Friday, May 27, 2016

Morning Musings-Timothy's Secret Weapon

Morning Musings with the boys at breakfast...

About Timothy's 'secret weapon'...besides his overwhelmingly thorough spiritual upbringing bequeathed to him by his mother Eunice and his grandmother Lois, and his "finishing school" tutoring in God's Word and hands on ministering among the people of God by the apostle Paul, and the imperative help and guidance of the Holy Spirit, Paul directs Timothy's attention to the body of Christ.

Since Paul was imprisoned,  Timothy would need reliable people around him to help teach and preach.  Paul lists some of those on whom he depends.  He also lists those of whom Timothy needs to beware of among the assemblies of God's people.

If you look at 2 Timothy 4:9-22 you'll see who Paul's "back up" were.  Some had been sent out to various places to further the work; Crescens to Galatia and Titus to Dalmatia.  Luke , the doctor, was with Paul.  Paul needed Mark and asked Timothy to bring him along as Mark had become " Paul's ministry".  Tychicus, Paul had sent to Ephesus.  Paul trusted Carpus with his scrolls and parchments for safe keeping.  He needed those now along with his cloak.  Timothy himself was entrusted to bring those items to Paul.  

Paul would then have Luke, Timothy and Mark with him as well as the things he needed.  Those sent to designated areas were able to do what Paul could not at that time.  These brothers were an extension of Paul's ministry.  He had mentored many of them and they were able to go out and multiply and build fellow believers up in their most holy faith equally as well as could Paul.  This must have relieved and gladdened Paul's heart to know the gospel was not in chains and the masses were hearing the message of Jesus.

God's enemy could not stand it nor could he let the work go on unhindered.  This is so par for the course.  Demas loved the world and deserted Paul in Thessalonica.  Timothy was warned to beware of Alexander the metalworker.  This fellow had apparently caused Paul a great deal of harm and strongly opposed the message of Jesus.  Paul urged Timothy to also be on his guard against him.  There were "many" who had deserted Paul but he doesn't hold it against them.  This is Paul making Timothy aware that this sort of thing could happen to him too but press on anyway.

God is so good however.  Paul remarks that "the Lord stood by him".  What more could Paul have asked for?  The Lord gave Paul strength, enabled Paul to proclaim the gospel fully so that all Gentiles might hear it; he delivered Paul from the lion's mouth (I believe this to be quite literal...they did that to Christians a way back then; lion fodder) and blessed be the name of the Lord, He rescued Paul from every evil attack. And what's more?  The Lord would bring Paul safely to heaven.  (In this we see Paul's great faith and confidence in the Lord.  We too can place our trust in Him.)  All glory be to God.

So in effect, Paul is telling Timothy to surround himself with quality people.  Those that he too could mentor for the better in the Lord and in whom he needed to trust and rely upon.  These are the members of the body of Christ; a 'secret weapon'.

Paul's style closely resembles what Jesus did with the twelve disciples.  He then had an inner circle of three of the twelve and then one of the three in even closer appropriate relationship.  This is what Timothy should emulate and for us to do now in our time.  Ask God to bring these people to you or to show you those to seek out and help along their road of service and sanctification to God. Just beware, there are those who would cause harm.  Ask the Lord for Holy Spirit discernment.

What did these people do for Paul?  Look at verses 19 to 22.  More of the body of Christ who assisted and partnered with Paul shared the gospel and in the building up of the church.  Timothy didn't have to 'go it' alone either, nor do we. 

Over all this we should be reminded that before Jesus Himself would choose the twelve who would be close to Him, He prayed all night.  Paul doesn't talk about this specifically in this chapter of Timothy as he wasn't really talking about the choosing of the men; however I believe that Paul would have been in prayer too over whom to mentor, disciple and help and to be his 'inner circle' of friends and 'team mates' in the service of His Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  

We would do well to ask God similarly for His direction for this important top level task of furthering His kingdom and help 'bring many sons to glory'.  God's grace be with you as you develop your 'secret weapon' of His people to surround you and upon whom you can rely, support and build up together in your most holy faith.  Let us remember though, that talking to God in prayer is a more perfect 'secret weapon' showing we rely on God more than anything or anyone else in the whole wide world.   He is our true "Back Up".

                                                                           ~ERC  2016~

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