Saturday, June 27, 2020

Prayer - Enduring Future

Oh LORD, in You I take refuge, cuz You are my LORD.  Apart from You, there is NO ONE to perfectly hide and confide in.  This, I'm coming to realize more and more in this life.  There are so many disappointments.  Good things too, yes.  These don't always get spoken of though.

Yet, You are the best thing (Person) Who ever happened in my life.  Steady and true, loving and good.  Always there.

There will always be sorrows that increase but in You, You've given us each a portion, "a cup', our life.  We each have our own life to live, but Father we know that we don't have to live independently of You because it will never work out very well.  So, we take refuge in you.  A choice.  We choose to go to You, to learn to lean on You; to have our minds set to focus on You because You have assigned us a portion; our inheritance that is in You.  

You have chosen us before the foundation of the Earth.  Before the foundation of the Earth, LORD!  You already had us in Your plan.  We don't know what to say about that because You were already planning for us before we even knew we were alive.

As babies, and then throughout childhood, we learned about Jesus, who was/is the best friend anyone could ever have cuz He never leaves us nor forsakes us.  That's a very good friend!  He never leaves.  He never forsakes.

Sometimes we may feel disappointed but we know You are faithful and unfailing, Your unconditional love is there and has been, from everlasting to everlasting.

You have made our lot in life secure because of what Jesus has done on the cross.  He secured salvation for me.  That will last for ever and ever.  Therefore, I can confidently say, "You have made my lot secure in life."

There's many things in life that are not consistent or steady; they are continuously changing; some good, some bad.  Some, as if "BOOM!" we've been hit on the head:  a loved one dies; spouse looses a job; a spouse or another loved one, is falsely accused and dragged through the courts, name defamed; and it often seems there is no way out of such pits.

Jeremiah likely thought he'd never get out of that miry pit he was left to sink and starve in (Jeremiah 38).  However, friends and other caring folks, came and lifted him out, with the king's blessing.

Father, I know that there are many good friends around us who will come and do their best to help us and You LORD, are there too, ready to dispense justice and help.  I praise You and give You thanks for the counsel of friends, and even more importantly, the counsel of Your Holy Spirit Who indwells each of Your children.

Even at night You instruct us through Your Holy Spirit.  LORD, David said, he always sets You before him because You are at his right hand...just a touch away.


"Always sets the LORD before " him.

Hmmm, again.

Father, I confess, I don't always do that.

May I learn to do so, more and more, in increasing measure.  May all Your children do the same.  If we do this we will not be shaken when upon life's billows we are tempest tossed," as a hymn line reads.  Then our hearts can be glad and our tongues, rejoice and our bodies rest secure, knowing all is right with our world because You, Father, are at the helm.

Another assurance we have in You is that You will not abandon us to the grave.  Even David had that assurance.  He knew You wouldn't do that.  Some day there will be the resurrection of Your people and You will take them up to be with You and we will be with Christ, forever.

You told us so in 1st Thessalonians 4:17.  We will go up together to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we be with Him, forever.  What a future!

This because You did NOT let Your Holy One see decay (Psalm 16:10).  Jesus died and was buried, was in the tomb three days but You did not let Him see corruption.  Jesus burst forth from that tomb three days later.  He was alive,  He was seen by so many of Your people and then He went back to be with You.

Father, You are our Living God.

We serve a risen Savior, Who is alive and well with You, Father; at Your right hand.

You have made known to me and many others the path of life; the way of salvation.  Help many more to strive to enter that narrow way You prepared for us and once accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, that we will do the works You have ordained for us to do.

May we find joy in Your presence, communing with You.  We look forward to that "someday soon" when we will go up to be with you, together, and then we will have full, unadulterated joy of being in Your presence.

In the book of Revelation we see different scenarios, different as in, almost like candid camera shots, of those in heaven enjoying themselves in Your presence, worshiping You.

Then it will be eternal pleasures, indeed, being at the right hand with You in Heaven, in Your presence. 

I give You thanks and praise You for this enduring future we have in and with You.

                                                        ~ERC  2020~

Prayer based on Psalm 16

Count Your Blessings

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