Saturday, September 12, 2020

Prayer - Perfection's Limit

 Eternal and Holy Father, Your word is perfect, established and endures forever.  Your faithfulness to Your people, throughout all generations stands steadfast and secure.

The psalmist makes note of this; "through all generations," as far back as he could recall to his father, grandfather and so on, of his ancestors.  He says through "all generations".  I suppose he was remembering how You, shepherded the people of Israel out of Egypt, through the wilderness and into the Promised Land.  Perhaps he even went further back to his "fathers" Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and all that history of how you cared for them.

That was a lot of 'caring'.  We know 'cuz, we can read all about it too.

This gives us great hope and encouragement too Father, that You will do the same for us in our generation.  It is penned there in verse 90 regarding Your faithfulness continuing "through all generations".

I really like that, Father.  We, too can make good on that and delight in Your laws, commands, precepts, etc, too.  It's like having our cake and being able to eat it too!  You are so good to us.

Again, through our trials and afflictions, even now with the COVID-19 redefining  and dictating to a large degree, how we live, You preserve our lives through Your words.

"Save us; for we are Yours!" (v. 94).

We can claim this too as the psalmist did.  He appreciated the relationship and banked on it, and appropriated it.  Thank-You, Father, we can too.

He had no guilty conscience between himself and You as he had sought out Your precepts.  He did not try to hide anything from You.  He pondered on them when the wicked were lurking, just waiting to pounce upon him.  Yet, he realized that he was not perfect, that there was, and still is, a limit to our human perfection.  He reveled, however, in Your commands to which there are no bounds-no limits.

Your commands can cover all bases for us no matter what troubles we have.  For this we give You our praise and thanksgiving.

All the way, our Savior leads us through this world of so much woe.  From You alone we gain our perfection and holiness and righteousness.  We gain salvation through Your Son Jesus.  In this, too there is no limit to Your care and gift.  All our generations back, that we can recall, and to our next generations which are and which are to come, may they know You and Your words and perfection through Jesus.  

In the most Holy name of Jesus we give you praise and thanks.

                                                         ~ERC  August 2020~

Based on Psalm 119:89-96 (Lamedh)

Sing, All the Way My Savior Leads Me as sung by The Haven Quartet

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