Thursday, May 26, 2016

Morning Musings-Terrible Times

Morning Musings with the boys at breakfast...

Terrible times are here, today, in this day and age.  If you look at the description Paul gave in 2 Timothy 3:1-9, you will see what I'm talking about.  They had the same trouble a way back then too!  Not just Paul's time either but even further back almost 2000 years earlier, before, Paul's time.  Seems every era is a "godless last day".

The message is the same now as it was then; "have nothing to do with them" (2 Timothy 3:5).  Don't get involved.  There will be men who "oppose the truth", have "depraved minds" and reject truth" in every generation (vs 8).  Praise the Lord though, they have a reckoning day; "they will not get very far because...their folly will be clear to everyone" (vs 9).   I do not say this with glee, however, as it is with a sad heart that the condition of the people made in the image of God so long ago, would be so wayward and departing from God and His love and standards He would love for each to embrace.  It is His better, more excellent way of life.  He wants us to have abundant life.  May God have mercy on them!

Here's where we, as followers of Jesus Christ bump into the "put off"  >  "put on" idea again.  By contrast to the depraved settings, we witness through his writings, Paul's way of life.  Timothy got to see it firsthand on a daily basis when they were in the same vicinity.

Paul did have a rather blameless life.  He walked his talk.  The list in verses 10 & 11 include his:  purpose, faith, patience, love, endurance, persecutions to endure and sufferings.  We know from other references that he got so badly beaten up he was "left for dead" (2 Corinthians 11:25 and  Acts 14:19).   That is suffering.  He was likely in great pain after his various beatings and whippings.  Amazingly, he endured, persevered and pressed on.  He knew what he was talking about and so did his hearers know he had license to warn and exhort and admonish.

You want credibility of life and speech?   Paul had it!  (See also:  Workmen the Lord's Servant).  Praise the Lord, "the Lord rescued" Paul "from all of them" (vs 11).

Contrast further, "all who live godly lives in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution".  The bad guys don't but praise God "they won't get very far"  (vs 9)...Evil men go from "bad to worse" "deceiving and being deceived" (vs 13).

Switch to Timothy again.  All the teaching of Scripture he'd learned from infancy til he'd become a man was 

"able to make him wise for salvation"

 and sanctification (vs 15 & 16).  This as opposed to such foolishness as Jannes and Jambres (Exodus 7;8-13, 22; 8:18, 19). Timothy, the man of God, was

 "thoroughly equipped for every good work". 

This opposed to the evil of the deprave- minded men. 

Among Paul's last words to Timothy in Chap 4 of 2 Timothy, Paul encourages and entreats Timothy to keep on keeping on despite all odds; especially in regards to the false teachings.  I like it when he says

 "keep your head in all situations" (2 Timothy 4:4). 

 Timothy must not be turned aside  He should do all the duties of his ministry from then until the end of his time on earth or until Jesus comes for all the saints.

We can learn a major lesson for ourselves here.  We too live in depraved times that "wax worse and worse".  We need to be alert, self-controlled, vigilant and live a blameless and holy life.  We need to know God's Word thoroughly.  We need to practice what we preach and 'shine like stars" for our Heavenly Father.  Let us have credibility whether in times of persecution or not; the Holy Spirit helping. 

Timothy also had a 'secret weapon' available to him...we'll find out soon just what (or who) that was.

                                                              ~ERC  2016~ 

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