Sunday, September 27, 2020

Good Book - Though WATERS ROAR

 Here's another work of fiction.  However, what I'd like to direct you to is the author in general, rather than this book in particular; although it too will be addressed.

This author, Lynn Austin, is a fantastic one, at least from the standpoint of those who love to craft English or see it crafted in ingenious ways.  The way Austin tweaks and twirls the vocabulary will leave your mouth agape in astonishment, among other effects.  She creates her tone, not so much by what she says but how she says it.

Her use of alliteration gives one punch after another, not letting her foot off the gas, so to speak, and constructs a magnificently splendid roller coaster of humor that will have you  grinning like a Cheshire cat or even in very undignified,  outright snortings and guffaw-ings.  This is especially seen in her book, A Proper Pursuit, which was the first one of Austin's books I ever read.  She had me hooked!

You could say her works are historical fiction with some weavings of mystery to boot, at least the one's I've read, which has been only two, more's the pity, but she also touches on the attitudes and character of a woman who knows, or comes to know, herself.  Her characters become strong and are god-fearing women of faith-even if sometimes, reluctant faith. 

Austin has gotten awards for her work and one of her novels has even been turned into a movie by Hallmark:  Hidden Places.  It is set during the Great Depression years.  But, we are getting off track.

This particular book, Though WATERS ROAR, gives snapshots of two women:  a grandmother and a granddaughter.  The grandmother's childhood was during the US Civil War years (1861-1865) and the granddaughter's time was during the Prohibition days of the 1920's.  Both had spent time in jail due to being involved in demonstrations for the causes of their day.  Of course this does have a tinge of romance but is not the focus of the story.  

The grandmother went through a heartbreaking time and tells her granddaughter, who also had her struggles, of the faith and hope in the Lord and of how she lived one day at a time through the days of "roaring waters".  Each had their strengths and weaknesses and it wasn't so much about what they


"accomplished but about the sort of person they'd become".

Grab a copy, curl up on the couch and 'bookworm' your way through.

Happy Reading!

                                                    ~ERC  September 2020~

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