Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Prayer - Join the Angels

How did David know?  How did he know this about angels?

"Praise the LORD, you His angels, you mighty ones who do His bidding, who obey His Word" (Psalm 103:20 NIV).

David wrote:  "angels do God's bidding" and "obey His Word".

Maybe there was more angel-mortal encounters back then;  more visions and dreams of angel activity and bringing of messages in ancient times.  Right off the bat I can think of the Jacob and the ladder of ascending and descending angels to Heaven and back, dream.  A dream he had while he slept on his rock pillow (Genesis 28:10-19); of Abraham being visited and given the message about a son to be born to him--such joyful, almost unbelievable news.  He had other interaction with angels, reporting and warning of coming judgement upon Sodom and Gomorrah; Lot was visited by those same angels come to bring the destruction.  They practically dragged Lot and family out of the twin cities to ensure their safety (Genesis 18-19);  Ezekiel (Chapters 1 and 10) had visions of them.

Was it from these types of experiences that David deduced his "findings"?  Perhaps.  However, the point is that the angels obeyed God's Word and did His bidding and he is asking them, "all His Heavenly hosts,"  these "God's servants," to praise the LORD.  Seems obedience to God is linked to praising Him.

This Psalm division actually opens with David exhorting himself, not just in his mind, but from his "innermost being", to "praise the LORD".  He really loves doing this.  In other Psalms, he speaks of enjoying it, especially when others join in and go to the Tabernacle (House of God), to praise the LORD together with others.

We think of humans praising the Lord for all He has done for us and even of encouraging others to praise, to give thanks with gratitude in our hearts for all He has done.  Yet, this is more praise for Who He is that David's referring to.  Praise because He is the:  Redeemer, Rock, Refuge, Fortress; Deliverer; our Maker and many more...

David is not content just for himself and other people to praise God in adoration of Him, he wants the angels to join in.  From the book of Revelation we can see that the angels do.  Their praise rings out together with the myriads of redeemed saints; in fact it's quite "noisy" in Heaven with it all and the other activities that took place in John's visions (Revelation 5:11, 12;  7:11, 12; 15:1-4).  Yet, David would not have known this.

If you read the whole of Psalm 103, you'll discover other aspects of God's character David specifically mentioned.  We too, can praise God for these!

"Father God, thank-You for Your forgiveness of our sins"; for "healing our diseases", for "redeeming our lives form the pit" and "crowning us with Your love and compassion".  You have given us good things that we can respectively enumerate, and can renew our "youth" like the eagles'.

Father, as one approaches the age of 60 years, in the near future, this verse seems rather apropos as I do not feel very youthful.  Nonetheless, David must have found this to be true, so I'll take his word for it, that there's potential renewal in these praisin' bones yet.  Shake a leg...

The list goes on..."the LORD works righteousness and justice for all the oppressed."  Praise You, LORD for  this especially at this time in the USA of all the demonstrations re: rife racism.  Father, we praise you that you can help here too, and in the conflict currently between the Korea's.  May Your righteousness, mitigation and justice reign in those places like it's a forgone conclusion.

We praise you for Your compassion and graciousness.  Spread this mantle over us and make it radiate out to others in "ripple effect".  May these ripples nip at the heels of others and make them burst into praise too.

Your love is so great for Your mankind creatures.  Thank-You for this love that compelled action.  That action that would remove our sins and transgressions far, far from us:  as "far as the east is from the west".  Your everlasting love encompasses us.  What wondrous love this is!  

In Jesus Name we praise You, Father.

This might seem a bit creepy to some but I'm going to say it anyway...

The angels are watching, watching us (1 Corinthians 11:10) to see how we do.

The angels are also praising.

Let's all praise the LORD for "all His works" and for who He is.  I still don't know how David knew but let's...join the obedient angels, praising our Heavenly Father, anyway.

                                                      ~ERC  June 2020~

Based on Psalm 103.

Sing, Praise Him in the Morning by pcm church

I will Praise Him, Give Him Glory as sung by Bill and Gloria Gaither's Music

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