This is a very alluring narrative! I'm NOT so sure I can say I enjoyed it but I was mesmerized by it. "Not enjoyed" because who would want to have a life of degradation brought on by family circumstances and/or poor choices? Who would want the struggle and battle with bi-polar issues and depression?
As I swung through the smorgasbord of trials and troubles and injustices of incest and rape that Mary Magdalene (Mags) and others endured, I can see how she'd have 'demons' that plagued her and one can see, but not necessarily agree with, why she turned to drink and more, to dull the nightmarish memories. It was all so graphic, that I had to check more than once, "was this fiction or non-fiction?" By-the-way, parental guidance may be needed with this one.
To realize that this faith-based story is actually fiction, took time to sink in. I believe that it is commentary very close to truth and many people live lives propelled by lust, greed, pursuit of wealth and so on in such ways that 'demons' really do 'haunt' them such as the main character, Miss Mary Mags, encountered.
I did enjoy meeting other allegorical Bible characters such as Sal (short for Salmon)and Rahab; to mention two of them. There's a Character Glossary at the end of the book that will lead you to their person namesake in the Bible.
On a positive note, those who suffer from depression, bi-polar or other mental illnesses, will relate well to Mag's story and strength, I believe, and like Mags, find hope and comfort in how she eventually coped and overcame the abject traumas of her life.
Besides Jesus, one of the addenda, is a resource list of places (USA but likely similar in other countries) a person and/or family member relative of one with such mental health issues, can find help and assistance. It is not something to be ashamed of nor to keep secret. There is help available and you can get correct treatment.
~Eunice C., Reviewer/Blogger~
December 2021
Disclaimer: This is my honest opinion based on the reivew copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.
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