Friday, June 26, 2020

Prayer - Peace Upon God's People

Holy God, Almighty and Everlasting Father, may there be peace upon Israel.  May those who trust in You be like Mt Zion, which cannot be shaken, enduring forever.  We know that Your Gospel of Jesus went out to the Gentiles because the Jewish nation rejected Jesus.  Yet, this message to individuals can still go out to them.  I ask that this peace that endures forever, will come to Israel in this day and age.  May many accept.  

I know that there are Messianic Jews.  May there be multitudes more added to their number, daily, as You have done before, as we read of in the book of Acts.  Let there still be numbers even in the 1000's, as when Peter preached, that will be added daily.  Find them such a willing and ready preacher, Father.  A skilled harvester who relies on You and Your Holy Spirit's leading.

I pray for the Prime Minister, and others of the ruling echelons of power in Israel, that he and they will get their wisdom from You, as King Solomon once requested and was granted.  Let their governing not be with selfish ambition but truly for the benefit of the nation of Israel; Jesus' people.

You love them, Father.  You have not forgotten them.  Surround Your people, Father, as the mountains surround Jerusalem.  Surround them with Your heart and care, both now and forevermore.

We know You are good, and do good for them, especially those upright in heart.  May Your people, whether Jew or Gentile, be harvesting among these people and bring them into the Kingdom of God; Your Kingdom, through Jesus Christ.  May they indeed no longer reject, rather accept, Jesus as their Messiah, but also, and more importantly, as their Savior and Lord. 

May Your Holy Spirit work powerfully and mightily among them as they allow Him access to their hearts, minds, and to their lives.  Flood them with Him.

May Your people's trust in You be that which cannot be shaken, nor broken.  As they trust may they be transformed into Your image.  May they all become upright in heart through Jesus Christ and Your Holy Spirit's power.  

Your true overwhelming 'shalom' peace be upon them, forever. 

In Jesus' Name, I ask.

                                                             ~ERC  June 2020~
                                                 (originally prayed 15 February 2020)

Prayer based on Psalm 125 NIV.

Song, Shir LaShalom  sung by Miri Aloni and Lehakat Hanachal

Translation Shir LaShalom

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