Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Morning Musings-Deacons and Others

Morning Musings with the boys at breakfast...

A short time ago, we looked at overseers and that talked about the criteria of character and conduct of those who wished to be in such positions over the people of God in the church setting.  Here, today, in 1 Timothy 3:8-16 we will look at more of that in regard to the office of  'Deacon'.

This is similar to that of 'Eldership' (bishop).  A deacon is to be "worthy of respect; sincere; not indulging in much wine; not pursing dishonest gain"; he must "keep hold of deep truths of the faith (vs false teachings and heresies) with a clear conscience"; he is to be "first tested then serve if nothing against him" becomes known; the wife of such a person must also "be worthy of respect; not a malicious talker; temperate; trustworthy in everything".  The would-be deacon must "be the husband of one wife; manage his children and household well".   

When such a deacon serves well he will

 "gain excellent standing and great assurance in his faith in Jesus Christ...."

These are ways that the people (the brothers and sisters in Christ) ought to conduct themselves as daily practice in God's household; not just the elders and deacons.  We're the church of the living God!  Behave yourself!  In other words, live in the fear of God and out of respect for HIM!  He is the pillar and foundation of the truth.

It's understandable why Paul, John, Peter, and Jude each refer to false teachings, doctrines and keep mentioning "the truth".  Even in these early days there were blatant lies bantered about doubting Jesus' divinity and part in the trinity.  That Jesus was, and is, the actual One who died on that middle cross.  Great lengths were taken to besmirch the truth.  So many forms and teachings sprang up--Satan trying to "divide and conquer" but praise the Lord, the message of Jesus' sacrifice and atoning for us out of love for us still got through to us today.

I'm so thankful.  The truth has persevered despite all attempts otherwise.  We can know the truth and the "truth can set us free" (John 8:31-32).  So whether we are an elder, deacon or any member of a given assembly of God's family, let us "walk worthy of our calling" (1 Thessalonians 2:12); uphold the truth and live with excellent conduct and character giving God the glory and honor due to Him.

                                                                   ~ERC  2016~

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