Friday, May 20, 2016

Morning Musings-Worthy of Full Respect

Morning Musings with the boys at breakfast...

Some people might think that because their boss is a Christian, and they themselves are Christian employees, that they can take things easy, saying "never mind, he's my brother; he'll understand."  However when you read 1 Timothy 6:1-2 you'll discover the opposite scenario.  A 'slave' or employee is supposed to show "full respect...and serve the Christian, the master/employer, even better".

Its wrong to do otherwise.  Why is this so?  Paul tells Timothy so 

"that God's name and our teaching may not be slandered".  


 "because those who benefit are believers and dear to them".

When we show our love for our brothers and sisters-in-Christ by giving that "full respect" due, all men will know that we are Jesus' disciples.

Make note that it doesn't say "worthy of full respect" only if the Christian boss is conducting himself as a good Christian.  There are no conditions attached; we must just give that 'full respect" regardless of his or her behavior.

It is very good to remember these things in time to come.  When you do so, God will be honored and given glory.

                                                                        ~ERC 2016~

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