Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Morning Musings-Titus-ers

Morning Musings with the boys at breakfast...

Read Titus chapter 2

This is the big 'Titus-er' chapter.  Titus was to teach the older men and the older women how to behave.  Sounds amusing but guess it was needed instruction.  Human nature being what it is, we need this "keeping in line," in our times too.

If older men and women were to behave in circumspect ways, which Paul called "sound doctrine", that of being:  "temperate, worthy of respect, self-controlled, sound in faith, in love, in endurance, reverent" and more, then Titus was going to have to teach the younger ones the same also.  These things take time and over time, endurance and perseverance develop.  So, my sons, we need to take note of these as well.  

The very fact that Paul did not use the word "old" to describe the men and women but rather, the word "older" tells me that we are all older than someone else so we are all responsible to teach others of all these aspects of character and conduct.  If we are going to teach it we will first have to learn it for ourselves.  "Walk the talk" and "practice what you preach" idea which I've made note of on a previous day.

This will give you "integrity, seriousness and soundness of speech" (vs 7, 8).  Oh, this is to be coveted.  You don't want to let anyone have genuine reason to say bad things about you nor about God's work nor about God's people.  You don't want to be a stumbling block or 'excuse' to turning anyone away from salvation and/or walking in God's ways.  Be a faithful "Titus-er". 

A "Titus-er" being one who does all of the good mentioned above and teaches it to others. 

 Just some add in...the older women were to train the younger ones to love their husbands and children.  This is not necessarily 'agape' love.  Agape love may be easier than another type.  Agape is that unconditional love; loving someone no matter what their behavior as God showed to mankind that

 "while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8). 

 So a wife may not be happy with her husband or children but to show agape love, she'd do it kind of out of duty because she should and should show that agape love no matter what.  

However, in this passage, I read in one book (sorry I can't recall reference), that this love mentioned here was more of fondness in nature.  This could stem from the natural loving that one would hope would be between husband and wife or mother and child but when one is upset or constantly hurt or put down by the other, fondness, affection and tenderness may be difficult to come by.  You may find this to be true in time to come.  This is part though of that "sound doctrine" and we are to learn fondness and to train those younger than ourselves in it as well.  

Agape love would certainly play a role in this and may even be the catalyst to generate that fond affection needed.  May our Heavenly Father help us to understand His love so that we can pour it out on others generously and willingly.

Slander.  That ugly word again.  Ugly action.  This is considered by God to be as bad as adultery (1 Corinthians 5:11).  We are to rid ourselves of it whether we are a brother or a sister (1 Peter 2:1 and vs 3 of Titus 2).  A very serious matter to God, therefore Paul and also Peter stress the riddance thereof.  I believe it is a very challenging thing to stop minds, hearts and our mouths from uttering it.  Let us speak good, positive and pleasing-to-God, words.

About the young men being "serious"...perhaps there is a tendency to foolishness and playfulness.  I don't think one is to go around with a long, gloomy face but too much joking may cause that stumbling block to others.  If one can recall what happened to Lot a way back in the early Old Testament times (Genesis 19:14).   The angels told him to warn the others to flee from Sodom and Gomorrah yet, the inhabitants thought he was joking.  Mayhaps he was always telling jokes.  Others may condemn us but if we have actually been conducting ourselves in a worthy manner, there won't be anything concrete to condemn us for.  Condemnation may be because of jealousy or the accuser's  general critical nature.

My sons, if you ever find yourselves in such a teaching position as was Titus, soak yourselves in this "sound doctrine" and so be the Lord's faithful Titus-er.  May God bless all your efforts for Him.

                                                                    ~ERC  2016~

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