Friday, September 4, 2020

Prayer - In His Presence


Father God, I come into Your presence in the Name of Your Son Jesus Christ, to praise and honor You.  You are the King of glory.  You are strong and mighty; almighty God.  We lift up our hands, minds, and hearts to You.  You are from the ages past, the eternal ages past and You will be in the eternal ages to come.  Even now, in our generation, may this generation and the next, and the next and the next, seek You.  May they seek Your face, oh Father God; the Father of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  You are the living God and God of the living.

May all seek Your face.  You are THE God of all creation; the world and everything in it.  You founded it upon the seas, and established it upon the waters.  

Oh Lord, may we look up to You and to where You are seated on the throne of Heaven.  Who can stand in Your holy presence?  None of us could until You sent Your Savior, Jesus Christ to us.  You sent Him to vindicate us from our sins, to counteract the wrath of God upon us; to close that separation between You and us sinners.

Your are the Holy God of all the earth, making us righteous in Your sight through Your Son Jesus Christ when we have accepted this wonderful gift.  We can now boldly come and stand in Your presence, directly and speak with You in the Name of Jesus and in the power of the blood of Jesus.  We can spend time in Your presence, communing with You.

Those of us with clean hands, and pure heart and who do NOT lift up our souls to any idols, or swear by what is false.  Help us, LORD, through Your Holy Spirit, to realize when we are making idols in our hearts and minds, even if they are not made out of wood, silver, gold or stone, etc.  There could be other things or people, money, our job, our career, or our children, our house, car; whatever, Lord.

May we not allow any of those to come between us and You.  May we lift up our faces, hearts, minds, souls, our all, to the sunshine of Your presence; to You, the God of glory, the King of Glory, the Almighty God of glory.

In the Name of Jesus, we pray and praise.

                                                 ~ERC  February 2020~

                                                     (originally prayed)

Based on Psalm 24, a Psalm of David

Sing, Lift Up Your Hearts with the St. Louis Jesuits

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