Tuesday, December 28, 2021

The Next Assignment


We never know what our next assignment will be.  Philip, one of the seven chosen to wait on tables, probably never dreamed he'd become an evangelist.  Oh, it was his launching pad though.

Persecution was the spark that launched him, him and many others scatttering them to the four winds.  Philip 

"went to the principle city of Samaria and preached the Messiah to the people there" (Acts 8:4 Good News).

The people paid close attention, many were healed, others had evil spirits cast out and most importantly, many believed the message of Jesus Christ, that their salvation came  through Him.  They believed and had "great joy".

Now, as we recall the qualifications of the seven men chosen to wait on tables, making sure all the widows were equally served, you'll remember the apostles said these men  would need to be;  "known to be full of the spirit and wisdom" (Acts 6:3 NIV).  Philip was second on that list after Stephen.  Not sure that meant anything in particular though.  The detail to focus on here is "full of the Spirit". 

As Philip went from assignment to assignment, even in this brief "newscast" of his recorded 'doings', we see he was indeed full of Him.  He was senstive to the Holy Spirit's guidance and was willingly obedient.  However, we can note that Philip had a different catalyst that brought him to another next assignment.

Take a look.  The first, as already mentioned was the persecution that started off his evangelizing.  Next, "an angel of the Lord" told him to get ready and go "south to the Desert Road" (Acts 8:26 NIV/Good News).  The next breath there states, "so he started out"....  Catch this...willing obedience acts straight away.  It seemed to be Philip's mode of operation.

This brings us alongside the chariot of the high ranking official of Candace, Queen of Ethiopia.  This man was reading, pondering and puzzling upon Scripture; whatever could it mean?

The table-waiter cum evangelist, Philip, who seemed to have been 'fit' as well, jogged along beside until he was invited up.  Philip explained that it was all about Jesus and his need of salvation.  Jesus - the one the eunuch had been reading about.  This ended in joy and rejoicing for the eunuch.

In the third recorded impetus, Philip was whisked away suddenly, by "the Spirit of the Lord".  Before he knew what hit him, Philip was on his next assignment.  We can imagine how his mind was trying to keep up with where his body was.  

"He found himself in Azotus" (Acts 8:40 Good News).

Philip found his feet, which was quite a feat, considering what had just happened to him; flying with the Holy Spirit?!  Anyway, he didn't dwell on that too much as we might have.  He traveled about on foot, quite possibly, 

"preaching the gospel in all the towns until he reached Caesrea" (Acts 8:40 NIV).

He didn't waste his opportunities.

It seems that Philip lived in Caesarea.  The next honorable mention of him is in Acts 21 verses 8 and 9.  "Philip the Evangelist's house" was open for hospitality.  The apostle Paul and at least, also Luke, stayed there.

Philip's four unmarried daughters prophesied.  Indeed, this "kitchen aid, table waiter" cum evangelist, went from strength to strength in the power and authority of the Holy Spirit of whom he was full.  Willingly, he embraced each next assignment no matter how they transpired.  What a special man of God, we too can emulate.  Even his daughter's prophesied.  His household was in order, what an honor to have been one of his daughters.

Only the Lord knows how wide and vast Philip's influence was but it seems his attuning to the Holy Spirit's direction and obedience, even to jobs such as waiting on tables, which most men would have shunned and left to the women.   He humbly and willingly applied himself thereto with right good will, to his Master's voice and will.

Philip is said to have died on 11 October (1st century).  Could not discover the how's and why's of it or if he had been martyred.  We cannot confuse Philip the Evangelist with Philip theApostle.  Neither should we worship this Philip; however, we can follow the faith he had had.  We can follow the obedience to the Holy Spirit he had had.  Before that following though, we need to attune our hearts and minds to wanting to willingly obey the direction and guidance given, as Philip had had; listening in expectancy to hear his voice, no matter what the next assignment may bring.

Go forth and do great exploits for the Lord.  Let the message of Jesus ring out.

                                                 ~ERC  October 2021~

Based on Acts 8 (NIV/Good News).

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