Saturday, September 5, 2020

Prayer - Impeccable Record

"Behavior is a mirror in which every one displays his image."

     Thus saith someone (author unknown).

Someone with an impeccable record of behavior is a joy to the world.  They are to be admired and emulated.  Here's hoping they do not tarnish that by letting it all go to their head and swell up to become arrogant with the pride of it.

In the "Yodh" segment of Psalm 119, it can be observed that the psalmist was just such a person, that is, one with the "impeccable record".  On first glance though, it does seem like he is rather pleased with himself when he mentions,

"May those who fear You (the LORD) rejoice, when they see" him (v 74 NIV).

In verse 79, he adds,

"May those who fear You turn to me" if he'd reached full enlightenment and was a perfect example for all to follow.  Something akin to the expression, "God's gift to mankind".  Of course, we know that Jesus was and still is that One.

Needless to say, Jesus did NOT need to achieve even the teeniest-tiniest iota of perfection because He is perfection personified, literally; the embodiment of perfect, because He is God.

I think the psalmist's perspective is more towards encouraging others to follow suit and to display this image of behavior that falls in line with remembering that, Your hands, oh Father God, have formed me (v 73), that Your laws are righteous (v 75); that in faithfulness You have afflicted him (v 75), creating the opportunity for him to experience, to learn Your decrees firsthand (v. 71), not as head knowledge but in practicality.  This seems to be humility to me, Father.

The flip side of this being, he'd gained understanding to learn Your commands (v 73) and he'd put his hope in Your word (v 74).  He'd been through much, and discovered and valued Your infallible input.  In Your word, Father, he'd put his hope (v 74); made it an anchor to his soul, sure and steadfast.  Due to this, Your law was his delight (v 77) and he would meditate on Your precepts (v 78), and get this LORD, he'd "wholeheartedly follow Your decrees" (v 80).  Such declarations!

All of this, in a nutshell, despite what others may do to him or think of him, he would,

"not be put to shame" (v 80).

This was the context of his reflection that he himself saw of his own behavior.  He believed though that this all honored You Father.  That was his purpose; his focus.  He then wanted like-minded people, those, "who fear You" to turn to him; to join him, if you will.

If this psalmist was King David, he was the one to supposedly lead the citizens of his kingdom by example;  to set the pace and precedent, for one and all.  He was their spiritual leader.

All eyes were on him:  some to investigate his inconsistencies; others, to follow the example; still others, with whom he could fellowship because they too followed, loved and treasured the learning curves You presented with Your laws, decrees, commands, precepts and statutes.

How comforting to be wrapped, then, in Your unfailing love and compassion; a promise from Your holy lips, Father.

May all Your children nowadays, have this profound desire and propensity for just such an impeccable record.  May we be a mirror of reflected behavior displayed for one and all to perceive, emulate and mimic.  Provide, Father, those with whom Your people can fellowship.


"Your will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven" (Matthew 6:10).

In Jesus' most hallowed and perfect Name we commune with You, Father God.

                                                         ~ERC  July 2020~

Based on Psalm 119:73-80 (Yodh)

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