Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Prayer - Praise Awaits

Lord, may You always be exalted.  May praise await You, LORD, in the hearts and minds of the children of men; Your creation of those human being critters You have made.  May our hearts and minds be always ready with praise for You instead of complaints about other people or even complaints about You, Father!

Sometimes, oh, not just sometimes, many times, we also complain about You.  Where are You?  Why would You allow something bad to happen?  Lord, help us rather, to focus on what You have done:  these good and positive things; those 'count Your blessings" moments.  Help us to indeed see at least ONE thing per day that we can find to thank and praise You for.

As You hear our prayers, many times our feelings and sins overwhelm us but You forgive our transgressions and we confess to You.  When we do, You said You are,

"...faithful and just and will forgive us and purify us from all unrighteousness" (1 John 1:9).

Blessed are You, oh Father God!

Blessed are those of us You chose to adopt into Your family.  We are filled with goodness from Your Holy Temple.  We are filled with goodness as we read and obey Your Word.  May we see the awesome deeds of righteousness and not the things to complain about so that indeed, praise will await You.  So that our hearts will be filled with joy, the joy of the Lord.

You are the hope of all the ends of the Earth, the Savior to all people, even to the farthest seas, to the highest mountains, that You formed by the Word and Your power.   You also still the roaring of the seas and waves.  We know Father that the waves of the sea can really toss a ship about as if its a cork in a bucket.  So powerful, Your arm!  Those roaring waves.

Nations are in turmoil too but You can bring peace.  At this time of prayer (15 Feb 2020), Turkey and Syria, and Russia and I don't know all which countries are in the fray Lord, but there is so much turmoil here, there and everywhere, around the world.  We can and do ask for peace so that these things don't escalate, people don't die or get killed because of these conflicts.  We do realize, true peace won't descend upon this Earth until Jesus comes back to rule and reign, for those 1000 years.

However, Lord, until then, send men and women to be able to be 'go-betweens' of the countries; to be effective peacemakers.  Peace, so that the civilians, who are not necessarily into all the politics of all these kinds of quarrels, that those people will be protected from harm and death from the politics of "playing chess" with peoples' lives.  It seems the "little man" is the one to get hurt.

Due to the peacemaking, may those people who are living far away, live far from fear because of the wonders  You have wrought in such situations and beyond.  When the morning dawns and the evening fades, they will call forth songs of joy and hear the songs of praise to You; morning and evening and throughout the whole day long, for that matter.

Thank-You that You care for the land.  You water it and enrich it abundantly with streams of water.  We just had a good rain last night, TQ.  Now the air is cooler too.  In this way You want to help people grow their crops so they can provide food for their families and others.

You crown the year with Your bounty and carts can overflow with abundance.  We think, Father of people in such places as Africa, in Malawi and elsewhere, where at times there is too much rain for their crops and flash floods wash them all away.  Then at times there's not enough rain, crops wither and die and leave great hunger in the aftermath.

Go to those countries, Father.  Heal the land, bring repentance.  May they humbly bow to You.   As You heal the people, heal their land.  May they have enough to eat each and every day and not just every third day or more.

Yet, Father, when they have enough to eat, may they not forget You like many of the rest of us do;  taking it all for granted and often complaining on top of that.  May we all praise You in the morning and evening, with songs of joy.  May there be grasslands to cover over desert areas.  May their hills be clothed in gladness and their meadows have flocks and may their valleys be mantled with grain so they can shout for joy and sing.

May praise always await You springing up from our hearts filled with gratitude to You.

In the Name of Jesus I ask, Amen.

                                                        ~ERC  February 2020~
                                                           (Originally prayed)

Prayer based on Psalm 65

Sing along with Jason Silver singing, Psalm 65 Song

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