Tuesday, December 14, 2021

The Spirit-filled Mouthpiece

 It's exciting to see how the Holy Spirit works.  In Acts 4 there is mention of two individuals and then a group of believers who were filled with Him and then spoke:  Peter and David, who were both  servants of the Lord.  They became Holy Spirit-filled mouthpieces of God, proclaiming Jesus Christ and the power of His name with boldness and articulate speech, in the case of Peter and the believer-servants.  

For David, he received the dimensions and other details of how to build the Temple and the arrangment of the priest services; which group of priests and Levites would offer the sacrifices, be gatekeepers,  singers and so on.  I believe his writings and poetry as seen mostly in Psalms, were also Holy Spirit led.  Isn't it a wonder?!

Back to Peter...when the members of the council heard Peter (& John's) defence, they realized, that,

"they were ordinary men of no education" (Good News) and "took note that these men had been with Jesus" (Acts 4:13 NIV).

Peter and John had been fishermen and therefore were likely never trained in rhetoric and public speaking,* and not so much as they were completely uneducated.  For them to be engaged in convincing public speaking, bold, clear, and succinct, was indeed, supernatural and Holy Spirit driven.

Later when Peter and John were back among the believers (Acts 4:23-31), detailing their experience with the council, Peter prays and the whole group get an immediate answer.

"They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to proclaim God's message with boldness" (Acts 4:31 Good News)
It was not unintelligible blabber either.  They were not filled with themselves, rather, they were filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the "word of God" (NIV) intelligently.  The hearers knew and understood the message because the speakers were fluent, persuasive and eloquent.  God had His witnesses, and the group of believers grew.

May our voices be raised in prayer and each of us be filled with the Holy Spirit and be His courageous and bold mouthpieces as He gives the opportunity.  May we exude His fruit in our attitudes, speech and actions so all will know, understand and believe the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  May God's family grow and grow.

                                                      ~ERC  September 2021~

Based on Acts 4:8, 25, 31 (NIV & Good News)

*footnotes of SPM A Study Guide to the Acts of the Apostles pg 16.

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