Sunday, September 6, 2020

Good Book - Actually, The Best Book

"The best book to read is the Bible,

If you read it every day,

It will help you on your way,

Oh, the Best Book to read is the Bible."

Ever sing that in Sunday School?  I, likely about 100 times!

Why is it such a "best book"?  It is because it is The Living God's words...His love letter to His human creatures.  You want to know about God and how He wants us to live.  Well, there you go, read the Best Book, the Bible.

In Psalm 119, the psalmist is forever saying how good and upright God's words are; all His commands, precepts, decrees, laws, and statutes, he calls them.  These words of God can do so very many things for a person if they will know them and obey them.  Transforming!

So yes, do read God's Word first and foremost.

Guess which book in the whole wide world is the first and foremost best seller?

You guessed it, the Bible.  Of course this is an "old" statistic but look what Wikipedia said,

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Here's hoping and praying all those buyers are actually reading the Bible every day and being helped on their way.  Pray that the message of Jesus will ring out far and wide and fill the hearts of people from all walks of life and culture, from the inside out.

Wouldn't that be magnificent!?

                                                     ~ERC  September 2020~ 

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