Saturday, May 7, 2016

Mother's Day 2016 - Ode to My Mom Celebrating Mother's Day

Mothers are really great persons; especially mine.  :)   Ha, ha.  When I was younger I used to love to look at her 'old' hands that (now I realize) did so much 'doing' for her  brood of six children.  I wanted my hands to look the same.

Many years passed and one day I took a picture of one of my hands, have forgotten the reason, and then posted it to my Mom.  Her responding remark was, "oh, I thought that was my hand and wondered how you could get a picture of it; then realized it was yours!"

Wow!  My wish granted!  I felt honored.

When I was younger, my vocation and ambition, when asked, was to be, "a mother".  (I believe this was a reflection on my Mom's mothering.)  That wish was granted too.

Motherhood is a high calling and when we persevere in it we will be blessed.  It's often a tough road to travel but keep the end goal in focus to  raise God-fearing, well-mannered children to adulthood who know, love and serve God the Father and Jesus Christ whom He has sent.

My mother accomplished this to a great extent; she is worthy of "double honor" (1 Timothy 5:17) and I praise her.  Thank-you, Mom for all your years of hard work on your children's behalf and for your continuing prayers, love and encouragements.  You are truly a "noble woman" who "fears the Lord".  (Proverbs 31:30).

Let me close with a word of encouragement to Mothers in general by quoting Charles Swindoll.  

"Mothers-don't ever forget the permanence of your imprint.  The kids may seem ungrateful, they may act irresponsible, they may even ignore your reminder and forget your advice.  But believe this-they cannot erase your influence."

At the end of the training years may your children 

"arise up and call you blessed."  (Proverbs 31:28  NIV).  

Have a very Happy Mother's Day, Mom!  Love from your Eunique Daughter. 

                                     ~ERC 2016~


  1. Thankyou Eunice. It thrills me that You have those thoughts. But don't feel like I fulfilled all that you you credit me for. It is the Lord who helped me all those years and is helping me now.

  2. Thankyou Eunice. It thrills me that You have those thoughts. But don't feel like I fulfilled all that you you credit me for. It is the Lord who helped me all those years and is helping me now.

  3. You are welcome, Mom. You are right, in the Lord's strength we can do all however we also need the willing heart to obey and follow His guidance as you have set such by your example.
