Sunday, April 28, 2024

Lord's Day Devotion - The Meekness of Wisdom

 "Who is wise and understanding among you?  By his good conduct let him show his works in the meekness of wisdom" (James 3:13 ESV).

The cause and effect principle can be observed in this verse especially when viewing it in the context of the whole book of James.  Most know James is making the point to put your money where your mouth is.  If you, a Christian, say you have faith then show it by your works and daily Christlike living.   If you think yourself to be wise and understanding in the ways of God, then prove it by good conduct and conversation.  The ointment, or oil, that greases this wheel is humility.  The source of humility is wisdom; a product thereof.

The NIV uses the word humility while the ESV, as you could see from the quoted verse above, translates it meekness.  The first person who comes to mind when I think of meekness is Moses.  He is deemed the meekest man of the Bible.  He therefore may have been wiser than Solomon but I won't quibble over that.

Moses was wise because he was constantly found in the Tent of Meeting speaking with the LORD, inquiring of and communing with Him.  He knew his own shortcomings and limitations and built at strong bond with LORD, his Helper.  He desparately needed God's wisdom and guidance to lead that unruly flock of Israelites.  He needed constant, daily help and turned his face and eyes to the One who was his Source of wisdom.

Moses then went forth and by his good conduct and conversation achieved that feat of leading those Israelites all those 40 years.  He showed, by his works, his faith in God his Heavenly Father.

Of course, there were times when Moses unwisely conducted himself and got unrighteously angry and lashed out.  It cost him his ticket into the Promised Land.  He did repent, which was wise.  The LORD was gracious and did allow him to see The Milk & Honey Land even though he couldn't enter it.  Learning meekness can be bittersweet but learn it he did.

Our Savior Jesus, fully God yet fully man, spent time communing with God His Heavenly Father.  The connection was strong.  Father and Son times, the Son obedient and meek before His Father and to do His will till and through the last minutes of His life.

That fantastic life as we see from the Gospels of going about town to town bringing good news of the gospel of the Kingdom of God; healing and miracles; often tired and thirsty, showing He is fully God and fully man.  Jesus' good conduct and conversation a witness to those who looked for it.

Then came His death upon the cross, bearing all our sins and sorrows upon Himself.  Then His resurrection and ascension back to His Father.  His show of works, complete.

Let us praise the Savior, all of you who know Him, for these acts of meekness that come from His wisdom and love for us.

Reach for the broken bread and drink from the cup of remembrance this Lord's Day, yes, then go forth in your God-given wisdom and understanding and show your good conduct and conversation by your works that also come from the meekness of wisdom.  This is the ultimate cause and effect principle at work in us who believe.

Lord Jesus, we can never stop thanking and praising You for Your loving, perfect and consistant display of good conduct and converstion on our behalf.  Your meekness and wisdom from Your earthly walk and purpose ignited us to the same displays, albeit, like Moses, with our human weaknesses also on display.  Thank You for the salvation that repentant hearts can access and find Your forgiveness.

Teach us Your ways, O Lord, make us ever more perfect in Your sight as You did for Moses.  May our meekness of wisdom show in all the right ways in our day-to-day living.

Thank You for the cross that redeemed our souls and gave us new life in You and the indwelling Holy Spirit who helps us.


                                                        ~ERC  April 2024~

Based on James 3:13 ESV, NIV, KJV.

Sing, Praise the Savior, along with Martijan de Groot.

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