Saturday, December 18, 2021

Even Women

 It's delightful to see that women, finally, get some equal mention as do the men.  In the ancient world, women were rated down there as some of the lowest chattal among chattal.  Here, however, are some courageous women, right there, on par, with men.

This is not a women's activist speech though.  It is just noteworthy that even though many people did not "dare to join" (Acts 5:13) due to the "great fear that had seized" the saved and unsaved due to the incident with Ananias and Sapphira's lying to the Holy Spirit, some brave men and women still believed and joined themselves together with the growing band of believers.  They both got 'honorable' and equal mention.

There could be no half-hearted joining, that's for sure.  It was do you believe, or not?  Full stop.  Will you live the truth, or not?!  Full stop!

"...More and more people were added to the group," (Acts 5:14 Good News),

because they believed in the Lord; even the women.

Let's pray this will still happen today.  Pray also for those in countries where believers get persecuted for their faith in Jesus Christ.  He alone has power to save and to raise us up to be His precious jewels whether man, woman or child.

Praise the Lord!

                                                  ~ERC  September 2021~

Based on Acts 5:12-16 NIV/Good News.

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