Saturday, December 25, 2021

So the Gospel Spread


The apostles listened to the women!  They did not set up a committee though, to examine whether the alligations of neglect were true.  They were pro-active.  So that they did not become distracted from their mission of preaching God's Word, the apostles commissioned seven men to the administration of equality among the saints of different groups of believers.  These men, who were

 "full of the Holy spirit and wisdom" (Acts 6:3 GNT), 

were to account for the finances and the distribution of food.  They became "kitchen aids" for Christ and His people.

These seven men became the hospitality detail for the homefront while the apostles could give their,

"full time (and attention) to prayer and the work of preaching" and "administering the word" (Acts 6:4 GNT/NIV),

and go out into all the world to do so.

"The whole group was pleased with the apostles' proposal..." (Acts 6:5 GNT).
 The whole group then chose the seven according to the apostles' criteria and presented them to the apostles.  I like how the apostles did not claim monopoly on such decisions.  Instead, they allowed leeway and gave the "congregation" respect and confidence to make the wise decisions according to guidelines.  Notice the apostles didn't further interview the seven men.  No.  Once these men were presented to them, the apostles laid their hands on them, commissioning them to their sphere of ministry.  No doubt the Holy Spirit would have alerted the apostles to anything amiss, for they were alert and attuned to the Holy Spirit's voice and guidance.  

I'm kind of imagining this dedication service as similar to Moses' consecrating Aaron to the high priesthood, and Aaron's sons to the priestly work of the worship and sacrifices to God, and to the various roles of service.  Wonderful times of commissioning.  Glorious moments initiating new things for God their Heavenly Father.

Meanwhile, back in the kitchen and dining room, peace and harmony were restored.  A big hoo-haw avoided.  The apostles could still spread the word of God unabaited.

The result?  I love it!

"The number of disciples in Jerusalem increased rapidly, and a large number of priests became obedient to the faith" (Acts 6:7 NIV).

All this because the apostles took the women seriously.  They must have learned from Jesus and His treatment of women, not to shame, ignore or humiliate; nor to treat them as chattal as was the society of the day's way.

Of course, I'm not advocating any one particular group domineer but rather when "matters arise,"  those in leadership will regard those with issues, seriously and have wise response, and even to handing some responsibility over to those bringing up the matters.  Additionally, the group with the conflict, should be willing to accept the solution suggested, along with prayer and seeking the Lord's will.

The purpose?  So the whole group will learn to,

"...make every effort to keep unity of the spirit through the bond of peace" (Ephesians 4:3 NIV).  

Beyond this, so that the Word of God can continue spreading and large numbers of people will accept faith in Jesus Chrst, making Him their personal Savior and Lord.

Can I get an "Amen"?

May the blessing of such unity continue to be among and upon each of the readers' church family and beyond today.  May the Lord add fmany souls to His family and 'yours'.

                                                    ~ERC  September 2021~

Based on Acts 6:1-7 NIV/GNT

Sing, Bringing in the Sheaves, along with Marshall Hall and Friends

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