Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Prayer - A Man of Peace

 "Woe to me that I dwell on this earth, that I live among people who want war instead of peace.  Too long have I lived among those who hate peace"  Psalm 120 NIV.

Even now, on  this earth, in this world there are strife-torn areas.  People who seem to hate peace, "but I am a man of peace," says the psalmist of Psalm 120.  "When I speak, they are for war".

Lord, in this day and age, there's so much war, pride and strife, rioting and rebellions.  We think of demonstration in Hong Kong and currently in many US cities and towns.  Demonstrations, yes; but rioting, vandalism, looting...?!  

What would Martin Luther King, Jr have said about this?  He would have demanded peace.  A man of peace who wrought such great victories by unceasingly, advocating peaceful demonstrations.   Yet, there was, and still is the element that wants 'war'.

King believed,

"a riot is the language of the unheard".*

He also,

"...inspired the human race to strive for harmony among all people. His tragic death shocked the nation, but his words and his dedication to equality continue to inspire younger generations."*

Hopefully, his words, so sacrificially spoken, have not been forgotten.

Mahatma Gandhi...what would he have done or said about all the rioting?  He would likely have gone into fasting mode, day and night, for as long as it took for the rioting to stop.  He'd come out nothing much more than a gaunt sack of skin and bones, rather quite literally.  Man of peace.

Father, Your Son Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace also wants peace.  However, when men speak of peace there is war instead.

I ask, Father, do bring about peace in these various places:  those mentioned above and in other parts of the world that are under such war grounds or threat thereof in one way or another.  We long for the peace and justice You can bring.  May Your Kingdom come.  We do know that true and full peace will not come until Your Son, the Lord Jesus Christ comes back to this earth during the millennium.  Come quickly.

Until then, we do thank-You for the peace we can have in our hearts, here and now, through Jesus and the accepting of Your gift of salvation through Him.

Additionally, I ask that we can dwell in this world with rulers of countries who know how to control their people, not in authoritarian ways, but with authority, with care for their people and their lives.  It's not a matter of black or white, or Asian or whatever.  It's not a matter of ethnic background.  It's about misuse of power.  People in positions of authority of power who misuse it.  Human nature fighting for supremacy.  

You hate it Father.

Lord, yes, people want their situation to be better and there's nothing wrong with that.  I do not condemn the demonstrations, as long as they are peaceful.

However, Father, help the governors, mayors, and others in administrative positions in the affected areas to be able to find peaceful solutions and resolutions and actual taking of action to address the serious issues as and where needed.  Bring Your justice to the peoples.

We know that the end of this world appears to be imminent by all these things.  We've got "The Virus" (covid-19); plagues of locusts, cyclones, typhoons, hurricanes, the demonstrations turned vicious by nefarious folks who willfully wish to spoil and cloud the sincere demonstrators' purpose.  Father, may Your justice and peace reign.

People look for peace in their time.  "Peace, peace," they plead.  Yet, the potsherds of the earth stir up war.

Father, may the populace look up to You, the One true God and Your Son Jesus Christ and have peace in their hearts in the midst of all the chaos.

I ask all this in Jesus, the Prince of Peace, precious Name.

Psalm 120, especially verses 6 and 7, at the outset says, 

"I call on the Lord in my distress and He answered me." 

We call on You too, in the distress of the world, for peace, for resolution of COVID-19; for demonstrations that turn violent.  Father, bring us the peace we need in our respective countries where we are so we can live in all godliness and honesty.  Nevertheless, in the troubled areas, LORD, save them.  Save them. Save them.  Bring about peace.

Come, Lord Jesus, Prince and Man of Peace.

I ask in the Divine Man of Peace, Jesus', name, that all people everywhere, will lift up their eyes to the hills from whence their help will come...from You, the Maker of Heaven and Earth.

Thank You for watching over us all...

                                                            ~ERC  May 2020~

Based on Psalm 120 especially verse 6 and 7.

*Reference: luther king jr quotes.

Sing, It Is Well With My Soul, with Audrey Assad

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