Her mom used to say, "While there's life, there's hope.  Think on that,'  she encouraged herself again.  "A window of hope and glimmerings of life."

That would mean she could not go back to Festus.  He'd surely kill her, a slow torture to the death.  She wouldn't divorce him though as she didn't believe in it.  "Until death do us part" she'd chirruped naively in the days before she'd found out Festus' true character.  Death, indeed, but not by natural means.

What could she do if she did get a window of escape?  Run and hide, yes, but where and how?  Festus was like an octopus with far-reaching tentacles, subtly camouflaging himself, ingratiating himself on the unsuspecting as if he were a decent sort of chap.  She'd have to think of something.  Oh, wait, what was that they called it when you could get a new name, identity and address -- oh, witness protection.  Of course, I'd have to do it for myself as I can't rely on the authorities.  Thinking these embronic, new-life thoughts, she slowly drifted off to sleep.  

What must have been hours later, she sensed a change in the dark eerieness which woke her.  She opened her eyes.  She was still on the trampoline thing.  She looked up from whence she'd fallen and saw an outline of what looked like a latticed window, above her.  The outline was slowly illuminating more brightly.  A soft voice spoke.

"You are neither in Heaven, nor in Hell, nor in limbo, for that matter.  You are still alive on earth, but safe with me.  I know of your hardships and abuse suffered.  Allow me to take you away.  Live with and work for me until you get on your feet."

She didn't know whether to be scared or happy but the offer did seem to be an immediate solution.  She didn't know to whom the voice belonged nor what the work would be but the person sounded genuine.  Should she go for it?  There had been kindness and protection.  Guess it couldn't be worse than she'd already experienced in her short two decades of life.  She'd go for it.

"Ok," she whispered back.

The voice spoke again, "Alright, I will only get you out of there at dawn when Festus will be drunkenly asleep.  Will take you through the tunnel and whisk you away."

Quiet again.  She wasn't sure how long a wait 'til dawn but she tentatively sat up and rubbed the sleep from her eyes.  Interesting turn of life just around the corner.  A new window of opportunity awaited this woman of  'no name.'  She will have to find a new one as the light frightened away the darkness, and the shades beyond the dark window, lightened. 

At least she hoped that would be so.

                                                  ~ERC  October 2021~

This is the first episode in the Elaine series of short stories.  Its sequel is, Returning.

T. L. C.


He needed some merciful TLC!  What!?  A tyrant persecutor?  Do you really believe it?  He needs TLC!!?

Tender.  Loving.  Care (TLC).   Yes, Saul of Tarsus needed it.  He needed it despite his merciless despatching of Christians.  He'd been converted and God had to firmly send some nervously courageous brothers to administer  that TLC.

Ananias was hesitant but with the Lord's reassurances, faced "the lion" in its den.  Obedience.  Meekness.  Acquiescence to the Lord's direction.  With Ananias' intervention, Saul received his physical sight back and the Holy Spirit filled him.   He was baptized, strengthened with food, and then spent several days among the Damascus believers; the very ones he had come to toss into prison and/or kill.

Look at what the merciful TLC had achieved!

Saul, having been let down like a baby in a basket from the Damascus wall, Barnabas came along side him with a good dose of TLC.  He brought Saul to the apostles cuz the other believers there were too frightened of him.  They had cause alright, but Saul was a changed man; the persecutor had become the persecuted, and the reason he had left Damascus.  With the apostles, Saul was then able, again with Barnabas' TLC, to gain their trust and acceptance even if some may have still been on tenterhooks about Saul's sincerity.  

Most death threats on Sauls' life came to him as he boldly preached that Jesus is the Son of God, and in His Name he preached.  The TLC prescription this time was to remove him to Caesarea (the town of Philip the Evangelist ) and then from thence, had a send off to Tarsus, his hometown.

We can see how the Lord used some folks to help others.  This is God's way.  Hospitality intervention, immersed in TLC.  Brothers (and sisters) -in-Christ caring one for another.  This is life.

When we have opportunity to help in such ways, pray we will be ready and willing to 'take that chance' for Jesus and the good and benefit of other followers of Jesus Christ.

Lavish on the T.L.C.

                                                      ~ERC  October 2021~

Based on Acts 9 NIV/GoodNews

Sing, His Mercy is More, with Keith & Kristyn Getty; Matt Papa; Matt Boswell.

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Book Review - Dear John: Love and Loyalty Wartime America - By: Susan L. Curruthers - Publication Date: 6 January 2022

 I had no idea, nor could I have imagined it out, if I had not read this book about how much misery and calamitous emotions and reactions "Dear John" letters provoked; especially, upon active duty military personnel.  If one wishes to have their eyes opened to the damage caused to such a recipient of such a letter, this is a must read.  (Yes, there are "Dear Jane" letters that can be just as devastating.)

The author has really covered many bases with the infamy of this type of letter, I find.  She addresses the 'who,' of the sender, and the 'why's', as well as the various "lethal" reactions to them; how did, or did not, the military powers-that-be regard the matter over the years of the many wartimes, and whether there have been any remedial actions implemented to pre-empt them; and so on.

To say the least, I am rather dumbfounded at the "skirmishes" left in the wake of such letters, as well as the disloyal reasons 'why'.  Please read this book, especially if one knows someone in the military and/or contemplates sending  such a letter, email or delivery-by-phone, message.

                                            ~Eunice C.,  Blogger/Reviewer~

                                                        November 2021

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy given by the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Doing God a Favor

 Saul of Tarsus thought he was doing God a favor as he went where he could, scouring town and country for believers in Jesus to skewer.  We are all familiar with how God arrested Saul in his tracks, though.  Humbling experience.

His encounter on the road to Damascus left him in no doubt that he was horrendously wrong, the believers in Jesus were 100% correct, and that, most importantly, the Jesus he was persecuting was indeed God's Son.

Jesus is the Son of God.  Saul was convinced, unshakably, of this fact.  From that time on his impetus was to preach it, convincingly, at every opportunity and in every synagogue he came to.  He preached it boldy in the Name of the Lord, and began to get himself in trouble with the synagogue rulers because their apple cart was being upset.

Saul, who soon became referred to as Paul, never slowed his pace; an indefatigble man. The fire and zeal for Jesus burned within him and many came to Christ.  Praise the Lord for such Holy Spirit powered influence, obedience and willingness in Paul's life, serving the Lord Jesus with fevor and the grace of God.

We know from reading Acts and even from what we glean from Paul's epistles that his zealous care never waned.  We also learn that his mission and ministry was among the Gentile God-fearers and the harvest for Christ was monumental.

As we turn toward ourselves; that is, we followers of Jesus Christ, we need to examine and ask ourselves - have we grasped "Jesus is the Christ, the One and Only Son of God, our Savior?"  Have we this 'spur' to shine our light for Him, no matter our individual mission at home or abroad?  Let us all rise up and live for Him at every turn of our lives.  May we each have that pivotal epiphany that launches us into our good deeds, actions and sharing the message of Jesus, until He comes.  We will truly then, as did Saul-Paul after his conversion, be doing God a favor. * Amen.

                                                     ~ERC  October 2021~

Based on Acts 9 NIV/Good News

*P.S.  I know that God can do everything on His own but He graciously allows us to diddle away and "help" Him.  May we each be empowered by His unfailing love to serve Him in whatever capacity He's given us to work for Him.