Thursday, June 11, 2020

Prayer - No Slur

Father, God, it is very difficult to be forgiving people.  Even if we say that we have forgiven there is nothing that shows that we have not when a slur is cast upon the one who has supposedly been forgiven.  That is difficult.  Our mouths and tongues can often get carried away, propelled by our unrestrained minds and combined with a sympathetic ear to our real or chondriac injustices.

However, You say in Your Word, in another of David's Psalms, Psalm 15, to be exact, that those who speak the truth from the heart, those who have no slander on the tongue, those who do their neighbor no wrong nor cast slurs on their fellowman, these are the ones You honor. 

There are those who can keep their oaths, even when it hurts.  Many, Father, make oaths or vows when they get married; those wedding vows that can stymie us.  Every married couple likely finds it a big test especially when they find out the one they married is not really the one they thought they were marrying.  His or her personality, their attitudes, come out in true range of color and it could hurt and one or the other may get the "runs"; meaning, want to escape those vows.  Many a slur can get slung around, or worse.

I'm not talking about those who get beaten up by a spouse.  Then I know there may well be need to have some separation for the safety of the victim and children.

BUT, those disappointments with the spouse who, maybe was not quite as mature as originally thought, not knowing how to give and take.  Lord, there's so many things; yet if we cling to our vows, our oaths that we made "for better or for worse", help us to see our way clear to be overcomers, by Your grace.

I heard or read once that those who are not happy in a marriage become philosophers.  So maybe they could be more than that as we shine and do our part, Father, bring the other spouse around and  compel them to grow up, mature, be that person they should be in Your sight, taking the responsibility needed in caring for the "other half" in the marriage relationship. 

I'm thinking, Father, mostly of those who belong to You, because when that baton of responsibility, "companionability," faithfulness, courtesy and sensitivity to the other, etc. happens, as David said, we can dwell in Your sanctuary.  We can live on Your holy hill.  Furthermore, this type of person will never be shaken.

In addition to that, are those who lend their money without usury, without interest; that would be someone without greed.  What a wonderful character especially when accompanied with integrity.  He/She would also NOT accept a bribe against the innocent.  Their integrity knows no greed; this is truly a splendid thing, Father.  These kinds of people will surely never be shaken and go steadily onwards.

Nevertheless, Father, there are vile men that sling slurs about, earn money by nefarious means, and even throw slurs upon Your holy name, but we do not condone their actions, rather we fear the Lord and do what is right in Your eyes.  May this be true of each of Your followers, Lord, so they can dwell in Your sanctuary and live on Your holy hill knowing that we become more Christ-like and speak gracious, forgiving words from our hearts, as we do so.

Father, we know that Your steadfast love never ceases and Your ear is always open to our cry; guard our minds, hearts and lips.

 In Jesus' Name I pray.

                                                         ~ERC  February 2020~
                                                             (originally prayed)

Prayer based on Psalm 15

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