Do you ever feel shocked about God's way of dealing with sin in a person's life? Some of His consequences meted out have been immediate and drastic. Why would Achan's sin in the Old Testament and Ananias and Sapphira's (NT) be dealt with so severely but others like King David's, who was also stealthy in the incident with Bathsheba, not be punished as immediately?
The answer lies in the context, I think. Think of each, of Achan in Joshua chapter 7 and then of Ananias and Sapphira in Acts5:1-11. This was pointed out to me in my morning reading.
In Achan's case, look at the time in the history of the children of Israel. They'd had their escape and rescue from the slavery in Egypt. They'd endured their 40 years of wilderness wanderings and they were at the cusp of the conquest of Canaan. A new chapter, let's say, in the life and times of God's chosen nation was beginning.
Now look at Ananias and Sapphira's timing. Jesus had rescued the whole of mankind from the slavery of sin, death, Satan and Hell, by His death on the cross and His resurrection from death. Pentacost had happened and the group of believers had received the Holy Spirit. Many were coming to Christ through faith in Him and His work of salvation on their behalf.
The church - God's chosen bride for Christ, was in its infant stage but growing. The brothers and sisters-in-Christ were filled with the Holy Spirit. They listened to Him and did many signs, wonders and good works on behalf of their Christian community and the poor and needy in general. Many gave with hearts full of love and gratitude and sincerity to the Lord of their own possessons and money.
Enter Ananias and Sapphira's deceitful giving. They were in "full agreement" to keeping back some of the sum of their earnings from selling a piece of their property. They gave as if they'd given all. They may have deceived the group of believers but they did not pull the wool over the eyes of the Holy Spirit.
"By lying to God's community they were essentially lying to God"*
Achan had also lied to the 'community' of Israel but he was ultimately lying to God.
Note the timing of both incidents, one from the OT and the second from the NT, were both at the beginning of something new God was starting. In Achan's case, it was the beginning of the conquest of Canaan - the Promised Land God had promised to give them. In the latter case of Ananaias and Sapphira, it was at the start of the churches' mission, to meet together and form local gatherings but to also go out into all the world and preach the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Jesus is Truth (John 14:6). In both the Old and New Testament cases, if God had allowed them all to drift along and not uncover the truth about the deceit, it would have compromised God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, Who stand for truth and who are Truth!
Lying could not be tolerated and God needed to teach the respective communities a big lesson. Very sobering indeed.
Here's another quotation that says it so succinctly,
"The act was very critical in the life and mission of God's was important for God to show clearly from the beginning that He would not tolerate such hypocrisy annd deceit." *
Thus the immediate and drastic consequences meted out Very sobering indeed. Acts 5:11 says everyone was "terrified" (Good News) or "great fear seized them" (NIV).
God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit were not to be trifled with. This may seem like harsh treatment but it sure did get the message across. However, we do know that mankind's heart is forever deceiful (1 John 1:8-9). It is good we have recourse through Jesus when we come repentantly to Him and confess our sins.
King David did just that. He still suffered consequences. His first baby with Bathsheba died as a newborn. Three other of his sons died young-ish and violent deaths.
Truth and grace go hand-in-hand yet we should not take our own sin lightly. God loves us but He is also just and righteous. He wants us to live holy lives which includes being honest and telling the truth, living for the truth and following Truth. Let's be sensitive to the Holy Spirit's voice exposing deceitful ways in our own lives and then follow His leading and guiding into all truth.
We can pray for ourselves and our own community of believers that truth in all aspects and members will be upheld. Let us worship the Lord in Spirit and in truth. Followers of Jesus, follow Truth.
~ERC September 2021~
Based on Joshua 7 and Acts :1-11 (NIV/Good News).
* SPM - A Study Guide to the ACTS of the Apostles ible Knowledge; Goh Kim Guat; @200; Issachar Sdn. Bhd. Malaysia.
Sing, I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life, Quizworx Kid's Church
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