Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Prayer - See Your Face

 Father, how satisfying it would be to wake up and see Your face!  To wake up and be satisfied seeing Your likeness.  That reminds me of the hymn, Face to Face with Christ our Savior.  However, what would a regular wake up be like...

Many people wake up and take a glance at the sleep disheveled person beside them.  Maybe they've even gotten up on the wrong side of the bed, so they're kind of grouchy.  How wonderful though, to wake up and see that person beside us, or one from the next room when they get up and stumble, sleepily out, that we would actually see You, in them.

To see a likeness of Jesus in that person, that would be amazing!  A Christ-likeness in each of those/us, who are followers of Jesus Christ.  Imagine what that would be like.

David, in his Psalm 17 and verse 15, wrote that that was the first thing he saw when he woke up; Your face and likeness.  He was vindicated and satisfied despite all the negative stuff going on for him.  He would have, what we'd call "Morning Devotions" and as he read and thought upon the Scriptures and upon You, Father, he could see Your likeness and feel liberated.

Father, may this encourage us too, when we feel disgruntled or dismayed, and crotchety, or someone else is feeling low, that we be "Jesus" to them; that they will indeed see Your likeness in us and be refreshed.

A tall order, I know.

A challenge even when we have Your Holy Spirit's help because someone else's (or even our own) negativity has potential to rub off on others, creating a chain reaction of despondency.  We are in no morning mood to be "as fresh as a daisy" or shine Your light.

Yet, LORD, You never fail, as Your prophet said about You in Zephaniah 3:5 (KJV),

"He faileth not..."

LORD, help us be Jesus to others so they can also wake up and see Your face and be satisfied.  This not propelled by our human nature, but with that Christ-likeness wrapped round and assimilated into our character, and actions.

I ask this in the Name of Jesus.

                                                         ~ERC  April 2020~

                                                        (originally prayed)

Based on Psalm 17 especially verse 15.

Sing, Face to Face With Christ, My Savior, as sung by Altar of Praise

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