Saturday, April 6, 2024

The LORD Said to Moses (Numbers)

 By the time a reader reads Numbers chapter 1 clear through chapter 9, he or she will realise something.  There's a repeated phrase, "The LORD said to Moses ..." (see the first one in Numbers 1:1).  Sometimes it was together with Aaron (as in Numbers 2:1).

This made me curious, so I flipped back through the book of Leviticus too.  Sure enough, almost every chapter begins in the self-same manner, or at least somewhere within the chapters,

"The LORD called to Moses and spoke to him from the Tent of Meeting" (Levitcus 1:1) and "The LORD  said to Moses ... (Leviticus 6:1; 7:22) and "... the LORD said to Moses and Aaron ..." (Leviticus 13:1).

Back in Numbers, either the end of a The LORD said section or chapter are words to the following effects,

"The lampstand was made exactly like the pattern the LORD had shown Moses" (Numbers 8:4).

And from Numbers 9:23 (NIV),

"... They obeyed the LORD's order, in accordance with His command through Moses."

From earlier in Numbers 5:4,

"...They did just as the LORD had instructed Moses."

I was thrilled to see how Moses deferred to the LORD in another instance.  For example, when the LORD told Moses to tell the Israelites when to celebrate the Passover but some of them had been unclean at that time.  They asked Moses what to do about it.  Here's what Moses answered.

"Wait until I find out what the LORD commands concerning you" (Numbers 9:1-9, esp vs 8).

Moses went to the Tent of Meeting expecting to talk with the LORD, confidently expecting the LORD to speak with him.  If we recall how Moses had gotten this tent of meeting started and how he so valued hearing from the LORD, we will not be so surprized at all that God spoke to him.  Most of the books of Leviticus and Numbers record major blocks of their conversations.   Don't you find that exciting?

I believe that when we sit and ponder upon God's Word in our own special spots for "finding out what the LORD commands," we will hear Him.  We will hear, see and/or sense His prescence with us.  We will hear Him through His word and the Holy Spirit's guidance.

Confidently expect it.

Then, of course, we must follow through like the Israelites did so ideally at the start.  We should obey the Lord's order for our respective lives in accordance with the LORD's commands" (see Numbers 9:23).  And continue...

LORD, I love how Your relationship with Moses was.  I'd like to have such give and take too.  train my ears and heart to listen to Your voice and to also be obedient to Your instructions for my life, all my days through.  Thank You that You care and are interested, just like You were for Moses, Aaron and the Israelites.  What a mighty God You are!

In Jesus' name I give You thanks and praise.  Amen.

                                                     ~ERC  March 2024~

Based on Numbers 9.

Sing, Word of God Speak, along with Mercy Me.

Related links:

Lord's Day Devotion - Altar Call

Meeting On Purpose

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