Sunday, June 14, 2020

Lord's Day Reflection - Cyber-Linked Service

Some are going back and gathering at their church buildings once again; however, some are still at home and giving cause for some reflection.  Being on lock-down for so many months to the cyber-linked Lord's Day service experience, compels us to think more deeply and in a more concentrated manner.  How do you answer such questions as, "What's worship all about, or why do we do this week after week?"

There's "home schooling" and there's "home church-ing":  and for one, the cyber church with only the "two's and three's" of our natural family, is not all that bad.  We are down to the "bare bones" of what Jesus asked His disciples to do, and consequently, us.  Jesus is still in our midst.  Yes, He said this in a different context, but I think it can be "borrowed" here,

"...where two or three gather in My Name, there am I with them" (Matthew 18:20 NIV).

We agree, together, as brothers and sisters-in-Christ, to remember our Lord Jesus Christ, 

"as often as we eat this bread and drink this cup..." 

remembering Him in His death and resurrection.  We do this, 

"until He comes" (1 Corinthians 11:23, 24).

Worship is NOT only about singing, although that is a wonderful outlet of voicing our praise and adoration to our Savior.  After all, scenes portrayed in Heaven as seen in the book of Revelation, reveal multitudes singing and praising God.  

When a person gets down to it, I believe our Heavenly Father's great desire for us is to "remember Jesus in His death" and to also live a holy life (Romans 12:1-2).  Doing so shows Him true honor, reverence and praise.  James reminds us that true, pure worship also includes looking after the poor and widow, etc (James 1:27)  Obedience to God and his word is another aspect of this as we read in 1 Samuel 15:22,

"It is better to obey God, rather than sacrifice..."

Most of all this can be done while "locked away" at home as most of this is just continuous,  plain, godly living on a day-to-day basis.  This is the "worship" due to God and the Name and Person of His Son, Jesus.

Nevertheless, the cyber version of congregational "worship" is great for lock down time but it is only a small fraction, or capsule, perhaps, a "mega-vitamin" boost to encourage one and all to press on for the Lord.  Yet, I don't agree it should be a norm ever after, once lock-down restrictions are fully removed.  No, siree!

I had best interject something here though.  Our brothers and sisters in Christ who are involved in helping the cyber service happen for each "home-churching", no less, in my own assembly that I attend, work tirelessly to get prepared for each Lord's Day service.  In no way would I want to minimize that colossal effort!  I'm very thankful to my fellow bros and sis from my assembly group who make this weekly meeting happen.    May our Heavenly Father bless all their efforts and gift of sacrificing their time to do so.  It is no small feat.

God's Word reminds us, however, not to neglect gathering together (Hebrew 10:25).  We are members of one family, the family of God, and God's children need to stick together.  God forbid that cyber service becomes our norm.  May the joy of being together in Christ, and physically present, with other like-minded family of God members compel us to be together and not to neglect the fellowship we can have one with another, never taking it all for granted, rather guarding against and eliminating any apathy creeping in and  infecting the whole; like an intrepid virus.

A small example of this is that there is a roaring bonfire, but after several hours it burns low, leaving the embers glowing and sending out their welcome warmth in the dark for many hours afterwards.  Remove one ember from the collection and set it aside, away from the others, and what happens?  Yes, it will glimmer for a spell, but eventually it's heat and light fizzle and sputter out to cut off all benefit and productivity therefrom.  

We need to keep our "glow" and be with our brothers and sisters-in-Christ; our co-ember members.  Yes, we must each do our responsible part as respective members of the body of Christ, but doing it together encourages and builds each other up in our most holy faith (Jude 1:20 KJV).

God be with you all til we meet again.

                                                            ~ERC  June 2020~

Sing along in prayerful manner while waiting for the church buildings to open its doors once again.  God Be With You Til We Meet Again, as sung by a Mennonite Choir.

Here is a vision I envision:  Prayer - Songs of Ascent

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