Sunday, September 20, 2020

Good Book - Slave Again


Have you ever heard of LiNK or Liberty for North Korea?  This is an organization somewhat reminiscent of the the underground railroad in the USA that helped the slaves escape to a life of freedom in Canada.  This LiNK, of course, is directed to North Korean refugees to find liberation to a life of freedom in other countries than their own.

If a North Korean escapes from North Korea into China, there's brief window of opportunity to rescue, rest and of removal from harm's way; i.e. being arrested and sent back to North Korea, for severe punishment.

This book, Slave Again, by Alana Terry, although a work of fiction, embraces resemblant stories from true life experiences.  This is rather a suspenseful novel and I suppose, gives us a small glimpse of what citizens from North Korea endure.

The protagonist, Mee-Kyong, had been in a prison camp.  She escaped, and eventually found her way across the border into China, helped by the trickery of unscrupulous people, and she ended up forced into the slavery of the sex trade.

Enter LiNk-type rescue...

The author of this book does her bit by helping raise funds for Liberty in North Korea and their underground railway to emancipation.  She also raises awareness of other such injustices as read about in this book.  This is the first ever book I've read of hers but the several others she's written look intriguing.

                                                      ~ERC  September 2020~

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