Sunday, April 21, 2024

Lord's Day Devotion - Proof of Purchase (Hebrews)

Proof of purchase is the receipt.  If store security stops you to check, you show them the receipt.  They'll let you go on your merry way.

God proved His love for mankind when He sent Jesus to die on the cross for our sins.  Jesus Christ became our sacrifice.  He sacrificed Himself to do away with our sins when we put our faith in Him, repent and accept Him as Savior.

In Lord's Day Devotion - OT Sacrifice and Sacrifice, we learned how the Israelites had to sacrifice an animal to atone for their sin.  For each sin, they sacrificed another and another clean animal.  So over and over again they had to do this.

Since the time Jesus died on the cross, we all don't have to make such sacrifices as these any longer.  Jesus' sacrifice is superior to all of that that went before.

As the familiar saying goes, Jesus sacrificed Himself once for all, for all people, for all sins, for all time and eternity.

"The blood of Jesus Christ cleans us from all sin" (1 John 1:7-9). [emphasis mine]

This is God's proof of purchase and He is very satisfied with Christ's sacrifice for us.  He did all this out of His unshakeable love for us fallen human beings.  

Now we need to live a righteous life as a way to thank Him for all He has done for us - all His cleansing and making us whole.

Jesus Christ was both the noun sacrifice (n) and the verb sacrifice (v) Himself, for us.

Praise Him as you reach for the bread and wine on any given Lord's Day.  Do this in continual remembrance, showing the Lord's death and resurrection, until He comes (see 1 Corinthians 11:26).  After all, Christ our Sacrifice is proof of God's unshakeable love for us.  Just think on that!

Lord Jesus Christ, I cannot thank You enough for being the sacrifice for my sins:  the atonement for my sin and the redemption of my soul.  Thank You for willingly showing me how much You love me by doing this.  I owe You so much.  Help me to live a life that pleases You and to serve You all my days.  Amen.

                                                  ~ERC  April 2024~

Based on Hebrews 9:11-15, 16b-28 and 1 Peter 2:24 NIV.

Sing, The Love or God is Greater Far, along with Gaither Music TV.

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