Monday, May 2, 2016

Morning Musings-Holy Hands in Prayer

Morning Musings with the boys at breakfast...

When we live a blameless life, keeping short accounts with God and making confession of sin and seeking His forgiveness thereof, we can then "lift holy hands" to God in Jesus name in prayer.  We must make confession of our sins so that our prayers will not be hindered. 

 Part of the 'blamelessness' has to do with praying without anger or disputing.  Are we angry at someone?  Better to resolve it; to be angry and sin not.  Do what it takes to relinquish the anger.  Forgive and be forgiven.  Are we disputing with someone?  Again, seek resolution.  When we are able to do so,  then "lift up those holy hands in prayer'.  Maintain your relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

What types of prayer and what subjects should we pray about?  Look up 1 Timothy 2:1-15 to find out.  It's not always easy to pray for those in authority over us because we may not always agree with their policies, beliefs, character or conduct.  But God's Word does NOT say to pray for these people if they 'toe the line' according to God's Way (hopefully that is our standard).  We are to pray in spite of whether we respect the person as a person and as a person in authority. 

If a person is in a position of authority; God has allowed him or her into that position.  That person will be responsible to God the same as we are for our actions.  Our duty is to pray for them.  What do we pray?  We pray so that we can live in "all godliness and holiness" (NIV).  And what is the point of being able to have this peace?  That the good news of the gospel can go out to people who can then come to a saving knowledge of the truth.  So they can have "true faith".

There were so many heresies and false teachings even a way back then as there are today.  So we had best get to work in our times of peace and quiet and start praying with our 'holy hands'.  Pray for the salvation of all men and the preservation of the truth.  

Now comes a good part.  Paul tells Timothy that the women should dress modestly, with decency and propriety and interestingly, with 'good deeds'.  These things are for women who worship God.  This reminds me of the noble woman of Proverbs 31:25, 26 and 30.  She is "clothed in strength and dignity and speaks with wisdom and faithful instruction.  She also, in verse 20, "extends her hands to the poor and needy".  These are definitely "good deeds".  She looks after her family well, and her community (see the whole chapter 31).  She lives by the "fear of the Lord".  This is a very good thing. 

In an assembly of God's children, the woman is to "learn in quietness and full submission".  Would that be to men?  I believe, rather to God, as she is one who worships God and fears the Lord.  When she is in submission to God then all else falls in line.  She is an obedient woman of God.  

She is not to usurp the authority of the man whom God has placed over her for her protection.  However, I do not believe that she is not totally allowed to teach or preach.  If you look closely, she is "not to have authority over the man".  If there is no man present (man of God), then she can still go ahead and teach; she is still in submission to God in so doing.

I have read about a missionary lady in India, an Amy Carmichael, who did just that.  She was in a place where there were no men who could teach and preach in that locale, so she did.  However, when the brother in Christ was available, she kept silent.  I love her meekness.  She was also a woman of prayer and she indeed lifted 'holy and blameless hands' up to God.  Let us do the same; my sons, and  all my brothers and sisters in Christ.

                                                                   ~ERC  2016~

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