Thursday, December 30, 2021


 Is it because we don't believe the Holy Spirit is as active and the same as He was back in the days of Acts, that we are afraid to preach the message of Jesus as freely as the early Christians did?  They walked from place to place and preached as they went along, town by town.  They preached boldly.

Almost immediately as they were converted and had received the Holy Spirit's indwelling, they were 'filled with the Spirit,' rejoiced and went out and preached.  It all went without saying.  It just happened as a natural course  of action and spontaneous reactional response; a chain reaction that happened.  The Holy Spirit's filling does that.

It did it to Saul of Tarsus, you know, the one who became known as Paul the apostle.  He just could not help himself, nor stop himself.  This characterized most of the other early Christaians too:  Peter; John; Stephen; Philip the Evangelist, to name some.  It was not showbiz, it was sincere reality.

So, I ask, why don't we do so nowadays?  So openly, with threat of persecution is still just as real and imminent.  Urgency is not part of our fabric.  Fear incapacitates.  Fear of man instead of fear of God.  I admit it.  We hold back.  We are sick.  The Holy Spirit's power and authority is suppressed  and we don't shine with His light.

Don't we want to?  

I say I do but then...then I feel myself shrink back. Fear.  Dread.  Find excuses not  to sally forth.  Not to speak.  Blockage of my own making.  Use of pen, can.  Indirectly.  Yes, they say we each have our own gifts.   I hide behind that; make it an excuse and tell myself, you are still getting the message out.  

Is it enough?

Jesus, I feel like I should  be doing more.  To be courageous and walk the streets and  tell Your message of love and forgiveness. People are perishing and I live complacently.  Walk and pray in the streets of our neighborhoods to start. Walk with us.

Give us the words.  Give us the courage.  Holy Spirit help.  Fill us.  Help us overcome our fears, shortcomings and excuses.  Pass us not oh gentle Savior.  Hear our humble, distraught cry.  Remove our blockages.  Make us enough to preach in the name of Jesus wherever You open our mouth in compulsion to do so.  Use us.

Father, may the numbers in Your church grow through the help of Your Holy Spirit.  Strengthen and make us all grow and live only in the  reverence and fear of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  

In  Jesus' Name, we beseech You.

                                                     ~ERC  October 2021~

Based on Acts  9 NIV/GoodNews

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

The Next Assignment


We never know what our next assignment will be.  Philip, one of the seven chosen to wait on tables, probably never dreamed he'd become an evangelist.  Oh, it was his launching pad though.

Persecution was the spark that launched him, him and many others scatttering them to the four winds.  Philip 

"went to the principle city of Samaria and preached the Messiah to the people there" (Acts 8:4 Good News).

The people paid close attention, many were healed, others had evil spirits cast out and most importantly, many believed the message of Jesus Christ, that their salvation came  through Him.  They believed and had "great joy".

Now, as we recall the qualifications of the seven men chosen to wait on tables, making sure all the widows were equally served, you'll remember the apostles said these men  would need to be;  "known to be full of the spirit and wisdom" (Acts 6:3 NIV).  Philip was second on that list after Stephen.  Not sure that meant anything in particular though.  The detail to focus on here is "full of the Spirit". 

As Philip went from assignment to assignment, even in this brief "newscast" of his recorded 'doings', we see he was indeed full of Him.  He was senstive to the Holy Spirit's guidance and was willingly obedient.  However, we can note that Philip had a different catalyst that brought him to another next assignment.

Take a look.  The first, as already mentioned was the persecution that started off his evangelizing.  Next, "an angel of the Lord" told him to get ready and go "south to the Desert Road" (Acts 8:26 NIV/Good News).  The next breath there states, "so he started out"....  Catch this...willing obedience acts straight away.  It seemed to be Philip's mode of operation.

This brings us alongside the chariot of the high ranking official of Candace, Queen of Ethiopia.  This man was reading, pondering and puzzling upon Scripture; whatever could it mean?

The table-waiter cum evangelist, Philip, who seemed to have been 'fit' as well, jogged along beside until he was invited up.  Philip explained that it was all about Jesus and his need of salvation.  Jesus - the one the eunuch had been reading about.  This ended in joy and rejoicing for the eunuch.

In the third recorded impetus, Philip was whisked away suddenly, by "the Spirit of the Lord".  Before he knew what hit him, Philip was on his next assignment.  We can imagine how his mind was trying to keep up with where his body was.  

"He found himself in Azotus" (Acts 8:40 Good News).

Philip found his feet, which was quite a feat, considering what had just happened to him; flying with the Holy Spirit?!  Anyway, he didn't dwell on that too much as we might have.  He traveled about on foot, quite possibly, 

"preaching the gospel in all the towns until he reached Caesrea" (Acts 8:40 NIV).

He didn't waste his opportunities.

It seems that Philip lived in Caesarea.  The next honorable mention of him is in Acts 21 verses 8 and 9.  "Philip the Evangelist's house" was open for hospitality.  The apostle Paul and at least, also Luke, stayed there.

Philip's four unmarried daughters prophesied.  Indeed, this "kitchen aid, table waiter" cum evangelist, went from strength to strength in the power and authority of the Holy Spirit of whom he was full.  Willingly, he embraced each next assignment no matter how they transpired.  What a special man of God, we too can emulate.  Even his daughter's prophesied.  His household was in order, what an honor to have been one of his daughters.

Only the Lord knows how wide and vast Philip's influence was but it seems his attuning to the Holy Spirit's direction and obedience, even to jobs such as waiting on tables, which most men would have shunned and left to the women.   He humbly and willingly applied himself thereto with right good will, to his Master's voice and will.

Philip is said to have died on 11 October (1st century).  Could not discover the how's and why's of it or if he had been martyred.  We cannot confuse Philip the Evangelist with Philip theApostle.  Neither should we worship this Philip; however, we can follow the faith he had had.  We can follow the obedience to the Holy Spirit he had had.  Before that following though, we need to attune our hearts and minds to wanting to willingly obey the direction and guidance given, as Philip had had; listening in expectancy to hear his voice, no matter what the next assignment may bring.

Go forth and do great exploits for the Lord.  Let the message of Jesus ring out.

                                                 ~ERC  October 2021~

Based on Acts 8 (NIV/Good News).

Monday, December 27, 2021

Angelic Face or Dirty Look?

Stephen was one of those seven men commissioned to be 'kitchen aids' of hospitality and keepers of finances overseeing daily distribution of food for widows.  This, so the apostles could devote their full time and attention on prayer and the ministry of preaching the Word of God and gospel of Jesus Christ.

These ministers of money and food had been chosen because they were known to be "full of the Spirit and wisdom".  Stephen was specifically known to also have been "a man full of faith" (vs 5) as well as the Holy Spirit (Acts 6:3-5 NIV).

Here's more of Stephen's character and blessing:  he was "richly blessed by God" (GNT Acts 6:8) and "a man full of God's grace and power" (Acts 6:8 NIV).  His blessing was grace and power from God.  Besides his kitchen duties and serving tables, the blessings of God enabled him to do "great wonders and miraculous signs among the people" (vs 8).  Isn't it wondrous!

Then the bitter pill of opposition arose, instigated by "little" men full of the spirit of jealousy and rage.  Nevertheless, the Holy Spirit was with Stephen granting him wisdom to refute the arguments presented by members of the synagogue of the Freedmen.  They could not stand up against him.

Not to be outdone, their next tactic these little men presented was to "secretly persuade," likely through bribery, to falsely accuse Stephen of having said things he obviously would NOT say:  i.e., blasphemy against Moses and God (vs 11).  They even produced false witnesses to testify to it (vs 13)!  Some things never change.  They did this to Jesus too.

Stop and think a minute.  If you'd been falsely accused about anything, what would your reaction be?  Angelic face?  Dirty look?

Those actual accusors from among the Sanhedrin "looked intently at Stephen during this fiasco (vs 15 NIV).  Stephen's countenance was "like the face of an angel" (vs 15 NIV).  It must have been somewhat unsettling for them.

With angelic look upon his face, Stephen began his verbal defence.  He reiterated their Jewish history as we read in Acts 7, remarking on times of Israelite rebellion against God and Moses who granted them mercy; of Joshua, David, Solomon and so on, bringing them up-to-date with their disposal of Jesus Christ.  Stephen used the adjective, "stiff-necked" (Acts 7:51 NIV) with which, he said, this generation of religious leaders were characterized.  They'd killed the "Righteous One" (7:52 NIV).  He told them they "always resisted the Holy Spirit" (Acts 7:51 NIV).

This made the leaders all the more angry.  Then with waves of dirty looks and frowns of explosive anger burgeoning upon their faces, they stoned Stephen to death.  Stephen, still full of the Holy Spirit, looked up and saw God and Jesus, remarked about what he saw.  The stones came then, harder and faster, in full-blown rage.

Before his last breath, Stephen managed to cry out, 

"Lord, do not hold this sin against them" (Acts 7:60 NIV). 
 He then "fell asleep" in Jesus.  

Forgiveness.  Mercy.  How sweet the sound and how like Christ, Stephen had been.

May we allow the Holy Spirit sway within us too, in our day and age.  May we become Christ-like, even in the face of strong opposition as Stephen had done, and that with angelic look upon his face!.. 

Thank-You, Jesus for Your Holy Spirit's indwelling and dynamic power we Your followers, can have when we allow Him to work within and through us.  May our faces shine with angelic look on Your behalf, come what may!  May our character shine as Stephen's had done.

Big talk, but we seek your help Father, through Jesus and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

                                                   ~ERC  September 2021~

Based on Acts 6:8-15 and Acts 7 NIV/GoodNews

Sing, All Hail the Power of Jesus Name, with Maranatha.

and A Mighty Fortress is Our God, with Michael W. Smith

Saturday, December 25, 2021

So the Gospel Spread


The apostles listened to the women!  They did not set up a committee though, to examine whether the alligations of neglect were true.  They were pro-active.  So that they did not become distracted from their mission of preaching God's Word, the apostles commissioned seven men to the administration of equality among the saints of different groups of believers.  These men, who were

 "full of the Holy spirit and wisdom" (Acts 6:3 GNT), 

were to account for the finances and the distribution of food.  They became "kitchen aids" for Christ and His people.

These seven men became the hospitality detail for the homefront while the apostles could give their,

"full time (and attention) to prayer and the work of preaching" and "administering the word" (Acts 6:4 GNT/NIV),

and go out into all the world to do so.

"The whole group was pleased with the apostles' proposal..." (Acts 6:5 GNT).
 The whole group then chose the seven according to the apostles' criteria and presented them to the apostles.  I like how the apostles did not claim monopoly on such decisions.  Instead, they allowed leeway and gave the "congregation" respect and confidence to make the wise decisions according to guidelines.  Notice the apostles didn't further interview the seven men.  No.  Once these men were presented to them, the apostles laid their hands on them, commissioning them to their sphere of ministry.  No doubt the Holy Spirit would have alerted the apostles to anything amiss, for they were alert and attuned to the Holy Spirit's voice and guidance.  

I'm kind of imagining this dedication service as similar to Moses' consecrating Aaron to the high priesthood, and Aaron's sons to the priestly work of the worship and sacrifices to God, and to the various roles of service.  Wonderful times of commissioning.  Glorious moments initiating new things for God their Heavenly Father.

Meanwhile, back in the kitchen and dining room, peace and harmony were restored.  A big hoo-haw avoided.  The apostles could still spread the word of God unabaited.

The result?  I love it!

"The number of disciples in Jerusalem increased rapidly, and a large number of priests became obedient to the faith" (Acts 6:7 NIV).

All this because the apostles took the women seriously.  They must have learned from Jesus and His treatment of women, not to shame, ignore or humiliate; nor to treat them as chattal as was the society of the day's way.

Of course, I'm not advocating any one particular group domineer but rather when "matters arise,"  those in leadership will regard those with issues, seriously and have wise response, and even to handing some responsibility over to those bringing up the matters.  Additionally, the group with the conflict, should be willing to accept the solution suggested, along with prayer and seeking the Lord's will.

The purpose?  So the whole group will learn to,

"...make every effort to keep unity of the spirit through the bond of peace" (Ephesians 4:3 NIV).  

Beyond this, so that the Word of God can continue spreading and large numbers of people will accept faith in Jesus Chrst, making Him their personal Savior and Lord.

Can I get an "Amen"?

May the blessing of such unity continue to be among and upon each of the readers' church family and beyond today.  May the Lord add fmany souls to His family and 'yours'.

                                                    ~ERC  September 2021~

Based on Acts 6:1-7 NIV/GNT

Sing, Bringing in the Sheaves, along with Marshall Hall and Friends

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Christmas Candle Window Walk Evening

Leticia Chinery huffed and puffed her way down the sidewalk at remarkably quick-step march.  Her arms were laden with Christmas gifts in bags and parcels aplenty.  A large sack hung over her shoulder swinging and swishing like a tail and sometimes bumping into her backside as she went along.  Somehow or other she managed to clutch the top part of the sack in her hand so it wouldn't escape.  There were homespun quilts of wonder and beauty inside that sack.  They were destined for the women's shelter the next town over.  Letty, her nickname from birth, aimed for home right now, though.  She and her quilting buddies would deliver the quilts tomorrow and have a mini-celebration with whichever of their abused and battered sisters were there.

Letty glanced left and right at all the houses en route.  "They will dazzle, at night," she thought.  She noted which homes had candles in the windows and promised herself, "Come what may, I'm coming out for a stroll this evening to see all the deco lights but especially the lit candles".  

Oh, how she loved window candles!  They reminded her of her home, growing up.  Her Mom, about two weeks before Christmas, would set up a candle in each the windows in every room of the house.  She loved looking at them, especially from outdoors, at night, when they shone.

Letty continued the tradition with her own family and did so still even though she and Linc were empty nesters. She'd put her candles up a week ago.  She reminisced the yearly explanation her Mom gave and that, of course, she similarly passed on to her own children.  

She'd say, "Do you know what my name Leticia means?"

When they were younger, her children would vie to answer, shouting, "JOY!"

"OK, why Joy?"

"Well," they'd chorus, not to be outdone by each other, "you were born at Christmas time and you brought joy to Grandpa and Grandma."

"Right again, children," Letty'd say.

"Now, why do Grandma and I love to have candles in the windows?"

Again, they'd gleefully answer, "Because we celebrate Jesus' birthday and He is the Light of the world.  He brought the Light of His salvation and joy to our hearts.  To remind us," they'd finish.

"Oh my children.  You are correct again.  Always remember this.  Also, because we have Jesus, we are supposed to be light to the world too."

"Yes, Mammy!"

They loved it and she loved it.  She smiled happily as she trudged  up her walkway to her inviting home-sweet-home door, which was currently wreathed in evergreen bower.  And, you guessed it, the wreath framed a candle in the door window.

Merrily, Letty carefully cinched up her overflowing hands to reach the doorbell and rang it.  She really couldn't manage the key and the bundles simultaneously.  She chuckled  when her husband Lincoln opened the door, shocked to see her and her overflowing burdens.  "Hello dear, haul me in!" she grinned.

She was about out of puff and huff.  She really should shed a few kilos but ugh, how could she at Christmastime, the jolliest time of the year for her.  "I'd love a wee spot of tea, dear Linc.  I'm about out of tucker."

"I can see why, Letty.  Why didn't you call me, I'd of come to fetch your burdens.  Oh and you, too," he teased.

"I wanted to see all the Christmas deco cheer, dear," Letty rhymed, as she unburdened herself of her armloads, whooshing out a great contented sigh as she flopped into her armchair.  "Give me a bit to catch my breath and I'll join you in the kitchen."

"Ok, dear," Lincoln smiled.  He loved his Leticia.  She was always so good-hearted, generous, and caring, and these statistics skyrocketed this time of year, he noted. Always outdoing herself.  She'd come home needing pampering but he didn't mind.  He still loved her deeply after all these 35 some years but it might be time to pull on the reigns a bit.  They weren't getting any younger.  He guessed though what she'd say if he mentioned it.

He quoted softly to himself,

"Even a fool is counted wise when he holds his peace" (Proverbs 17:28).

Ha, ha.  "It's a useful memory verse".  He laughed to himself at his own private joke as he busied himself with the tea things.  His Letty was a wonder.  

He was just putting the finishing touches to their tea when she came out looking a mite better than when she'd arrived.  She, true to her name, brought joy, sunshine and sparkle to his life.

"I'm so grateful to you Linclon; you do know that, right?  I couldn't do what I do without your back-up support," she thanked him from the bottom of her heart.

"Yes dear Letty, I know.  I couldn't do without you.  I'm more of a "slow lane" chap and do love to fill in the gaps for you," he responded tenderly.

They bowed their heads and thanked the Lord for their tea, each other and especially for Jesus, the Light of the world.  Amen.

A few sips of tea and nibbles of pre-Christmas Christmas cookies later, Letty was feeling recharged.  "Oh Linc, let's take an evening stroll tonight.  It's that time of year and I want to savor the Christmas candle windows."

"Well now, I guess we could, at that.  I was thinking it was 'bout time to take our traditional Christmas Candle Evening Walk.  I've made some of my cinnamon-cranberry-orange juice we can nip into when we return.

Lincoln was one for puns so asked her playfully, "What would you get if you put a candle inside a suit of armor?"

"Linc! Not a pun!" she groaned. "You know I'm no good with the pun-ch lines."  Letty twittered, "but I do love your choices.  Do tell..."

More than  hoping to oblige, he gave in easily and said, "I'd get a knight-light."

The both had a good laugh.  "Cute one" Letty said.  "Anymore?"

"Ok, how about this one; did you know you could light candles with pieces of dry spaghetti?"

"No, I did not." Letty wondered how one could get a pun out of this one."How is that?"

Laughing, Lincoln told her, "by using your noodle."

They chortled and snickered together, a great guffaw.

Revived by tea, crumpets and puns, Letty was on her feet, "Well, I'll scare us up something a bit more substantial to fortify us for our walk.  I can't wait to peer into peoples' windows and see what we can see besides the candles aglow."  Oh, she was incorrigble!

"Leticia Marie Chinery!  You should be ashamed of yourself.  What happened to your manners!"  Lincoln chided, companionably.

"I know, I know.  More seriously, we shall pray for each of the neighbors that they will truly know Jesus, the Light of the world.  That Jesus brought and still brings them His love, joy, peace, holy living as well as His light. May this Child Who was born so long ago to be their Savior, become their personal Lord and Savior, Redeemer, Friend and not just be the excuse to celebrate a nominal festive holiday.  May His Light shine from their hearts too."

Lincoln concurred.  "Amen!  I'll be in my study.  Just call if you need me."

"Thanks, dear," Letty called to him as he shuffled out of the kitchen.

Rummaging about her fridge and cupboards, Letty prepared a quick repast.  It was only 5:30 pm, maybe they could eat in an hour.  Clear up and be out the door by seven or so.

Promptly at 7:11 pm Linc and Letty bundled up and stepped out into their neighborhood light show.  They ambled along amicably de-lighting in all the decorations especially where there were candles in windows.  They stopped and prayed at each home, leaving their "secret calling cards" in the respective mail boxes.  These were token samples of each type of Christmas goodie cookies, Letty had made, and Lincoln had packaged up,  that particular year.  

Most of the neighbors guessed these were from Letty and Lincoln but had never, in the 20 years they'd lived  there, surprizingly, had never been caught in the act.  Lincoln and Letty never knew exactly which day they'd deliver and pray; so it was anyone's guess.  As they posted the cookies they'd pray together in whispers, "May this home be lit by the Light of Jesus."

Letty of course, would take her peer and peek into any of the open curtained windows and ooh and aah at Christmas deco, almost sounding as if she were an owl.  Lincoln would titter quietly to himself, enjoying the whole drama that was Leticia.  Sometimes she'd stand on tiptoe or ask him to lift her up so she could see better. He drew the line at that and would never do it but it amused her to always ask.  She loved to tease him.

It began to snow light, fluffy flakes and like children, they titled their heads upwards and caught some on their tongues, dancing and giggling together on the sidewalk.  What a lovely evening!  Sometime after 8 they entered their own home, and never forgetting to bless their own place, prayed, "Lord may Your light continue to shine forth from this our home, which is at your disposal. Thank-You for Jesus, our Light."

Shedding their winter wraps, they cuddled up before their fireplace, gazing at the dancing flames, speaking softly to one another and sipping their cranberry concoctions.  Letty murmured, "Tomorrow is our women's shelter day.  This year the gifts are quilts.  I feel so blessed, Lincoln.  You are such a good, caring husband.  It's only right I can help those less fortunate in marriage or family ties.  Did I ever tell you how grateful I am for you?" Letty sleepily quieried.

"Yes, Letty, you have," Lincoln purred into her ear.  "I'm so grateful for you too.  You are the love and light of my life and I'm so glad I don't have to sneak a peek into someone elses life and windows to see peace and contentment. Not that you do either, of course but you get my meaning.  Most important to me is the Light of Jesus which radiates from your countenance.  You are my Christmas Candle and you have lit my life well.  Truly - you are joy to my soul Leticia Chinery!"

Letty's face was set alight more brilliantly then.  She rested her head happily upon Lincoln's shoulder.  It was an end to a perfect Chritmas Candle Window Walk Evening.  Softly, she began to sing, "For unto us a child was born."  Linc joined her on, "...a Son is given, a Son is given...."

                                                    ~ERC  December2021~

Sing, Unto Us a Child is Born, Tabernacle Choir.

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Whose Rights?


Is what you are doing worth fighting for? 
For that matter, first and foremost, is it honoring God and the Name of Jesus?  Jesus' Name is powerful but we who are His followers have a responsibility not to dishonor His Name nor bring shame to Him.

None of us would wish to be harassed, persecuted or tortured for Christ;  many of Jesus' followers are though.  The early believers in Christ suffered such as a 'norm'.  After all, Christ suffered at the hands of jealous and callous men.  Men who supposedly upheld the commandments of God as scripted by Moses in the Book of the Covenant (Law).

They didn't do too good a job of that and only became extremely jealous of Jesus.  They also became extremely jealous of Peter and John and the "success" they were having in teaching and preaching the message of Jesus.  

These begruding, resentful religious leaders had Peter and John arrested, flogged* and ordered not to teach in the name of Jesus anymore.  Spokesman Peter, replied,

"We must obey God, not men" (Acts 5:20 Good News).

Upon their release, Peter and John went straight back at it - continually being the witnesses Jesus asked them to be.  They were NOT sticking up for their own rights by their declaration of obeying God rather than men.  NO!  This was sticking up for God's rights.  They were proclaiming the message of Jesus Christ.  This at personal cost.  They had been flogged.  Remember what that entails?  Forty lashes to the back from a whip that must have done plenty of damage and presented plenty of pain.  

How strange then, after leaving the presence of furious "men of the cloth", we find the apostles "rejoicing"!!  They were rejoicing because,

"...they had been counted worthy to suffer  disgrace  for the Name of Jesus" (Acts 5:41 NIV).

How happy would you be to suffer in such a way for the sake of Jesus?  I ask this question of myself too.  Frankly, I'm fearful of such.  The apostles, likely still in great discomfort, sallied forth and, 

"...never stopped teaching and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Christ" (Acts 5:42 NIV).


The major point is that they did what they did, despite the threats of great physical retribution to themselves.  The onus was on their heads.  Nevertheless, they persevered and persisted  -- to address their own personal rights or rights of the congregation?   NO!  NO! NO! Triple, NO!  They didn't dare to laugh into the face of this.  They feared God and did so for Him and out of their love and obedience to Jesus.  They did not push their own personal agenda.

Are you wondering where this is leading?  It has greatly disturbed me time and again upon learning of, and even viewing, certan people of God in the position of influence in the pulpit, laughing into the face of the government of their land, disregarding the health of their community inside and out, in the neighborhood of those places they'd called, "The House of God".  What desecration!

How can one continue to respect a man who mockingly proclaims there is no such thing as a pandemic (COVID-19) and it is only 'fear tactics' being spread about to stop people from coming to church and disregarding, in large part, SOP.

Openly laughing!

For what?

For their rights to practice their religion!?  Such tomfoolery!  It reflects back onto the character of the laugh-er.  Additionally, such shame and disgrace reflected upon the Name of Jesus, which is far worse.  Would these so-called, leaders really continue so brazenly if they would suffer flogging, for proclaiming "NO pandemic!" and scoffingly laugh about it?  Harmful, harmful message.

For Peter and John, and many others of their caliber, even in this day and age, who sincerely proclaim the" good news that Jesus is the Christ," "obeying God rather than men" in the very face of legitimate and certain harassment, flogging, confiscation of property, and other forms of persecution and torments, they would be in consternation over this kind of namby-pamby, dangerously insolent behavior.  How does it edify the congregants and how does it honor the Lord?

Think about it!  Are you loving your neighbor as yourself, proclaiming Christ, OR are you blatantly, advocating your own will to assert your own rights in disregard of those 'neighbors', and laws of the land?  Only you can answer these questions for yourself.

I certainly hope that the Name of Jesus will not turn sour and distasteful to the "whosoever" would have!  May we uphold the Name of Jesus in reverence and fear of God, bringing glory and honor to His Name.  Proclaim the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ; that Jesus IS the Christ.  Follow God's will not our own.  This is the message to trumpet forth and is eternally worth fighting for.

Whose rights will you fight for?

"So  whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.  Do not cause anyone to stumble, whether Jews, Greeks, or the church  of God...For I am not seeking my own good but the good of many, so that they may be saved." (1 Corinthians 10:31-33 NIV).

                                                           ~ERC  September 2021~

Based on Acts 5:17-42 (NIV/GoodNews)

*The Roman Act of Flogging

Saturday, December 18, 2021

Even Women

 It's delightful to see that women, finally, get some equal mention as do the men.  In the ancient world, women were rated down there as some of the lowest chattal among chattal.  Here, however, are some courageous women, right there, on par, with men.

This is not a women's activist speech though.  It is just noteworthy that even though many people did not "dare to join" (Acts 5:13) due to the "great fear that had seized" the saved and unsaved due to the incident with Ananias and Sapphira's lying to the Holy Spirit, some brave men and women still believed and joined themselves together with the growing band of believers.  They both got 'honorable' and equal mention.

There could be no half-hearted joining, that's for sure.  It was do you believe, or not?  Full stop.  Will you live the truth, or not?!  Full stop!

"...More and more people were added to the group," (Acts 5:14 Good News),

because they believed in the Lord; even the women.

Let's pray this will still happen today.  Pray also for those in countries where believers get persecuted for their faith in Jesus Christ.  He alone has power to save and to raise us up to be His precious jewels whether man, woman or child.

Praise the Lord!

                                                  ~ERC  September 2021~

Based on Acts 5:12-16 NIV/Good News.

Friday, December 17, 2021

Follow Truth


Do you ever feel shocked about God's way of dealing with sin in a person's life?  Some of His consequences meted out have been immediate and drastic.  Why would Achan's sin in the Old Testament and Ananias and Sapphira's (NT) be dealt with so severely but others like King David's, who was also stealthy in the incident with Bathsheba, not be punished as immediately?

The answer lies in the context, I think.  Think of each, of Achan in Joshua chapter 7 and then of Ananias and  Sapphira in Acts5:1-11.  This was pointed  out to me in my  morning reading.

In Achan's case, look at the time in the history of the children of Israel.  They'd had their escape and rescue from the slavery in Egypt.  They'd endured their 40 years of wilderness wanderings and they were at the cusp of the conquest of Canaan. A new chapter, let's say, in the life and times of God's chosen nation was beginning.    

Now look at Ananias and Sapphira's timing.  Jesus had rescued the whole of mankind from the slavery of sin, death, Satan and Hell, by His death on the cross and His resurrection from death.  Pentacost had happened and the group of believers had received the Holy Spirit.  Many were coming to Christ through faith in Him and His work of salvation on their behalf.

The church - God's chosen bride for Christ, was in its infant stage but growing.  The brothers and sisters-in-Christ were filled with the Holy Spirit.  They listened to Him and did many signs, wonders and good works on behalf of their Christian community and the poor and needy in general.  Many gave with hearts full of love and gratitude and sincerity to the Lord of their own possessons and money.

Enter Ananias and Sapphira's deceitful giving.  They were in "full agreement"  to keeping back some of the sum of their earnings from selling a piece of their property.  They gave as if they'd given all.  They may have deceived the group of believers but they did not pull the wool over the eyes of  the Holy Spirit.

"By lying to God's community they were essentially lying to God"*

Achan had also lied to the 'community' of Israel but he was ultimately lying to God.

Note the timing of both incidents, one from the OT and the second from the NT, were both at the beginning of something new God was starting.  In Achan's case, it was the beginning of the conquest of Canaan - the Promised Land God had promised to give them.  In the latter case of Ananaias and Sapphira, it was at the start of the churches' mission, to meet together and form local gatherings but to also go out into all the world and preach the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Jesus is Truth (John 14:6).  In both the Old and New Testament cases, if God had allowed them all to drift along and not uncover the truth about the deceit, it would have compromised God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, Who stand for truth and who are Truth!

Lying could not be tolerated and God needed to teach the respective communities a big lesson.  Very sobering indeed.

Here's another quotation that says it so succinctly,

"The act was very critical in the life and mission of God's was important for God to show clearly from the beginning that He would not tolerate such hypocrisy annd deceit." *

Thus the immediate and drastic consequences meted out  Very sobering indeed.  Acts 5:11 says everyone was "terrified" (Good News) or "great fear seized them" (NIV).

God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit were not to be trifled with.  This may seem like harsh treatment but it sure did get the message across.  However, we do know that mankind's heart is forever deceiful (1 John 1:8-9).  It is good we have recourse through Jesus when we come repentantly to Him and confess our sins.

King David did just that.  He still suffered consequences.  His first baby with Bathsheba died as a newborn.  Three other of his sons died young-ish and violent deaths.

Truth and grace go hand-in-hand yet we should not take our own sin lightly.  God loves us but He is also just and righteous.  He wants us to live holy lives which includes being honest and telling the truth, living for the truth and following Truth.  Let's be sensitive to the Holy Spirit's voice exposing deceitful ways in our own lives and then follow His leading and guiding into all truth.

We can pray for ourselves and our own community of believers that truth in all aspects and members will be upheld.  Let us worship the Lord in Spirit and in truth.  Followers of Jesus, follow Truth.

                                                 ~ERC September 2021~

Based on Joshua 7 and Acts :1-11 (NIV/Good News).

* SPM - A Study Guide to the ACTS of the Apostles ible Knowledge; Goh Kim Guat; @200; Issachar Sdn. Bhd. Malaysia.

Sing, I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life, Quizworx Kid's Church

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Haiku - Musical Rest


Strains of music flow.

Rest.  Take note.  Hear silent sounds.

Selah.  Music flows.

  ~ERC October 2021~


Tuesday, December 14, 2021

The Spirit-filled Mouthpiece

 It's exciting to see how the Holy Spirit works.  In Acts 4 there is mention of two individuals and then a group of believers who were filled with Him and then spoke:  Peter and David, who were both  servants of the Lord.  They became Holy Spirit-filled mouthpieces of God, proclaiming Jesus Christ and the power of His name with boldness and articulate speech, in the case of Peter and the believer-servants.  

For David, he received the dimensions and other details of how to build the Temple and the arrangment of the priest services; which group of priests and Levites would offer the sacrifices, be gatekeepers,  singers and so on.  I believe his writings and poetry as seen mostly in Psalms, were also Holy Spirit led.  Isn't it a wonder?!

Back to Peter...when the members of the council heard Peter (& John's) defence, they realized, that,

"they were ordinary men of no education" (Good News) and "took note that these men had been with Jesus" (Acts 4:13 NIV).

Peter and John had been fishermen and therefore were likely never trained in rhetoric and public speaking,* and not so much as they were completely uneducated.  For them to be engaged in convincing public speaking, bold, clear, and succinct, was indeed, supernatural and Holy Spirit driven.

Later when Peter and John were back among the believers (Acts 4:23-31), detailing their experience with the council, Peter prays and the whole group get an immediate answer.

"They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to proclaim God's message with boldness" (Acts 4:31 Good News)
It was not unintelligible blabber either.  They were not filled with themselves, rather, they were filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the "word of God" (NIV) intelligently.  The hearers knew and understood the message because the speakers were fluent, persuasive and eloquent.  God had His witnesses, and the group of believers grew.

May our voices be raised in prayer and each of us be filled with the Holy Spirit and be His courageous and bold mouthpieces as He gives the opportunity.  May we exude His fruit in our attitudes, speech and actions so all will know, understand and believe the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  May God's family grow and grow.

                                                      ~ERC  September 2021~

Based on Acts 4:8, 25, 31 (NIV & Good News)

*footnotes of SPM A Study Guide to the Acts of the Apostles pg 16.

Friday, December 10, 2021

His Wonderful Name


What a wonderful Name is Jesus, our Savior and Lord.  The name 'Jesus' 

"...expresses the very nature of His being.  Therefore, the power of His person is present and available in the name of Jesus."*

All the saving grace is in the name of Jesus.  All His aseity; all His divineness; all His power and authority to give strength to heal, to raise people and Himself is in His name.  All Jesus' power and authority to do signs and wonders are in His name and to dispell the evil powers of darknes.  The list could go on, of all Jesus is.

So saying the name of Jesus is most powerful.  Do not use His name in vain!

Peter, John, Paul and the other apostles used the name of Jesus to heal and do other signs and wonders but mostly they invoked Jesus' Name for salvation to lead their hearers to repentance and salvation.  Peter declared to the rulers and elders of the people,

"Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved" (Acts 4:12 NIV).

The people and the leaders got his messge for it was their belief that the 'essence' of a person is in their name.  They could relate and connect to Peter's statement.

The rulers and elders,

 "...took note..." 

that Peter and John... 

"...had been with Jesus" (Acts 4:13 NIV).

In the name of Jesus, the crippled man walked and leaped and had great joy, to the astonishment of all the people observing.  It was in the name of Jesus, Peter prayed, not asking for good weather, journeying mercies or good health, but to consider the threats against him and the other apostles; to be given boldness to speak the name of Jesus and His message to all; to be able to 

"heal and perform miraculous signs and wnders" (Acts 4:21-30 NIV).

It was in Jesus' holy name that they were then...

"...filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly" (Acts 4:31 NIV).

They got what they asked for.  Wonderful, isn't it!

It was in the name of Jesus... 

"...all the believers were one in heart and mind;"  

that compelled them,  they were on fire for this Name and they sold their possessions, shared, and gave to the poor and needy persons.  There is wonder working power in the  name of Jesus.

Do we understand?  Do we comprehend?  Do we 'get it' like the apostles, disciples and even the religious leaders had to admit, that the Name of Jesus is most powerful!?


Jesus' name is higher than any other name as He is the LORD most high.  Fully God.  Fully man.  When we realize, or begin to even scratch the surface of realiztion of this Name Jesus - what will we do with the insight?

Praise, worship, honor, adore, revere, speak His Name with reverence and care but be emboldened to speak to Him and for Him and to do signs and wonders, as He leads and guides us by His Holy Spirit.  May the Name of Jesus be sweet, and cherished and mighty upon our lips, and as His Name passes through them, sing, what a beautiful Name, the Name of Jesus Christ my LORD and Savior is.

                                                     ~ERC September 2021~

Based on Acts 3 and 4 (NIV).

Sing, What a Beautiful Name, with Hillsong singers.

*Quote adapted from "Interesting Stuff" notes in - A Study Guide to the Acts of the Apostles SPM; Goh Kim Guat; C2005; Issachar Sdn Bhd.

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Book Review - My Name is Mary Magdalene - By JC Miller - Publication Date: 7 December 2021

This is a very alluring narrative! I'm NOT so sure I can say I enjoyed it but I was mesmerized by it. "Not enjoyed" because who would want to have a life of degradation brought on by family circumstances and/or poor choices? Who would want the struggle and battle with bi-polar issues and depression? 

 As I swung through the smorgasbord of trials and troubles and injustices of incest and rape that Mary Magdalene (Mags) and others endured, I can see how she'd have 'demons' that plagued her and one can see, but not necessarily agree with, why she turned to drink and more, to dull the nightmarish memories. It was all so graphic, that I had to check more than once, "was this fiction or non-fiction?" By-the-way, parental guidance may be needed with this one. 

 To realize that this faith-based story is actually fiction, took time to sink in. I believe that it is commentary very close to truth and many people live lives propelled by lust, greed, pursuit of wealth and so on in such ways that 'demons' really do 'haunt' them such as the main character, Miss Mary Mags, encountered. 

 I did enjoy meeting other allegorical Bible characters such as Sal (short for Salmon)and Rahab; to mention two of them. There's a Character Glossary at the end of the book that will lead you to their person namesake in the Bible. 

 On a positive note, those who suffer from depression, bi-polar or other mental illnesses, will relate well to Mag's story and strength, I believe, and like Mags, find hope and comfort in how she eventually coped and overcame the abject traumas of her life. 

 Besides Jesus, one of the addenda, is a resource list of places (USA but likely similar in other countries) a person and/or family member relative of one with such mental health issues, can find help and assistance. It is not something to be ashamed of nor to keep secret. There is help available and you can get correct treatment. 

                                             ~Eunice C., Reviewer/Blogger~ 

                                                           December 2021

 Disclaimer: This is my honest opinion based on the reivew copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

   Reviews Published 50 Book Reviews

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Times of Refreshing

"Times of refreshing," of renewal, of our "spiritual strength," come after repentance; so said Peter to his audience of thousands.  When we turn to God in such an attitude, He forgives our sins because of Jesus. 

Whether it's the initial salvation experience or a "progressive sanctification" confession, at the heart is repentance towards God. This is what He loves.  His response is forgiveness and He refreshes us.  

Jesus, was the One chosen and appointed for the Jewish nation and for all Gentiles too.  He is the Author of our salvation.  He's the Author and Source of our forgiveness and refreshing.

We often have to refresh our computer or other such techie devices.  We watch that 'thingy' circle and circle, holding our breath, hoping against hope, that yes, its going to work this time despite a lagging internet connection.  "Whoosh!"  we let our breath out;  it did work!  Ah-h-h!  We continue our work (or play). To be "refreshed" by God, through Jesus is so much more encompassing and one will never know, until one sets the 'mechanism' to work.  Try it.

Return again and again to Him and be refreshed.  One day soon He's coming back for us and then we will be unfettered by our sinful nature and its product - sin.  I'm looking forward to an eternity of unblemished time of refreshing that no longer needs to be refreshed.  It will never, never end.

Look for and cherish such times now.  It's certainly, um, refreshing.

                                                   ~ ERC  September 2021 ~

Based on Acts 3:18-21 NIV/Good News
See also, 1 John 1:9
Sing, Times of Refreshing, with Marty Nystrom

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Book Review - Let Us Vote - by Jennifer Frost - Publication Date: 18 January 2022

 Due to this book being of historical nature encompassing about three decades-worth of youth suffrage campaigning, there was bound to be much detailing to align and get facts correct; therefore, I found this a slow read.  However, I'm still glad I had the privilege of reading it as I learned so much!

In my mind had been, "Youth are too frivolous and unthinking to vote intelligently and seriously";  like, "What do they know of life's issues?"  Jennifer Frost has penned a different picture and I've gleaned a new perspective and now have greater respect for that age-group's opinions; hindsight dictates it.  I'd have to concur, "Yes, lower the age from 21 to 18 and "Let [Them] Vote"!"  It made so much sense, especially since they already had the 'right' to drive a car, pay taxes, own a home, marry and be drafted into a controversial war!

Nevertheless, I'd suggest that the wise, make this 'reveal' book "required reading" for would-be wiser voters of any age.  Let voters learn and understand who the champions of this American struggle have been; the proponents that dovetailed and helped spur their cause and the political hurdles of due democratic process, the wheels of which ground s-l-o-w-l-y and reluctantly but in the end, earned and activated the right for present day 18 year olds (and up), to vote, since 1971.  Let them also know of on-going issues.  It is not to be taken for granted, which is what I think is another point the author is trying to get across to her readers.

I can tell you that as I read, I felt the frustration and annoyance that repeated denial must have filtered forth from the youth suffragettes.  I found myself holding my breath with them, as "this time," hopefully, their wish would come true.  Disappointment was often the verdict, yet I believe their fortitude and perserverance was a wonder, as they got up, dusted themselves off, and tried again.  I recommend this book.

                                                  ~Eunice C., October 2021~

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy given by the publisher.

Read Book Review, also on Goodreads.

Monday, December 6, 2021

Book Review - Silence and Silences - By Wallis Wilde-Menozzi - Publication Date: 7 December 2021

 Reading this book, Silence and Silences, has made me more aware now that silence is not always golden.  There can be quiet, peaceful, pleasantness and goodness but on the other hand, overwhelming nuances of solemn silences.  Silences of holding back the many hurts, physical and/or emotional:  violent injustices and injuries perpetuated upon people who then tend silent vigil -- too staggering  to speak of.

I feel this is a good book to teach one to be more silent, to listen, instead of creating noise in ones own life; to assess silences in nature and of peoples around me.  Silences to stop and ponder the brevity of life or just to cogitate.  I was encouraged by the courage of those the author wrote of who had temerity to break their silences, not in screaming, ranting or self-piting monologues, but in the form of magnificient art exhibits, poetry and writing, and so on.  I think we all need to put aside our distractions as the author suggests, minimized them at least, and step back and consider the silences.  Conservatively asserting here, I think that is some of what the author, Wallis Wilde-Menozzi is sincerely hoping to effect in her readers.

Again, I feel I cannot capture the deeper essence of this book well; it's the kind where I'd say one must read and glean for oneself because the author, of course, says it best and different folks will have different perspectives.  Some of the stories related throughout the book can be shocking in the truth of the amount of depravity in this world.  Someone had to say it, and Wilde-Menozzi has spoken.  We must listen to the sound of the silences she reveals and learn from them all.

                                                 ~Eunice C., October 2021~

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy sent by the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

Sunday, December 5, 2021

Trinity Encounters


Have you ever had an encounter with the Trinity?  I have.  

I met Jesus first.  He  sat on my bed one night after I'd asked Him to wake me up to talk with Him.  I was always so sleepy when I'd kneel down to pray before climbing into bed at night that in frustration, I asked Him to wake me up after I'd had a couple hours of sleep so I could talk with Him while more awake.  He called my name two or three times before I woke up enough.

"Oh," I said in awe, "You did it.  You woke  me up."

He sat there smiling at me, making sure I was awake.  My sleepy mind was still trying to catch up with what was happening.  His love and peace was amazing.

I slipped out of bed and knelt beside it and prayed.

Thinking back on that I don't know why I didn't just talk straight to Jesus.  Why did I have to kneel and close my eyes?  He must have been amused.  Ironic, isn't it?

Anyway, I'd been so trained and primed to kneel beside the bed to talk to my Heavenly Father, that it just didn't occur to me to stay in bed and chat with Jesus, "face-to-face".

I guess He didn't mind me talking to His Father though.

Years later, when very, very down; like exceedingly down, for whatever reason, and after having read some books about the Holy Spirit of God, I somewhat skeptically, yet hopefully, besought the Holy Spirit to reveal Himself to me even though, in  theory, I knew He indwelt me since my day of salvation.

Of  course, He is God, so He could and did.  The Holy Spirit new exactly what to do to connect and let me know His presence was really Him.  I believe this type of encounter would be customize to a particular person, so it would be different for different people.

For me it was when I sat on the edge of the sofa, elbows on knees, just looking dejectedly at the floor.  The Holy Spirit breathed His wind of refreshing over and through me!  I quite "literally" felt and saw the evidence.  Do believe me.

No wise cracks though.  I felt the Holy Spirit's wind blow through my right ear and then out my left one.  Simultaneously, I saw - like a vision - autumn leaves tumbling over each other in the wind, blowing across the ground.  Keep in mind I was living in the Tropics and these leaves were "Canadian" maple tree leaves!  Like I said, the Holy Spirit knew those were some of my favorite things.  He allowed me to see, feel and hear the brisk breeze of His presence with me.  Indeed, refreshing and uplifting time of communion with Him.

God, the Father, came a couple of years after that time.  Sometimes we wonder, does God really care?  Does He really love me?  You know, like that fridge magnet-type saying, 

"God loves each of us as if there were only one of us" (Saint Augustine).  

Is that really true?  I asked God if it was.

His answer was to give me a sense of  Him putting His arms around me and giveing me a hug like no other hug I'd ever gotten.  I felt His  arms and His love -- pure and  holy -- and  it went all the way into my inner core being.  His loving presence enveloped me.  Time and place stood still as I basked and bathed in His love and the knowledge thereof; "YES!"  He was saying, "I do love you, just as St. Augustine expressed."

The message  is, even if we feel like no one else loves us, God, our Heavenly Father does, for sure!  He cherishes us!  Be sure of this.  If you're not, then ask Him to show you.

He has limitless love to lavish upon us and He freely doles it out.

I'm so thankful for these Trinity encounters:  God, the Father; God, the Son (Jesus); and  God, the Holy Spirit.   The God-Head's three persons, each revealing His Self to me.

Draw nigh to God, cuz He'll certainly draw nigh to you (James 4:8).

Spend time talking with Him and reveling in His presence, singing praise to Him.  Praise the Lord again and again.

                                                        ~ERC  September 2021~

Sing, Shout for Joy, with Lincoln Brewster & Paul Baloche.

How Great is Our God,  with Chris Tomlin.

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Book Review - The Shade Tree - By Theresa Shea - Publication Date: 1 December 2021

The Shade Tree
definitely earns a full cache of stars, from me!  Although this is a work of fiction, the appalling truth of prejudice and racism is clearly demarcated and portrayed as to whom the perpetrators generally are in this unbalanced and biased case of color vs color.  This history is real, and this dreadful, horrific behavior continues to raise its ugly head still, in our day and age.

Theresa Shea has aptly engineered her characters to ask probing questions of those who innocently and/or unintentionally have the blinders on and perpetuate  the ongoing awfulness of systemic oppression, due to the "Law of Color Supremacy" which foments and spews forth from cover to cover.  Small glimmers of hope for better things to come in the lives of the book's characters spark but will they ever be able to overcome the memories imprinted, and the long shadow from the scenes of the Shade Tree?  

In my opinion, this is a pointed analogy for "real life" for the thoughtful, pro-active reader.  I hope Theresa Shea will write many more such enlightening books and readers will take these catalysts to become color blind, and to help the cause of those who are often the victims of racist oppression, doing so in this lifetime.

                                              ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                              October 2021

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy sent by the publisher.

Read review from Goodreads.