This is the big 'Titus-er' chapter. Titus was to teach the older men and the older women how to behave. Sounds amusing but guess it was needed instruction. Human nature being what it is, we need this "keeping in line," in our times too. If older men and women were to behave in circumspect ways, which Paul called "sound doctrine", that of being: "temperate, worthy of respect, self-controlled, sound in faith, in love, in endurance, reverent" and more, then Titus was going to have to teach the younger ones the same also. These things take time and over time, endurance and perseverance develop. So, my sons, we need to take note of these as well. The very fact that Paul did not use the word "old" to describe the men and women but rather, the word "older" tells me that we are all older than someone else so we are all responsible to teach others of all these aspects of character and conduct. If we are going to teach it we will first have to learn it for ourselves. "Walk the talk" and "practice what you preach" idea which I've made note of on a previous day. This will give you "integrity, seriousness and soundness of speech" (vs 7, 8). Oh, this is to be coveted. You don't want to let anyone have genuine reason to say bad things about you nor about God's work nor about God's people. You don't want to be a stumbling block or 'excuse' to turning anyone away from salvation and/or walking in God's ways. Be a faithful "Titus-er".
A "Titus-er" being one who does all of the good mentioned above and teaches it to others.
Just some add in...the older women were to train the younger ones to love their husbands and children. This is not necessarily 'agape' love. Agape love may be easier than another type. Agape is that unconditional love; loving someone no matter what their behavior as God showed to mankind that
"while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8).
So a wife may not be happy with her husband or children but to show agape love, she'd do it kind of out of duty because she should and should show that agape love no matter what. However, in this passage, I read in one book (sorry I can't recall reference), that this love mentioned here was more of fondness in nature. This could stem from the natural loving that one would hope would be between husband and wife or mother and child but when one is upset or constantly hurt or put down by the other, fondness, affection and tenderness may be difficult to come by. You may find this to be true in time to come. This is part though of that "sound doctrine" and we are to learn fondness and to train those younger than ourselves in it as well. Agape love would certainly play a role in this and may even be the catalyst to generate that fond affection needed. May our Heavenly Father help us to understand His love so that we can pour it out on others generously and willingly.
Slander. That ugly word again. Ugly action. This is considered by God to be as bad as adultery (1 Corinthians 5:11). We are to rid ourselves of it whether we are a brother or a sister (1 Peter 2:1 and vs 3 of Titus 2). A very serious matter to God, therefore Paul and also Peter stress the riddance thereof. I believe it is a very challenging thing to stop minds, hearts and our mouths from uttering it. Let us speak good, positive and pleasing-to-God, words. About the young men being "serious"...perhaps there is a tendency to foolishness and playfulness. I don't think one is to go around with a long, gloomy face but too much joking may cause that stumbling block to others. If one can recall what happened to Lot a way back in the early Old Testament times (Genesis 19:14). The angels told him to warn the others to flee from Sodom and Gomorrah yet, the inhabitants thought he was joking. Mayhaps he was always telling jokes. Others may condemn us but if we have actually been conducting ourselves in a worthy manner, there won't be anything concrete to condemn us for. Condemnation may be because of jealousy or the accuser's general critical nature. My sons, if you ever find yourselves in such a teaching position as was Titus, soak yourselves in this "sound doctrine" and so be the Lord's faithful Titus-er. May God bless all your efforts for Him. ~ERC 2016~
Titus was another of Paul's protege's. Titus was left on the isle of Crete
"to straighten out what was left unfinished and to appoint elders in every town" (v 5).
There must have been a large population of Christians on this island to have had a church in "every town" and needing elders. The extension and expansion of what Paul accomplished is rather amazing. His faithfulness to his God-given commission to go to the Gentiles and preach the gospel was far-reaching. Yet, as we saw in the epistles to Timothy, some of Paul's secret was to have partners in his work. He mentored many and established them in God's Word and work. He had committed so much to other faithful and reliable men of God. Titus was one of them and Paul calls him "my true son in our common faith" (Titus 1:4). This is a 'label' he gave to Timothy as well (1 Timothy 1:2). From this we can see that true Christian bond and affection among these brothers in Christ. Paul's concern for the individual is felt and likely part of his 'success', as it were, of being able to train so many for Jesus and His work.
"By this will all men know you are My disciples when you have love one for another" said Jesus (John 13:34, 35).
This is a key to forming our interpersonal relationships and reaching out to others for Christ. There are some common threads here in Titus which we have already observed in Timothy. The criteria of those who desire eldership in regards to their character and deportment, personally, and within their respective families, needing to be exemplary. We also see the elements of those who stirred up trouble who were "unfit for doing anything" (v 16). This group was doing it "for dishonest gain". It was bad enough they were teaching false doctrine but they were making the people pay for it too!! This group in Titus look like they were 'legalists'. Those which Paul called "the circumcision group". They must have been saying something like, Yes, you must be saved through Jesus Christ, God's Son, but you also need to be circumcised, to be truly completely saved.
It has been called the 'day of grace' since Jesus acquired salvation through His death and resurrection for us; from then until now and still ongoing. We live by the Holy Spirit of God and God's Word. We are saved to do good works NOT saved by good works (Ephesians 2:10). Titus was to rebuke the Cretans "sharply" for believing they had to earn their way to saving faith and grace by following Jewish ways of Old Testament times. They were not to let their "minds and consciences be corrupted" (vs 13-15).
Titus would have constant vigil to detect departure from sound doctrine and to train the would-be-elders in the same and, get this, to be able "to refute" those "rebellious people" who would interject the falsehoods (v 9). Titus and the appointed elders had their work cut out for them and they could not let down their guard for one minute. Like shepherds who carefully tend and protect their sheep, they had to be ever vigilant to straighten things out and keep them that way with their Great Shepherd, Jesus Christ's ever present help. ~ERC 2016~
About Timothy's 'secret weapon'...besides his overwhelmingly thorough spiritual upbringing bequeathed to him by his mother Eunice and his grandmother Lois, and his "finishing school" tutoring in God's Word and hands on ministering among the people of God by the apostle Paul, and the imperative help and guidance of the Holy Spirit, Paul directs Timothy's attention to the body of Christ.
Since Paul was imprisoned, Timothy would need reliable people around him to help teach and preach. Paul lists some of those on whom he depends. He also lists those of whom Timothy needs to beware of among the assemblies of God's people. If you look at 2 Timothy 4:9-22 you'll see who Paul's "back up" were. Some had been sent out to various places to further the work; Crescens to Galatia and Titus to Dalmatia. Luke , the doctor, was with Paul. Paul needed Mark and asked Timothy to bring him along as Mark had become " Paul's ministry". Tychicus, Paul had sent to Ephesus. Paul trusted Carpus with his scrolls and parchments for safe keeping. He needed those now along with his cloak. Timothy himself was entrusted to bring those items to Paul. Paul would then have Luke, Timothy and Mark with him as well as the things he needed. Those sent to designated areas were able to do what Paul could not at that time. These brothers were an extension of Paul's ministry. He had mentored many of them and they were able to go out and multiply and build fellow believers up in their most holy faith equally as well as could Paul. This must have relieved and gladdened Paul's heart to know the gospel was not in chains and the masses were hearing the message of Jesus. God's enemy could not stand it nor could he let the work go on unhindered. This is so par for the course. Demas loved the world and deserted Paul in Thessalonica. Timothy was warned to beware of Alexander the metalworker. This fellow had apparently caused Paul a great deal of harm and strongly opposed the message of Jesus. Paul urged Timothy to also be on his guard against him. There were "many" who had deserted Paul but he doesn't hold it against them. This is Paul making Timothy aware that this sort of thing could happen to him too but press on anyway. God is so good however. Paul remarks that "the Lord stood by him". What more could Paul have asked for? The Lord gave Paul strength, enabled Paul to proclaim the gospel fully so that all Gentiles might hear it; he delivered Paul from the lion's mouth (I believe this to be quite literal...they did that to Christians a way back then; lion fodder) and blessed be the name of the Lord, He rescued Paul from every evil attack. And what's more? The Lord would bring Paul safely to heaven. (In this we see Paul's great faith and confidence in the Lord. We too can place our trust in Him.) All glory be to God.
So in effect, Paul is telling Timothy to surround himself with quality people. Those that he too could mentor for the better in the Lord and in whom he needed to trust and rely upon. These are the members of the body of Christ; a 'secret weapon'. Paul's style closely resembles what Jesus did with the twelve disciples. He then had an inner circle of three of the twelve and then one of the three in even closer appropriate relationship. This is what Timothy should emulate and for us to do now in our time. Ask God to bring these people to you or to show you those to seek out and help along their road of service and sanctification to God. Just beware, there are those who would cause harm. Ask the Lord for Holy Spirit discernment. What did these people do for Paul? Look at verses 19 to 22. More of the body of Christ who assisted and partnered with Paul shared the gospel and in the building up of the church. Timothy didn't have to 'go it' alone either, nor do we.
Over all this we should be reminded that before Jesus Himself would choose the twelve who would be close to Him, He prayed all night. Paul doesn't talk about this specifically in this chapter of Timothy as he wasn't really talking about the choosing of the men; however I believe that Paul would have been in prayer too over whom to mentor, disciple and help and to be his 'inner circle' of friends and 'team mates' in the service of His Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
We would do well to ask God similarly for His direction for this important top level task of furthering His kingdom and help 'bring many sons to glory'. God's grace be with you as you develop your 'secret weapon' of His people to surround you and upon whom you can rely, support and build up together in your most holy faith. Let us remember though, that talking to God in prayer is a more perfect 'secret weapon' showing we rely on God more than anything or anyone else in the whole wide world. He is our true "Back Up".
Just a short but sweet notation... A tithe is a portion, a 10th of your income as seen in the Old Testament, and "according to your income" in the New Testament (1 Corinthians 16:2). A tithe was a must. An offering was given out of gratitude to our Heavenly Father for many and varied things He has done for the individual; a willing, cheerful overflow of the heart. The giving of tithes and offerings can help us overcome greed and love of money and promote that cheerful giving. As followers of Jesus Christ, we can follow Him who was rich yet for our sakes became poor (2 Corinthians 8:9). He gave the ultimate offering, that of His life to make atonement for our souls. Let us give back in gratitude.
Terrible times are here, today, in this day and age. If you look at the description Paul gave in 2 Timothy 3:1-9, you will see what I'm talking about. They had the same trouble a way back then too! Not just Paul's time either but even further back almost 2000 years earlier, before, Paul's time. Seems every era is a "godless last day". The message is the same now as it was then; "have nothing to do with them" (2 Timothy 3:5). Don't get involved. There will be men who "oppose the truth", have "depraved minds" and reject truth" in every generation (vs 8). Praise the Lord though, they have a reckoning day; "they will not get very far because...their folly will be clear to everyone" (vs 9). I do not say this with glee, however, as it is with a sad heart that the condition of the people made in the image of God so long ago, would be so wayward and departing from God and His love and standards He would love for each to embrace. It is His better, more excellent way of life. He wants us to have abundant life. May God have mercy on them! Here's where we, as followers of Jesus Christ bump into the "put off" > "put on" idea again. By contrast to the depraved settings, we witness through his writings, Paul's way of life. Timothy got to see it firsthand on a daily basis when they were in the same vicinity. Paul did have a rather blameless life. He walked his talk. The list in verses 10 & 11 include his: purpose, faith, patience, love, endurance, persecutions to endure and sufferings. We know from other references that he got so badly beaten up he was "left for dead" (2 Corinthians 11:25 and Acts 14:19). That is suffering. He was likely in great pain after his various beatings and whippings. Amazingly, he endured, persevered and pressed on. He knew what he was talking about and so did his hearers know he had license to warn and exhort and admonish. You want credibility of life and speech? Paul had it! (See also: Workmen the Lord's Servant). Praise the Lord, "the Lord rescued" Paul "from all of them" (vs 11). Contrast further, "all who live godly lives in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution". The bad guys don't but praise God "they won't get very far" (vs 9)...Evil men go from "bad to worse" "deceiving and being deceived" (vs 13). Switch to Timothy again. All the teaching of Scripture he'd learned from infancy til he'd become a man was
"able to make him wise for salvation"
and sanctification (vs 15 & 16). This as opposed to such foolishness as Jannes and Jambres (Exodus 7;8-13, 22; 8:18, 19). Timothy, the man of God, was
"thoroughly equipped for every good work".
This opposed to the evil of the deprave- minded men.
Among Paul's last words to Timothy in Chap 4 of 2 Timothy, Paul encourages and entreats Timothy to keep on keeping on despite all odds; especially in regards to the false teachings. I like it when he says
"keep your head in all situations" (2 Timothy 4:4).
Timothy must not be turned aside He should do all the duties of his ministry from then until the end of his time on earth or until Jesus comes for all the saints. We can learn a major lesson for ourselves here. We too live in depraved times that "wax worse and worse". We need to be alert, self-controlled, vigilant and live a blameless and holy life. We need to know God's Word thoroughly. We need to practice what we preach and 'shine like stars" for our Heavenly Father. Let us have credibility whether in times of persecution or not; the Holy Spirit helping.
Timothy also had a 'secret weapon' available to him...we'll find out soon just what (or who) that was.
"Practice what you preach" is an adage heard not infrequently. How about, "walk the talk"? It's true to life that a person will lose credibility if they themselves don't do as they themselves tell others to do. In the first part of 2 Timothy 2 (vs 1-13), Paul is exhorting Timothy to do certain things. Now here in the later part of this second chapter (vs 14-26) we see Paul entreating Timothy to remind the others to behave and this before God; that is, in God's presence. And it's true. We do quarrel in God's presence and this is a shame. Verse 14 warns against "quarreling about words". A case in point...some people prefer one version of the Bible to another saying, "Oh the KJV is the original English version and it is more respectful to refer to God and Jesus with 'Thee's' and 'Thou's' instead of as in today's language usage, simply, 'You'. This can lead to many an angry and bitter argument. Just an aside on this particular controversy, if the brother or sister promoting KJV would read the preface in the KJV, they would discover that the
"King's speech, which he uttereth in Parliament"
was to be used. Also that
"blessed be they, and most honored be their name, that break the ice and giveth onset upon that which helpeth forward to the saving of souls. Now what can be more available thereto, than to deliver God's book unto God's people in a tongue they understand..."
This is good 1611 King's English. We are now in the second millennium and I dare say that the good Queen Elizabeth II no longer 'speaketh' like this-eth. How many of the general public can now understand such language? Even Shakespeare's works (also from that time period), now need many explanations from teachers who are 'into' them. Just saying...and I'm not here to continue a debate on this.
All of this type leads to controversies and quarreling. Let us focus our attention, time, energy and efforts on that which is far superior and important. Here it is yet again, the sanctifying process.
"Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth." (2 Timothy 2:15).
If a person
"confesses the name of the Lord he or she "must turn away from wickedness" (vs 19).
Don't go on sinning just because you feel you are 'safe'. "Hey, I'm saved. I have everlasting life. I can't lose that, so never mind, I can do as I please." WRONG! Observe the word 'must'...
"must turn away from wickedness".
Constant stoking on controversies about Bible translations preferences is causing divisions and therefore sin. Stop it. Turn away from it. Generally, lying, stealing, cheating, fornication, adultery and other sexual immorality, and murder would be the usual examples of 'wickedness'. Yes, it is imperative to turn away from all of the above. However, Paul lists "avoiding godless chatter, so that the person won't become more ungodly"; and names Hymenaeus and Philetus as two prime offenders. These two men, among others, were teaching falsehoods. They were saying "the resurrection had already taken place". This is another of Satan's divide and conquer tactics. We must be alert and vigilant for ourselves and on behalf of others, as Timothy is warned to be. My sons, should you one day come into a leadership role, this too will be part of your responsibility. Start now; prepare now. Know God's Word. Practice it. In time to come there will be credibility to your words by God's grace and Holy Spirit empowerment. The Lord's servant "must not quarrel"; "must be kind to everyone; gently instruct those who oppose him" (in the hope and with a prayer, "God will grant them repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth...and escape the devil's trap). Some science-minded people will oppose the truth as they want hard evidence; "seeing is believing", they say. They don't realize that "faith IS the evidence of things not seen" (Hebrews 11:1 KJV). The NIV renders that, "nowfaith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." It is difficult for some to overcome their intelligence and I do NOT say this mockingly, rather as a statement of fact. So the Lord's servant needs to address these issues in 'opposing' such a mindset in order that they will 'come to their senses' and come to the knowledge of the truth and take that 'leap of faith' and trust God and His Son Jesus Christ for the salvation of their souls. Timothy, being young, yet one of the Lord's servants, was up against such 'wickedness'. This may have been intimidating for him. Thus, as we've seen earlier in this second epistle, as well as in the first, Paul reminds him he does have authority to speak as he'd been commissioned by the leaders of the church through laying on of hands and the Holy Spirit's direction (1 Timothy 4:14; 2 Timothy 1:6, 7). He needed to "take hold" of his leadership role and lead. The Lord's servant must also "correctly handle the word of truth". So he (or she) has to know it before he can handle it. When he knows it then he can detect and discern the incorrect handling thereof. There are many facets to this. When he has discerned the incorrect then he has to compute who the perpetrator is and then, as 1 Timothy 5:1-2 teaches, rebuke and exhort accordingly. While on the constant look-out-alert for these, there has to be that ongoing workmanship within ourselves as well. Look at2 Timothy 2:21. When we cleanse ourselves and turn away from wickedness: those quarrels, false teachings, love of $$; and "evil deeds of youth," we will "be an instrument for noble purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work." We will be able to "call on the Lord with a pure heart" (vs 22). This will be "walking the talk and practicing what we preach". This is also my prayer for you, my sons, as well as for any other readers of this blog. Be a workman and servant of the Lord who will "call on the Lord with a pure heart" and be useful to your Lord and Master Jesus Christ. ~ERC 2016~
When we read the two epistles that Paul wrote to his spiritual son Timothy, we get the impression that Timothy is a rather young-ish sort of man. In those days, 'young' may have been anywhere from 20-39 years of age. So saying, Timothy was not that young nor was he that old. Verses like 1 Timothy 4:12
"Don't let anyone look down upon you because you are young..."
and fatherly admonishing such as: 1 Timothy 4:14-15
"Do not neglect your gift..."; "Be diligent...";
1 Timothy 5:1-2 which we covered in an earlier blog about how to talk to older men/woman and younger women; 1 Timothy 6:20
"...guard what has been entrusted to your care...";
and then here in 2 Timothy 1:3-7 especially verses 6-7
" into flame the gift of God...for God did not give us a spirit of timidity...";
and then 2 Timothy 1:14,
"Guard...that [which] was entrusted..."
reflect that father-son type relationship. Admonishings and encouraging words for Timothy to be faithful in his service to God could never be said enough. I really like to see this and my sons, I would encourage each of you along in your spiritual growth and service to God and His Son Jesus Christ the Savior of your souls. Steady on...Be faithful to Him. You've had a godly upbringing at home and among the brothers and sisters in Christ at church, many of whom have faithfully taught you God's Word. This is very similar to Timothy's training so I want to dedicate the same injunction to you.
"Guard the good deposit that was entrusted to you--guard it with the help of the Holy Spirit who lives in us." (1 Timothy 1:14).
Read 2 Timothy 2:1-13
I believe that due to his 'youngish-ness', Timothy must have felt some what inadequate and timid to speak up and to use the gift God had given him (2 Tim 1:6, 7 and 1 Tim 4:12-14). Perhaps he did not want to seem arrogant or appear to know more than his elders. However he was to embrace it, use it and develop it, and guard it. He didn't have to do this on his own strength as he was reminded in 2 Timothy 1:14; the Holy Spirit who lived in him would help. As we read 2 Timothy 2:1 we see Timothy was encouraged to "be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus". He would need a lot of that as he then passed on and entrusted to reliable men all the things that his mother, grandmother and Paul had taught him. He was to teach "reliable men". Advice was not to waste time on unreliable ones, the type who would engage in controversies. He was to entrust the teachings to these "reliable men" so that in turn these men would be qualified to teach others." (1 Timothy 2;2).
When people aren't taught foundational truth they will be more easily swayed by false teachers. They need to be taught, and taught how to guard the truth and pass it on to more reliable people in their own generation as well as to the next. Timothy was going to need the strength of grace to endure hardship. Basic training is said to be tough for soldier recruits. Nevertheless, as "a good soldier of Jesus Christ" (vs 3, 4), God was his commanding officer; Timothy would need to please Him no matter the cost. Timothy would have to endure much and "compete according to the rules"; guard and pass on the entrusted truth to reliable men and lead a blameless and holy life. He was to reflect on these things and gain the Lord's insight into it all (vs 7). Suffering, persecution, unfair treatment and even possible imprisonment were on the menu yet Paul's positive note was that a person could "be chained like a criminal but God's Word would not be" (vs 9). All these needed to be endured for the sake of those who were to come to Christ in the present generation and subsequent ones in the years ahead. Some rewards are divulged in verses 11-13: "if we died with Him > we would live with Him"
"if we endured > we would reign with Him"
"if we disown Him > He would disown us"
"if we're faithless > yet, praise the Lord, He will remain faithful." All of these would mature Timothy personally and spiritually. In the end, a "victor's crown...&...a share in the crops," so to speak, when he had endured and become strong in grace. We too could have the same result if we would rely on Him and accept help from the Holy Spirit as we endure in a holy and blameless life; using and developing our gift from God; entrusting God's Word and message of salvation through Jesus Christ God's son, to those who in turn would be reliable and pass on the same to others to, in turn, pass on. My sons, even if you are considered 'young-ish' as was Timothy, espouse this commission for your own as the Holy Spirit leads. Guard what God entrusts to you all the days of your life til He comes. ~ERC 2016~
Heresies in times past claimed Jesus went to France with Mary Magdalene, was married to her and they had children together. This was supposed to be the best kept secret of certain secret societies that got passed on and 'protected' throughout the generations, so reveal authors Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln in their book The Holy Blood and The Holy Grail (rather a vile book in my opinion, relating many heresies and those supposedly with proof of truth according to history and published by Jonathan Cape in London in 1982...I highly recommend you know your Bible well before you start reading such a book so that you do not get turned aside to such heresies). This is similar to the many heresies and false teachings as are mentioned in an earlier blog entry, Alert and Vigilant. These have been mentioned in several other entries and we have attested to them through reading Paul's epistles (and can be seen in Peter, John, James and Jude's epistles). What does the Bible, and even Jesus Himself have to say about who His family is? Look at Luke 8:21 and John 1:12-13. In Luke 8:21, Jesus says His relatives are "those who hear God's Word and put it into practice." John says, "yet to all who receive Him (Jesus), to those who believed in His Name, He gave the right to become children of God--children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband's will, but born of God." Very straight forward and speaks for itself. These verses clearly state who Jesus' true children were and are even still to this day. Galatians 3:26 goes on to inform us, "You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. Again in 4:6 we learn "Because you are sons, God sent the Spirit of His Son into our hearts...Why would He do that? He did it because "God sent His Son, born of a woman, born under law, to redeem those under law, that we might receive the full rights of sons." (Galatians 4:4, 5). Together, these children are the Church, the bride of Christ. (1 Corinthians 12:27, 28 and Revelation 22:17 & 21:1, 2). As God's children, those who have put their faith, trust and hope in Jesus, God's son, He wants us to be "blameless and pure" (Philippians 2:14-15) so we can "shine like stars in the universe". Turn aside then from those heresies, go to the Scripture which is able to make you wise unto salvation (2 Timothy 3:15); learn God's truth. This is what we must do...when we hear something that sounds wrong, search the Scriptures to see what God has to say about the matter. You will get straightened out if your heart is truly willing and of noble character, truly seeking truth. The apostle Paul continues to tell Timothy in 1 Timothy 6:11-21 to "flee from all of this"! This is not a gentle stroll away. But, a "flee"! Flee from the false doctrines, controversies, evil suspicions and the love of $$. This is part of the "put off" and the "put on" that prevails in God's Word. That which does not please God nor is good for us needs to go. Do not keep yourselves "empty" however, rather "pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance & gentleness" (KJV renders this "meekness" which has a connotation of humble submission) (vs 11). This is the "put on". You want to fight? Fight this good fight of the faith. Not in the form of Crusades as in ages past which were more about power and wealth and in some instances, according to the above mentioned book, was in part that some supposed descendant of Jesus was trying to establish himself in his "rightful" kingship place in Jerusalem! How outrageous is that! The "good fight of the faith" (vs 12) is about "taking hold of eternal life" and to be "without spot or blemish". In other words, we are back to the theme of sanctification; that process of becoming more like Christ in character and conduct. Paul just cannot emphasize this enough. This 'fight' and ongoing process needs to be kept from now til we depart to be with Christ either through death or the rapture, whichever comes first. Part of this "fight of the faith" is to relinquish our hold on $$. You see in verse 17 we are reverted back to this topic. The rich & those who "put their hope in wealth" need to take note. What is our attitude towards riches? Check yourself. We may well have to fight against greed and love of money. This is another case of "put off--put on". Do not put your "hope in wealth...but put your hope in God". Riches can be eroded in a blink. God is the sure and steadfast One. Trust in God. Putting our hope in God will help us to release our grip on $$ and instead be "rich in good generous and willing to share." (vs 17, 18). This is truly life. Here's some more "last warnings" in verses 20 and 21. Warnings against the heresies and false teaching. Timothy was to "guard what was entrusted to his care and to turn away from godless chatter, opposing ideas and false knowledge". Paul wanted Timothy to "fight the good fight of faith" well and definitely NOT to wander from the truth. That would have been a devastating tragedy after Timothy's careful early childhood upbringing in the Scriptures, taught faithfully by his mother and grandmother and then in Paul's 'finishing school', to have him "wander from the faith"! This is always a godly Christian parent's concern. My sons, cling ever to Jesus, your Heavenly Father, He'll see you through. Finish the good fight of faith all the way Home to Heaven. When you "hear God's Word and put it into practice", you'll show in word and in deed that you are God's children who also belong to Jesus. "Grace be with you." (1 Timothy 6:21) ~ERC 2016~
Often, the moment you turn your back to someone or something, something or someone is going to be out of place. I'm beginning to realize, slowly but hopefully surely, why Paul was constantly telling the recipients of his many letters to
"be vigilant..."
God's # 1 enemy, Satan, never takes a holiday. When he can get an edge in, a toehold, foot hold and eventually, stronghold, in a person's life, he'll go for it! Thank God though, that our Heavenly Father never ever sleeps! And God is omnipotent and omnipresent, unlike Satan who has to have his demon minions do much of his work. However, as children of the Most High God who never "slumbers nor sleeps" (Psalm 121:4), we need to be 'on guard' with our armor of God in place and with prayer unceasing for our God, who is ever present, to help in time of trouble" (Psalm 46:1) to come to our aid. We need to know God and His Word thoroughly and put it into daily practice. You see here in 1 Timothy 6:3-10 there is more about false teachings and the results produced, that of: controversies, quarrels, envy, strife, malicious talk, evil suspicions, and constant friction. This is the enemy's work sowing his tares. When we know and understand sound instruction, godly teaching and the truth of our Lord Jesus Christ, this is our guard and 'weapon' against the wiles of the devil. We will be able to discern falsehood from the truth more readily when it shows itself even subtly. We need to live in peace with all men as much as possible. (Romans 12:18). Some churches have split on even very petty things, not even having to do so much with doctrine but with controversies. Sometimes due to peoples' preference of music type or of which version of the Bible is the 'right' one to use. (Granted some may be better than others but we shouldn't be legalistic nor quarrelsome about it.) Refer back to verse 1 where it talks about God's name and the sound teaching being slandered. Often the way we behave as a child of God can bring shame and a bad reputation to God and His children. Hence we cannot be too careful. Always be on our guard against this. Let us not be taking sides with this reasoning or that! It's not nice. It's not good. It is traumatic. Don't take your eyes off Jesus. Keep your eyes on Jesus and sound doctrine and godliness. Of course the false doctrine/teaching must be addressed--painful; stressful; necessary. But be sure it is false teaching and don't get entangled in the controversies and quarrels, etc. Getting involved in trivials takes our focus away from Jesus and our time and effort and energies won't be used for the furtherance of His kingdom. We would be divided and conquered by God's enemy Satan and Satan would feel he'd gotten the victory. Perhaps some are teaching the false doctrines out of the love of money. They want to get rich and don't care too much how they can accomplish that goal. "For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil." (1 Timothy 3:10). We too can easily get caught up in this and turn ourselves away from our faith. Like I've said before, my sons, God's enemy and ours will use anything and everything to turn us away from God our Savior and from following after Him. Satan doesn't care less how he does it.
Godliness (verse 6) is truth and becoming more like Jesus. It is characterizing our life with the fruit of the Holy Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control". There is no law againstthese. (Galatians 6:22).
Contentment (verse 6) is about having food enough to scare away hunger and clothing enough to keep us modest.
Godliness plus contentment, verse 6 says, equals "great gain". Not necessarily rolling in the dough ($$) but there would be less stress (don't have to worry about losing it to thieves or on the stock market) and because our focus is on Jesus Christ and not on the $$ we can also have peace from God. We don't have to worry about falling into traps of temptation from such as "get rich quick schemes". These types of schemes, in turn, could bring trouble upon oneself and ones' family.
When $$ becomes ones' god and the love of $$ is also ones' goal and god, we will have "wandered from truth and faith and will pierce our self with many griefs" (verse 10). This would be a truly sad predicament and definitely one I do NOT wish you, my sons, to ever, ever be in. I beseech you, as Paul told Timothy to warn the Ephesians, beware! Was it the love of $$ that caused those so-called-brothers to stir up strife and controversies? It's somewhat unclear in this passage but could be part of the reason. Whatever the reason, it sadly, caused them to wander away from faith. Cling to Jesus, keep your eyes on Him. Know God. Know God's Word. Be alert and vigilant. Keep the faith. Don't give Satan even a teeny, tiny toehold. "Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes....Be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power." (Ephesians 6:11, 10). We need God's help but we must work in tandem with Him and shoulder our responsibility for ourselves, our family and among God's family. May God be with you and bless you. ~ERC 2016~
Some people might think that because their boss is a Christian, and they themselves are Christian employees, that they can take things easy, saying "never mind, he's my brother; he'll understand." However when you read 1 Timothy 6:1-2 you'll discover the opposite scenario. A 'slave' or employee is supposed to show "full respect...and serve the Christian, the master/employer, even better". Its wrong to do otherwise. Why is this so? Paul tells Timothy so
"that God's name and our teaching may not be slandered".
"because those who benefit are believers and dear to them".
When we show our love for our brothers and sisters-in-Christ by giving that "full respect" due, all men will know that we are Jesus' disciples. Make note that it doesn't say "worthy of full respect" only if the Christian boss is conducting himself as a good Christian. There are no conditions attached; we must just give that 'full respect" regardless of his or her behavior. It is very good to remember these things in time to come. When you do so, God will be honored and given glory. ~ERC 2016~
If you read 1 Timothy chapter 5 you will find some instructions on church governance and function; and of how the various age and gender groups of believers are to conduct themselves. It's all very practical. The first two verses touch on interpersonal behavior when having to dispense discipline. How is one to go about it? Timothy was a young man, possibly a bachelor. He must be very circumspect. No easy task laid out for him! Yet there he was in an overseeing position. He may well have been reticent to act. Paul tells Timothy to "not rebuke an older man harshly, but exhort him as if he were his father." Wow! Did you ever have to point out a failing in your father, to him? How do you think he'd take that even if what was brought to his attention was done so with a respectful attitude and good tone of voice and non-aggressive body language?
People don't take to rebuke easily. Yet we are to be meek; to inculcate meekness. Meekness (KJV) is one of the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23), which in another translation is rendered "gentleness" (NIV). We all need to swallow our pride (it's non-fattening) and receive such rebukes and exhortations in that Spirit of meekness; even when those younger than us point out that which is not according to God's standard in our lives. It can be a bitter pill to swallow too but in the end can bring healing to our souls and even to our health.
No matter the age, let us give and take rebuke with great meekness so as to please our Father in heaven with our Christ-like behavior in and among His family and elsewhere. Likely another tricky one, if Timothy was indeed an eligible bachelor (or even as a married man), would be dealings with the opposite 'fair' gender; the young maidens. These "younger women" he was to treat as "sisters," and that with "absolute purity". I like the example of Billy Graham, the world renown evangelist. It is said that if he had to speak with a woman &/or sister in private, that he would leave his office door somewhat ajar. This is in keeping with "absolute purity" and it is well to take absolute note of this, my sons! The next four verses (3-6) instruct the people of God on giving "proper recognition to those widows who are really in need". This care giving falls to the children and grandchildren to administer. This is a way for them to "put their religion into practice and so repay their parents/grandparents" for all they've done for them throughout the prior years. Breadwinners need to provide for their immediate family (wife, children), then their parents and grandparents and then any widow in the family. 1 Timothy 5:8 says that if they don't provide, they are worse than an unbeliever. They must needs look after their own and not allow the church to take in the responsibility unnecessarily and the church must hold those family members accountable.
I read in some book many years ago, that in India, when a husband died, the widow would be burned alive with him on the funeral pyre. This is NOT the way to care for the widow. Later, that practice was abandoned but the widows were still shunned. There eventually became a region where those widows would end up living and maybe find some degree of acceptance. Eventually, God came in, through a widow who came to Christ. She, along with a missionary lady (I wish I could remember more details of this) started up The Band of Indian Widows. This was not a musical band but these dear sisters in Christ went about spreading the gospel and message of Jesus. This gave this band of widows hope and a life; an abundant life in Christ. This was unusual but greatly used of God in that country of India. This is how God their Heavenly Father provided for members of His immediate family; for His daughters whom He loved and accepted. Back to the case in point...who is the widow who is "really in need" and if she is "really in need" what other criteria is considered to get "on the list" for the church to care for and support. Verses 9 & 10 of 1 Timothy 5 remind me a lot of Proverbs 31 and the type of wife the bachelor King Lemuel was advised to look for. This sister, before she became a widow, had "been faithful to her husband", "was over 60 years of age; well known for her good deeds: bringing up children, showing hospitality; washing the feet of the saints; helping those in trouble and devoting herself to all kinds of good deeds". That is an impressive resume! There is no doubt as to whether she should or should not be "on the list". Her daily life spoke for itself. Paul didn't seem to have a very good opinion of the younger widows (vs 11-16). Seems rather unfair. But again, that meekness must be activated in this area. Well, we have the exhortation for younger widows to be aware, and beware, of these characterizing them, of becoming them (gossipers and busybodies, etc). Also, these verses do give license to remarry if possible. Perhaps Timothy had to act as matchmaker for these sisters. With such interpersonal relationships for each age/gender group, no wonder those in leadership, such as elders (vs17), who conduct themselves well, would be "worthy of double honor". We all would do well to remember this. Leadership among God's people is not for gaining prestige or power but for giving God honor and praise. The governance of God's people is not to be taken lightly. Christ is the Head and we need to submit to Him and those He puts into positions of authority above us, in meekness. Let us conduct ourselves aright. ~ERC 2016~