Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Morning Musings-A Workman, the Lord's Servant

Morning Musings with the boys at breakfast...

Read 2 Timothy 2:14-26

"Practice what you preach" is an adage heard not infrequently.  How about, "walk the talk"?  It's true to life that a person will lose credibility if they themselves don't do as they themselves tell others to do.

In the first part of 2 Timothy 2 (vs 1-13), Paul is exhorting Timothy to do certain things.  Now here in the later part of this second chapter (vs 14-26) we see Paul entreating Timothy to remind the others to behave and this before God; that is, in God's presence.

And it's true.  We do quarrel in God's presence and this is a shame.  Verse 14 warns against "quarreling about words".  A case in point...some people prefer one version of the Bible to another saying, "Oh the KJV is the original English version and it is more respectful to refer to God and Jesus with 'Thee's' and 'Thou's' instead of as in today's language usage, simply, 'You'.  This can lead to many an angry and bitter argument.

Just an aside on this particular controversy, if the brother or sister promoting KJV would read the preface in the KJV, they would discover that the

 "King's speech, which he uttereth in Parliament"

 was to be used.  Also that

 "blessed be they, and most honored be their name, that break the ice and giveth onset upon that which helpeth forward to the saving of souls.  Now what can be more available thereto, than to deliver God's book unto God's people in a tongue they understand..."  

This is good 1611 King's English.  We are now in the second millennium and I dare say that the good Queen Elizabeth II no longer 'speaketh' like this-eth.  How many of the general public can now understand such language?  Even Shakespeare's works (also from that time period), now need many explanations from teachers who are 'into' them.  Just saying...and I'm not here to continue a debate on this.

All of this type leads to controversies and quarreling.  Let us focus our attention, time, energy and efforts on that which is far superior and important.  Here it is yet again, the sanctifying process. 

 "Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth." (2 Timothy 2:15). 

If a person

 "confesses the name of the Lord he or she "must turn away from wickedness"  (vs 19). 

 Don't go  on sinning just because you feel you are 'safe'.  "Hey, I'm saved.  I have everlasting life.  I can't lose that, so never mind, I can do as I please."  WRONG!  Observe the word 'must'...

"must turn away from wickedness".

Constant stoking on controversies about Bible translations preferences is causing divisions and therefore sin.  Stop it. Turn away from it.

Generally, lying, stealing, cheating, fornication, adultery and other sexual immorality, and murder would be the usual examples of 'wickedness'.  Yes, it is imperative to turn away from all of the above.

However, Paul lists "avoiding godless chatter,  so that the person won't become more ungodly"; and names Hymenaeus and Philetus as two prime offenders.  These two men, among others, were teaching falsehoods. They were saying "the resurrection had already taken place".  This is another of Satan's divide and conquer tactics.  We must be alert and vigilant for ourselves and on behalf of others, as Timothy is warned to be.

My sons, should you one day come into a leadership role, this too will be part of your responsibility.  Start now; prepare now.  Know God's Word. Practice it.  In time to come there will be credibility to your words by God's grace and Holy Spirit empowerment.

The Lord's servant "must not quarrel"; "must be kind to everyone; gently instruct those who oppose him" (in the hope and with a prayer, "God will grant them repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth...and escape the devil's trap).

Some science-minded people will oppose the truth as they want hard evidence; "seeing is believing", they say.  They don't realize that "faith IS the evidence of things not seen" (Hebrews 11:1 KJV).  The NIV renders that, "now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see."  It is difficult for some to overcome their intelligence and I do NOT say this mockingly, rather as a statement of fact.

So the Lord's servant needs to address these issues in 'opposing' such a mindset in order that they will 'come to their senses' and come to the knowledge of the truth and take that 'leap of faith' and trust God and His Son Jesus Christ for the salvation of their souls.

Timothy, being young, yet one of the Lord's servants, was up against such 'wickedness'.  This may have been intimidating for him.  Thus, as we've seen earlier in this second epistle, as well as in the first, Paul reminds him he does have authority to speak as he'd been commissioned by the leaders of the church through laying on of hands and the Holy Spirit's direction (1 Timothy 4:14; 2 Timothy 1:6, 7).  He needed to "take hold" of his leadership role and lead.

The Lord's servant must also "correctly handle the word of truth".  So he (or she) has to know it before he can handle it.  When he knows it then he can detect and discern the incorrect handling thereof.  There are many facets to this.  When he has discerned the incorrect then he has to compute who the perpetrator is and then, as 1 Timothy 5:1-2 teaches, rebuke and exhort accordingly.

While on the constant look-out-alert for these, there has to be that ongoing workmanship within ourselves as well.  Look at 2 Timothy 2:21.  When we cleanse ourselves and turn away from wickedness: those quarrels, false teachings, love of $$; and "evil deeds of youth," we will "be an instrument for noble purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work."  We will be able to "call on the Lord with a pure heart" (vs 22).  This will be "walking the talk and practicing what we preach".

This is also my prayer for you, my sons, as well as for any other readers of this blog. Be a workman and servant of the Lord who will "call on the Lord with a pure heart" and be useful to your Lord and Master Jesus Christ.

                                                                 ~ERC  2016~

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