Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Prayer - Ask to Rule With Justice

Father, it's pretty cool that Solomon must have been listening well to all his father David had to say, or even having read what his father had written.  In Psalm 72 he asked You to endow him with justice and remarks on your righteousness.  So he wanted Your wisdom which he asked for and You gave to him.  Now he knows he can ask You for help for him to rule with justice too.

He asks confidently because he knows You are the just and righteous One; the King of all kings.  He sees himself as the royal son, whether he was king yet at this time or not, he does refer to himself as such, when he penned these lines and spoke this prayer asking for Your help, looking to a future day in ruling justly.  

For us followers of Jesus Christ, we are referred to as "royal priesthood" (1 Peter 2:9), we too need to ask, and do ask You, Father,  for wisdom and to learn how to relate justly with others in our interpersonal relationships, with others be they family, neighbors, church members or colleagues at work, staff, with students, depending on our occupation; members of the public, and etc.  Lord, help us to do righteously and justly with those whom we associate and/or are under our care.  

Help us too, to listen  to those who are in authority over us and I ask that those who are in authority over us will also have that needed justice and righteousness, wisdom and grace and use their position of power appropriately and not let it go to their heads, swelling it to unpleasant proportions and actions.  May they indeed, "reign" with as You would and do Father, keeping in mind that all such authority comes from You in the first place (Romans 13:1).

Father, I first prayed this prayer back in February.  Now, here it is early June and the news has switched from Covid-19 to the demonstrations and riots in the USA and so I insert this addition.  There is definitely need, God, for Your mercy and peace upon the situation and for Your justice to intervene over the USA.  May the leaders and the demonstrators and the rioters see justice being served.  Oh, we need You, Lord more than ever.  Your peace.  Your justice.  Work Your wonders and miracles for the people of the USA.  May they not take it for granted but find the gratitude and thanksgiving to offer up praises to You when justice and peace come.

May all of us followers of Jesus Christ exemplify Jesus and all that He was and did.  I know we can never measure up to His standard of perfection or of justice-giving because we are not You, Father God, but we are Your followers so we should follow in Jesus' footsteps, which is what Your character is Father.  Like Father, Like Son, and so we Your children, should be characterized thus.  So help us all.

I ask all this in Your Son Jesus' Name.

                                                        ~ERC  February 2020~
                                                            (originally prayed)

Prayer based on Psalm 72:1 & 2

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