Friday, April 26, 2024

Blasting Silver Trumpets (Numbers)

 Living in a land where there are calls to pray five times a day gives a heads up to followers of Jesus Christ to continue to pray without ceasing, to our Heavenly Father in dependence and relationship with Him (see 1 Corinthians 5:17).

Even quick and quiet prayers of acknowledgement if not of petition or request, can keep us in communion with Him.  It is a good habit to cultivate until it's automatically a regular part of our daily walk with the Lord no matter the time of day or night.   

I know of one sister who sets her phone alarm at three specific times per day.  These set reminders help her to remember in the busyness of life to stop, pause and pray for designated-by-her reasons and for any added issue of the hour that pops up.

This is why, when reading Numbers 10:1-10 about the silver trumpets and their singular signals, it put me in mind of the unceasing access we have to our Father in Heaven.  We actually don't need to wait for certain times of day to pray.

The silver trumpets the LORD asked Moses to have made would be blown for a variety of reasons.  There was "summon the congregation for breaking up camp;" gathering the Israelite congregation to the entrance of the tent of meeting, signaling which camps would make their moves to set out first and next; an alarm for going out to war; and blowing "the trumpets over their burnt and peace offerings and sacrifices."  Different blasts would indicate the differing reasons.  Trumpeters would surely be kept trumpeting and probably develop a good set of lungs.  Ha, ha.

Let every child of God keep their respective trumpet blasts to God in tote and on toot.  May they each develop prayerful lungs - so to speak - and keep their cries, pleas, and sweet communings going up to their Abba Father.

Abba Father, thank You that we have access to You 24/7.  Help us to each make good use of our connection with You and the desire to love and obey You and do Your will but also to just simply spend time with You listening to what You have to say in our own tent of meeting.

In Jesus' name we come to You.  


                                                      ~ ERC  April 2024 ~

Based on Numbers 10:1-10 NIV.

Sing, Lord, I Need You, along with Matt Maher and A Christian's Daily Prayer, along with Sovereign Grace Music.

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