Friday, December 10, 2021

His Wonderful Name


What a wonderful Name is Jesus, our Savior and Lord.  The name 'Jesus' 

"...expresses the very nature of His being.  Therefore, the power of His person is present and available in the name of Jesus."*

All the saving grace is in the name of Jesus.  All His aseity; all His divineness; all His power and authority to give strength to heal, to raise people and Himself is in His name.  All Jesus' power and authority to do signs and wonders are in His name and to dispell the evil powers of darknes.  The list could go on, of all Jesus is.

So saying the name of Jesus is most powerful.  Do not use His name in vain!

Peter, John, Paul and the other apostles used the name of Jesus to heal and do other signs and wonders but mostly they invoked Jesus' Name for salvation to lead their hearers to repentance and salvation.  Peter declared to the rulers and elders of the people,

"Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved" (Acts 4:12 NIV).

The people and the leaders got his messge for it was their belief that the 'essence' of a person is in their name.  They could relate and connect to Peter's statement.

The rulers and elders,

 "...took note..." 

that Peter and John... 

"...had been with Jesus" (Acts 4:13 NIV).

In the name of Jesus, the crippled man walked and leaped and had great joy, to the astonishment of all the people observing.  It was in the name of Jesus, Peter prayed, not asking for good weather, journeying mercies or good health, but to consider the threats against him and the other apostles; to be given boldness to speak the name of Jesus and His message to all; to be able to 

"heal and perform miraculous signs and wnders" (Acts 4:21-30 NIV).

It was in Jesus' holy name that they were then...

"...filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly" (Acts 4:31 NIV).

They got what they asked for.  Wonderful, isn't it!

It was in the name of Jesus... 

"...all the believers were one in heart and mind;"  

that compelled them,  they were on fire for this Name and they sold their possessions, shared, and gave to the poor and needy persons.  There is wonder working power in the  name of Jesus.

Do we understand?  Do we comprehend?  Do we 'get it' like the apostles, disciples and even the religious leaders had to admit, that the Name of Jesus is most powerful!?


Jesus' name is higher than any other name as He is the LORD most high.  Fully God.  Fully man.  When we realize, or begin to even scratch the surface of realiztion of this Name Jesus - what will we do with the insight?

Praise, worship, honor, adore, revere, speak His Name with reverence and care but be emboldened to speak to Him and for Him and to do signs and wonders, as He leads and guides us by His Holy Spirit.  May the Name of Jesus be sweet, and cherished and mighty upon our lips, and as His Name passes through them, sing, what a beautiful Name, the Name of Jesus Christ my LORD and Savior is.

                                                     ~ERC September 2021~

Based on Acts 3 and 4 (NIV).

Sing, What a Beautiful Name, with Hillsong singers.

*Quote adapted from "Interesting Stuff" notes in - A Study Guide to the Acts of the Apostles SPM; Goh Kim Guat; C2005; Issachar Sdn Bhd.

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