Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Rise Up and Return (Numbers 10)


Once again God's orderliness is seen in how once the silver trumpets blasted the marching orders, all the Israelites set out according to how God commanded Moses, as seen in this tenth chapter of Numbers.

As they set out from Mount Sinai for this very first time, after Moses had gotten so many instructions from the Lord:  the Ten Commandments and for construction of the Tabernacle and so much more.  After events such as even before they received the Ten Commandments regarding having no other gods before Me (said God), they'd already had Aaron make them a golden calf to worship and then the consequences of that!  Eventful place, to say the least.

I'm just trying to imagine the feelings of all those millions of people.  What would it have been like to be in their shoes!?  Euphoric to hear  the trumpets' blast marching signals and perhaps see the cloud or fire lift from the tent of meeting, as they scrambled to fold up their own tents, gather their possessions and children and join the queue according to their prescribed positions of march.

What were the thoughts racing through their minds?  Nervous excitement akin to the first day of a new school year?  Excitement to see friends again, nervousness to learn which class you'd be in, curiosity to know if there would be any new students and even some trepidition as to which teacher you'd have?  After all, the Israelites hadn't marched to such a programmed order before but we know how that God was on their side and He was going with them, or rather leading them wherever they went.  What was there to fear?

This is why the interchange between Moses and his brother-in-law Hobab son of Reuel is so curious.  If God was leading, guiding and directing their way through the wilderness, why would Moses' point of persuasion for Hobab to accompany them be, 

"you know where we should camp in the desert, and you can be our eyes..." (Numbers 10:31).

Respect and acknowledgment of his brother-in-law, I feel Moses' really cared for him especially when he tacked on, in confidence of knowing His caring, loving Heavenly Father, said,

"If you come with us, we will share with your whatever good things the LORD gives us" (Numbers 10:32).

I get this part.  But the "be our eyes" bit I'm not so sure.  Actually, one online commentary The Bible Says, explained that Hobab was more likely to be Moses' brother-in-law as Reuel (aka Jethro), was actually the father-in-law, which explains that quandary.

Secondly, it was God leading to the encamping location.  However, once their tents were pitched and they'd settled in, they'd need to know where to go and where not to go to look for water and/or to avoid hostile enemy encounters.  So Hobab would act as desert guide.  This makes sense to me.  Moses does seem to have successfully persuaded the at first, reluctant Hobab.

Speaking of hostile enemies, how do you like Moses' mini-prayers whenever the ark of the covenant set out and came to rest?  Again, Moses' converstation with the LORD is noted.  The LORD had already indicated "It's time to move on" by lifting up the cloud or fire yet Moses is in tune with the LORD, like inseparable best friends.  He is inviting the LORD to come along and to settle, return to not just him but to the whole congregation of Israelites.

Furthermore, for the scattering of their enemies, Moses saw God as his true protector.  We have the same God who is the same for us today.  This is heady stuff!

For the LORD to

 "return to the countless thousands of Israel" (vs 36), 

feels like Moses is saying.  "We need you and we can't rest without you.  Come, stay, rest, and be with us.  All will be right with our desert world with You in it."  This too, is the same for us.  Even though we know our Lord is with us and will never leave us, we can let Him know we truly want Him and all will be right when He is there.

Did you catch the "countless thousands" bit?  It's significant.  Recall way back to God's promise to Abraham (see Genesis 15:1-6 NIV).  God had promised him countless descendants more than the number of stars in the sky and grains of sand on the seashore.  We see His promise to Abraham fulfilled here.  Moses was alluding to this promise reminding God of it.  Like persuading God to be with them.  We know further that God did travel with them and not reluctantly.  So the two R's transpired countless times, the "Rise Up" and the "Return".

We often do similar when we set off on a journey be it by car, bus, or plane.  It would be good by foot too. Or whatever mode of travel to wherever in our daily lives.

Heavenly Father, we appreciate You and are glad You are with us wherever we are and with whatever we are doing.  Always rise up with us as we go about our daily journeys whether far or near and return with us at day's end wherever we settle.  We believe in You and have confidence that faith affords us, much like Moses had but then, perhaps to a lesser degree.  We are learning though, Father.  Thank You for Your patience with us.  In Jesus' name, amen.

                                                   ~ ERC  April 2024 ~

Based on Numbers 10:11-36 NIV.

Sing, God of All My Days, along with Casting Crowns and God is For Us, along with City Alight.

Monday, April 29, 2024

Book Review - God Made Me From A to Z - By Allison Key Bemiss - Publication Date: 30 April 2024


This is such an excellent, educational activity book for pre-schoolers.  In my opinion, parents, grandparents, and caregivers would find this a valuable resource for teaching their little ones about God, their ABC's and even about life, in general.

Each letter of the alphabet has a Bible verse, a question, an activity or two accompanied by a short relating prayer.  There are also cute illustrations that could amuse child and adult alike.  All in all, I believe this a great choice for anyone looking for ideas in teaching children under their care.

                                             ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                           January 2024

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Lord's Day Devotion - The Meekness of Wisdom

 "Who is wise and understanding among you?  By his good conduct let him show his works in the meekness of wisdom" (James 3:13 ESV).

The cause and effect principle can be observed in this verse especially when viewing it in the context of the whole book of James.  Most know James is making the point to put your money where your mouth is.  If you, a Christian, say you have faith then show it by your works and daily Christlike living.   If you think yourself to be wise and understanding in the ways of God, then prove it by good conduct and conversation.  The ointment, or oil, that greases this wheel is humility.  The source of humility is wisdom; a product thereof.

The NIV uses the word humility while the ESV, as you could see from the quoted verse above, translates it meekness.  The first person who comes to mind when I think of meekness is Moses.  He is deemed the meekest man of the Bible.  He therefore may have been wiser than Solomon but I won't quibble over that.

Moses was wise because he was constantly found in the Tent of Meeting speaking with the LORD, inquiring of and communing with Him.  He knew his own shortcomings and limitations and built at strong bond with LORD, his Helper.  He desparately needed God's wisdom and guidance to lead that unruly flock of Israelites.  He needed constant, daily help and turned his face and eyes to the One who was his Source of wisdom.

Moses then went forth and by his good conduct and conversation achieved that feat of leading those Israelites all those 40 years.  He showed, by his works, his faith in God his Heavenly Father.

Of course, there were times when Moses unwisely conducted himself and got unrighteously angry and lashed out.  It cost him his ticket into the Promised Land.  He did repent, which was wise.  The LORD was gracious and did allow him to see The Milk & Honey Land even though he couldn't enter it.  Learning meekness can be bittersweet but learn it he did.

Our Savior Jesus, fully God yet fully man, spent time communing with God His Heavenly Father.  The connection was strong.  Father and Son times, the Son obedient and meek before His Father and to do His will till and through the last minutes of His life.

That fantastic life as we see from the Gospels of going about town to town bringing good news of the gospel of the Kingdom of God; healing and miracles; often tired and thirsty, showing He is fully God and fully man.  Jesus' good conduct and conversation a witness to those who looked for it.

Then came His death upon the cross, bearing all our sins and sorrows upon Himself.  Then His resurrection and ascension back to His Father.  His show of works, complete.

Let us praise the Savior, all of you who know Him, for these acts of meekness that come from His wisdom and love for us.

Reach for the broken bread and drink from the cup of remembrance this Lord's Day, yes, then go forth in your God-given wisdom and understanding and show your good conduct and conversation by your works that also come from the meekness of wisdom.  This is the ultimate cause and effect principle at work in us who believe.

Lord Jesus, we can never stop thanking and praising You for Your loving, perfect and consistant display of good conduct and converstion on our behalf.  Your meekness and wisdom from Your earthly walk and purpose ignited us to the same displays, albeit, like Moses, with our human weaknesses also on display.  Thank You for the salvation that repentant hearts can access and find Your forgiveness.

Teach us Your ways, O Lord, make us ever more perfect in Your sight as You did for Moses.  May our meekness of wisdom show in all the right ways in our day-to-day living.

Thank You for the cross that redeemed our souls and gave us new life in You and the indwelling Holy Spirit who helps us.


                                                        ~ERC  April 2024~

Based on James 3:13 ESV, NIV, KJV.

Sing, Praise the Savior, along with Martijan de Groot.

Friday, April 26, 2024

Blasting Silver Trumpets (Numbers)

 Living in a land where there are calls to pray five times a day gives a heads up to followers of Jesus Christ to continue to pray without ceasing, to our Heavenly Father in dependence and relationship with Him (see 1 Corinthians 5:17).

Even quick and quiet prayers of acknowledgement if not of petition or request, can keep us in communion with Him.  It is a good habit to cultivate until it's automatically a regular part of our daily walk with the Lord no matter the time of day or night.   

I know of one sister who sets her phone alarm at three specific times per day.  These set reminders help her to remember in the busyness of life to stop, pause and pray for designated-by-her reasons and for any added issue of the hour that pops up.

This is why, when reading Numbers 10:1-10 about the silver trumpets and their singular signals, it put me in mind of the unceasing access we have to our Father in Heaven.  We actually don't need to wait for certain times of day to pray.

The silver trumpets the LORD asked Moses to have made would be blown for a variety of reasons.  There was "summon the congregation for breaking up camp;" gathering the Israelite congregation to the entrance of the tent of meeting, signaling which camps would make their moves to set out first and next; an alarm for going out to war; and blowing "the trumpets over their burnt and peace offerings and sacrifices."  Different blasts would indicate the differing reasons.  Trumpeters would surely be kept trumpeting and probably develop a good set of lungs.  Ha, ha.

Let every child of God keep their respective trumpet blasts to God in tote and on toot.  May they each develop prayerful lungs - so to speak - and keep their cries, pleas, and sweet communings going up to their Abba Father.

Abba Father, thank You that we have access to You 24/7.  Help us to each make good use of our connection with You and the desire to love and obey You and do Your will but also to just simply spend time with You listening to what You have to say in our own tent of meeting.

In Jesus' name we come to You.  


                                                      ~ ERC  April 2024 ~

Based on Numbers 10:1-10 NIV.

Sing, Lord, I Need You, along with Matt Maher and A Christian's Daily Prayer, along with Sovereign Grace Music.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Full-Measure Grace

My Dad was a preacher man and one of his most favorite Bible stories seemed to have been when King David searched for Mephibosheth and had him brought to the palace.  Mephibosheth was the son of his good friend Jonathan who had died in the war.

Joanathan was the son of David's arch-enemy King Saul.  On top of this, most newly enthroned kings of those ancient days would kill off all the competition, that is, the royal family members of the former king.

What saved the day was Jonathan and David's promise to each other to care for each others' progeny should either one pass on early.  I suspect that Jonathan realized he'd be first to go and as he was well aware of the murderous hostility directed towards David from his father King Saul for decades, knew what sort of prognosis one in such a position could generally expect from a newly minted king.

Dad loved it that Mephibosheth came and was actually safely able to sit at King David's table and have kindness shown to him.  I don't exactly recall what struck Dad so much about this story but I can imagine some take on it.

The overwhelming swirl of grace exhibited by King David towards Mephibosehth is amazing .  David could have just kept him alive and living in his far away place.  But no, nothing less would suffice than for Mephibosheth to be seated at David's very own table, among David's very own sons.

King David was making a loud and clear statement, I believe to any overly zealous person wishing to do David a supposed favor.  This is truly remarkable after knowing the years of misery and torment Mephibosheth's grandfather perpetuated upon David.  It is so much like God's marvelous grace - the loving and matchless grace of our Lord.  There's no way King Saul's grandson deserved this.  There's no way we deserved God's grace in our day and age, either.  David being a man after God's own heart, went full blast with  his act of grace.  It was not given in half meaures either.  King David restored Mephibosheth's rightful lands and inheritance to him (minus the throne as David was God's anointed choice).

I smile as I sip my tea and remember Dad's fondness for Mephibosheth and his story and the parellel to my story of God's grace bestowed upon me.  May all know this full-measure grace, the ultimate Grace-Giver and His many acts of grace towards us today and for the rest of our lives.

May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.

                                                ~ERC  April 2024~

Based on 2 Samuel 9:6-13 NIV.

Sing, Marvelous Grace (Grace Greater Then Our Sin), along with Reawaken.

Further reading:

Lord's Day Devotion - Act of Grace.

Monday, April 22, 2024

My High Priest (Hebrews)


The reflection of yourself in the mirror is not really the real you.  It is a photocopy, so to speak.  Only other people can see the original you.  This is what the Old Testament (OT) Tabernacle and sacrifices are like - the reflection of the real Tabernacle and Sacrifice we meet in the New Testament (NT).  Yes, some call the OT events and practices foreshadows but sometimes that word seems vague and borderline archaic to me.  Anyway, you can get the point.  What I'm saying is, Heaven is the True Tabernacle and Jesus is the real Sacrifice.

In the OT Tabernacle there were priests who mediated and helped the Israelites to offer up their sacrifices before God.  The head priest being called the High Priest, of whom Aaron was the first.

In this High Priestly position, only he could enter the Most Holy Place in the Tabernacle.  This is where the ark of the Covenant rested and the presence of God hovered.  The High Priest could not simply go in whenever he wished either.  It was a very serious ministry and matter because it was where God's great holiness abided, hovering over the ark of the covenant.  

This man could only go in once a year and he must have a blood sacrifice from an animal.  In one hand he'd have a sacrifice for his own sins and in the other hand, for the sins of all those millions of Israelites.  If he didn't obey this, he would die.  He had to repeat this two-handed sacrifice each and every single year.

You can see then, that these sacrifices did not clear the conscience.  The OT sacrifices could never take away or atone for sins and feelings of guilt.  This is why Jesus Christ had to come be our High Priest - not as a foreshadow, but as the real sacrifice.

Jesus was sinless so He did not need a sacrifice for Himself when He came before God His Father.  Nevertheless, He offered Himself once for all, to take away the sins of all the billions of people in the world who accept Him as Savior.  The blood of Jesus was accepted by God and it is that which,

"cleanses our consciences from acts that led to death" 

and now we can serve the living God without feeling guilty for our sins.

Have you allowed Jesus to be your High Priest?

Jesus, You are my High Priest forever.  Thank You for washing my sins away with Your precious blood and giving me a clean and clear conscience.  My guilty feelings are gone and now I can serve You freely.  Thank You for making this possible from out of the depths of Your unshakeable love for me.


                                                       ~ERC  April 2024~

Based on Hebrews 8:3 & 9:7-10, 14, 25-28.

Sing, There Is A Fountain, along with the Gaither Music TV.

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Lord's Day Devotion - Proof of Purchase (Hebrews)

Proof of purchase is the receipt.  If store security stops you to check, you show them the receipt.  They'll let you go on your merry way.

God proved His love for mankind when He sent Jesus to die on the cross for our sins.  Jesus Christ became our sacrifice.  He sacrificed Himself to do away with our sins when we put our faith in Him, repent and accept Him as Savior.

In Lord's Day Devotion - OT Sacrifice and Sacrifice, we learned how the Israelites had to sacrifice an animal to atone for their sin.  For each sin, they sacrificed another and another clean animal.  So over and over again they had to do this.

Since the time Jesus died on the cross, we all don't have to make such sacrifices as these any longer.  Jesus' sacrifice is superior to all of that that went before.

As the familiar saying goes, Jesus sacrificed Himself once for all, for all people, for all sins, for all time and eternity.

"The blood of Jesus Christ cleans us from all sin" (1 John 1:7-9). [emphasis mine]

This is God's proof of purchase and He is very satisfied with Christ's sacrifice for us.  He did all this out of His unshakeable love for us fallen human beings.  

Now we need to live a righteous life as a way to thank Him for all He has done for us - all His cleansing and making us whole.

Jesus Christ was both the noun sacrifice (n) and the verb sacrifice (v) Himself, for us.

Praise Him as you reach for the bread and wine on any given Lord's Day.  Do this in continual remembrance, showing the Lord's death and resurrection, until He comes (see 1 Corinthians 11:26).  After all, Christ our Sacrifice is proof of God's unshakeable love for us.  Just think on that!

Lord Jesus Christ, I cannot thank You enough for being the sacrifice for my sins:  the atonement for my sin and the redemption of my soul.  Thank You for willingly showing me how much You love me by doing this.  I owe You so much.  Help me to live a life that pleases You and to serve You all my days.  Amen.

                                                  ~ERC  April 2024~

Based on Hebrews 9:11-15, 16b-28 and 1 Peter 2:24 NIV.

Sing, The Love or God is Greater Far, along with Gaither Music TV.

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Book Review - Hard Times For the East End Library Girls - By Patricia McBride - Publication Date: 19 April 2024


There is much to recommend this second in a series, historical fiction narrative, such as community spirit and support during WWII's devastation; quilting; borrowing and reading books; volunteerism and the like.  On the other hand there was the travesty and heartache that war brings, be it on the battlefront or at home.  Through it all Cordelia, Jane and Mavis navigate and become friends to be counted upon.

However, I was not so thrilled with the spiritist input nor the bedroom intimacies, so there are those cautions for those who prefer not to read about these elements.  Overall though, one can get the feel of the stress and distress of what folks back then lived through in those days in London's East End.

                                             ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                             April 2024

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by Net Galley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Bittersweet Moments

Extended time spent with a loved one on borrowed time, that is, living beyond a prognosis given by an earthly doctor, say of being told you only have 1-4 months of life left, can be a wonderful boon to the soul.  Did you ever experience such?

Just simply sitting, spending time chatting or in companionable quiet, coloring greeting cards with the one who will soon leave can be a blessing.  In the stillness, there is communion and sweet embrace.

If you and the loved one know Christ, the last bittersweet moments can also be wrapped in Jesus' presence like a cocooning gift.  Perhaps He is silently sitting patiently on the bed, just waiting to take him or her Home.  Waiting for those who have to remain for the time, to have their last fill, and to be able to let go.

The Lord's tender mercies are tangible then.  It's something you'll never forget.

Thank Him for the extra precious time.  

Appreciate Him for it.

                                                        ~ERC  April 2024~

Sing, Soon and Very Soon, along with Andrae Crouch.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Majestic Splendour


The splendour of Your majesty Father God, is as awesome as the sight of a tree lined street where the trees are in glorious, resplendant bloom!

You created those trees and flowers, the blending of shades of pinks and whites and as petals flutter like snowflake confetti, You create yet another tapestry of Your grace and mercy to mankind as we rush along.  Stop instead, and see and ponder. 

The actual sight of such made me feel euphoric.

I truly appreciate the sight.  What a gift!

Thank-You, in Jesus name.

                                                    ~ERC  April 2024~

Sing, The Splender of the King, along with Chris Tomlin.

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Lord's Day Devotion - OT Sacrifice and Sacrifice (Hebrews)

 As a noun, the word sacrifice is the act of slaughtering an animal, person or possession as an offering to a deity.  As the Israelites trod throughout the wilderness and even when they settled in their Promised Land, they offered up many such sacrifices.  These we read about in the Old Testament (OT) and they serve as foreshadows of what Jesus has done for us, as we learn from reading the New Testament (NT).

When a person gives up something, such as their lunch for the benefit of another person, they are sacrificing their food - this is sacrifice as a verb.  Sacrificing something does and should hurt or pinch the sacrificer in some way; otherwise it isn't sacrifice.  For instance, the giver of that lunch may well go hungry themself.

Back to the Israelites.  Each time one of them sinned, they had to bring an animal like a bull, lamb, goat or pigeons or doves to the OT Tabernacle.  The priest would help them sacrifice it on the altar of burnt offerings.  It was the case of one sin then one animal sacrifice, over and over again to atone for each respective sin.  The blood of the animal had to be shed, otherwise the sin could not be paid for.

Each animal had to be in absolutely perfect condition.  They couldn't use old or sick animals nor one with a wound.  It had to be without defect.  They were being sacrificed to God their Heavenly Father so they needed to give their best in order to make up for their sins.

This is called OT Sacrifice for sins.  Once we get to the NT times, things became different.  It is what the OT sacrifices had been leading up to....

Do you give of Your best for Your Master Jesus?

Father God, these constant sacrifices made for atonement of sin such as the Israelites had had to make, must have gotten very tiring.  However, I can see that if they'd been very serious and sincere they would still do it all, thus maintaining good relationship with You.  Thank You for these foreshadowing examples of what Jesus has done for us, as we learn from the NT.  

In Jesus' name I give You my thanks as on every given Lord's Day we reach for the bread and wine in remembrance of  Jesus' death and resurrection.  


                                                      ~ERC  April 2024~

Based on Hebrews 9:6-10 and Leviticus 4 & 5.

Sing, Give of Your Best to the Master along with Reflection.

Friday, April 12, 2024

The True Tabernacle (Hebrews)


"Now the main point of what we are saying is this:  We do have such a high priest, who sat down at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in heaven, and who serves in the sanctuary, the true tabernacle set up by the Lord, not by a mere human being" (Hebrews 8:1-2).

In the Old Testament (OT) Tabernacle we learn how Moses, instructed by the LORD, had the craftsmen build it exactly how God had told him.  This replica was only a copy, or shadow of the True Tabernacle.  That True Tabernacle is heaven where Jesus, our High Priest, now sits at the right hand of God.  This, after He had died on the cross, resurrected and ascended back to heaven.  Then He sat, work completed.

One day, those who have accepted Jesus as Savior will get to go to the True Tabernacle where Jesus lives.  Right now, this Tabernacle is open, waiting for all to come to faith in Him.

Do you know there's another kind of Tabernacle currently on earth?  It is no longer a tent of embroidered covers, animal skins, wood, gold and the like.  It is our heart; muscle and blood.  When an individual accepts Jesus as Savior, the Holy Spirit comes and indwells him or her.  This is why we must be very careful how we live and serve the Lord (see 2 Corinthians 6:16).

One day soon, we will be able to go to this True Tabernacle.  Let's live circumspect lives that please the Lord until then.

Heavenly Father, I look forward to being with You in the true Tabernacle some day soon and to be with You forever.  For now, please help me to live carefully to please and honor You.  Thank You for the Holy Spirit's indwelling and Who aids me in this.  

I ask in Jesus' name.  Amen.

                                                   ~ERC  March 2024~

Based on Hebrews 8 & 9.

Sing, Soon and Very Soon, along with Andrea Crouch.

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

OT Tabernacle (Hebrews)

The unshakeable love of God gave us both the Old and New Testaments (OT & NT respectively).  The OT is full of wonderful stories, instructions and explanations.  The life and times of the Israelites serve, teach and help us to better understand the NT and all Jesus has done for us.  They are a foreshadowing of God's intent for His reveal of what life in Christ would look like.

Recall the two million or so Israelites who escaped from Egypt, led by Moses who walked with God.  After they escaped, they wandered the wilderness for about 40 years.  During that time God instructed Moses to build the Tabernacle (aka The Tent of Meeting).\

They had to build this Tabernacle, carefully following God's instructions exactly.  There were two rooms inside.  One was called the Holy Place and the other, the Most Holy Place.  In this second room God's presence came to rest and to be with them throughout their years in the wilderness.

In this Tabernacle they worshippped God and brought many sacrifices to atone for their sins.  They used bulls, lambs and doves without blemish.  There were the priests who helped them offer up these sacrifices.   The head priest was called the High Priest.

Each time an individual sinned, they had to offer up another and another and another animal sacrifice, which shed blood.  God was teaching them to get the idea of how bad sin is, how holy He is and that to come to Him, they needed to atone for their sins with the animal's blood.

Can you see how this foreshadow's the sacrifice Jesus made for us?

In our time now, we need to have our sins washed away with the precious blood of Christ.

"The blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin" (1 John 1:9).

Everlasting Father, I like the idea that Your presence went everywhere with the Israelites.  You lived in the Tabernacle made with their hands.  Many of us do feel sad about all the animals that had had to be sacrificed for making atonement for their sins but we see  You take this very seriously especially since You wished to keep connection with them as a nation but also as individuals.  Therefore, You gave them a way to deal with their sins, thus bridging the gap that stole that connection with You, the Holy God.  They could then worship You for all You had done for them.  Thank You for these OT pictures in which Your unshakeable love shows You care.  In Jesus' name, amen.

                                                          ~ERC  March 2024~

Based on Hebrews 8:1-5 and 9:1 & 2.

Sing, No One Ever Cared For Me Like Jesus, along with Steffany Gretzinger.

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Lord's Day Devotion - Wave Offering of Levites (Numbers)

 "Aaron is to present the Levites before the LORD as a wave offering from the Israelites so that they may be ready to do the work of the LORD ... They are the Israelites who are to be given wholly to me.  I have taken them as my own in place of the firstborn, the first male offspring from every Israelite woman" (Numbers 8:11 & 16 NIV).

Originally, each firstborn male of any Israelite woman was supposed to have been 'gifted' to the LORD for service to Him.  The LORD has now dedicated the Levites to this service and gifted them to Aaron and sons for the work involving the tent of meeting.  He offered them as a wave offering.

When a wave offering was waved before the LORD  it signified either a possible combo or individual reason.  Reasons such as a vow could have been taken (eg. a Nazirite vow), in relation to a favor or just a voluntary act of worship (see Leviticus 7:16-17).

This waving before the LORD also designated that this particular offering belonged to Him.  Once offered then it was given to the priests.  It could not be taken back by the giver.  It was holy unto the LORD (see Leviticus 23:17-20).

Having been alloted to the priests, these consecrated wave offerings could either be for personal use or for the establishement and maintenance of the sanctuary*.

What impressed me in this case was that God Himself was offering the wave offering here.  To  conduct the wave offering, the offerer would hold the offering in his hands while the priest's hands would be underneath the offerers'.  Together, they would wave that offering towards the altar and then backwards from the altar.  This was like giving it to the LORD and then taking it back to give to the priests, as if a gift from the LORD*.

So, God the offerer, waved the Levites before the altar in tandem with Aaron as if this offering were actually from the Israelites.  In turn, God received the offering and then as a gift, gave the Levites to Aaron and sons to aid them in the establishment and maintainance of the Tabernacle's functioning; thus taking part in the work of this tent of meeting.

If you read all of chapter 8 of Numbers you'll note that there was actually a combination of sacrifices and offerings involved in this dedication of the Levites before the LORD for this Tabernacle work.

There were the grain, sin and burnt offerings besides the wave offering.  The grain offering was fine flour while a young bull was used for the burnt offering.  The grain offering acknowledged God's provision and for the purpose of worshipping Him.  For the sin offering a young bull was also offered.  There may seem to be overlap here but the sin offering was compulsory whereas the burnt offering was voluntary - a free will offering - from the heart.

When consecrating the Levites for the Tabernacle work, the sin offering had to be made.  Any transgressions that had unintentionally been committed could then be atoned for (see Numbers 8:12).  

The burnt offering burned all night.  God so loves a willing giver, He likes to savor the fragrant aroma.

So covering all these bases, the Levites became purified and then waved before the LORD.  They were "wholly given" to the LORD (v 16).

"The Levites purified themselves and washed their clothes.  Then Aaron presented them as a wave offering before the LORD and made atonement for them to purify them" (Numbers 8:21).

Then these consecrated Levites set to work at the Tent of Meeting.  Aaron and sons surpervised their work.

Can you see where these thoughts are leading?  God was the offerer in this case.  He was also the offerer in the case of Jesus Christ's dying on the cross to make atonement once and for all for the sins of the "whosoever" who would believe in Him (see John 3:16).

Jesus was the sin offering, made sin for us.  He was the burnt offering and a freewill offering, from His heart to yours.  He was the grain offering - God's provision for the redemption of mankind's souls*.  So in the end, we would worship Him - which is one of our big purposes in life.

God and Jesus our High Priest waved this offering before God and then gave Him as a gift to mankind.

A burnt offering could be a lamb.  The entire animal would be offered.  It would burn all night.  For Jesus, He is our Lamb of God and the hours He spent on the cross signify the 'all night'.  This offering was a sweet fragrance, accepted by God (see Isaiah 53:10-11).

"After the suffering of His soul, He will see the light of life and be satisfied."

God was satisfied.  Now it is up to mankind to accept this gift personally and individually.

Aaron and sons accepted God's gift of the Levites from the Israelites.  Will we accept God's gift - that good and perfect gift - Jesus Christ, as Lord and Savior of our lives?  Then to worship Him, and to then to give of our best to the Master?

The wave offering was made from the very first and finest of whatever crops of grain the Israelites harvested.  There were such offerings at the Passover and Pentecost (see Leviticus 23:17-20).  Nowadays we are not restricted as to the timing of our wave offerings (so to speak) but indeed, let's give of our best and finest.  Remember what God has given to you.  


Father God, as we believers in Jesus Christ, those of us who have accepted Your wave offering gift, come together on any given Lord's Day, remembering all you have done for us, may we be truly thankful.  As we partake of the broken bread and drink of the cup of wine, symbolizing Jesus' death and atonement for our souls, may we then give You all the glory, honor and praise by being living sacrifices for You (see Romans 12:1).

In turn, may our whole lives be wholly given to You and Your service just as the Levites were.  Help us to give You our best and finest of all You require, and of any freewill burnt offerings we may make for You.  Give us willing hearts.  

In Jesus' name we ask.  Amen.

                                                          ~ERC  March 2024)

Based on Numbers 8:5-26 (NIV).

Sing, Give Your Best to the Master, along with Reflection.

*Some references from various internet articles.

Saturday, April 6, 2024

The LORD Said to Moses (Numbers)

 By the time a reader reads Numbers chapter 1 clear through chapter 9, he or she will realise something.  There's a repeated phrase, "The LORD said to Moses ..." (see the first one in Numbers 1:1).  Sometimes it was together with Aaron (as in Numbers 2:1).

This made me curious, so I flipped back through the book of Leviticus too.  Sure enough, almost every chapter begins in the self-same manner, or at least somewhere within the chapters,

"The LORD called to Moses and spoke to him from the Tent of Meeting" (Levitcus 1:1) and "The LORD  said to Moses ... (Leviticus 6:1; 7:22) and "... the LORD said to Moses and Aaron ..." (Leviticus 13:1).

Back in Numbers, either the end of a The LORD said section or chapter are words to the following effects,

"The lampstand was made exactly like the pattern the LORD had shown Moses" (Numbers 8:4).

And from Numbers 9:23 (NIV),

"... They obeyed the LORD's order, in accordance with His command through Moses."

From earlier in Numbers 5:4,

"...They did just as the LORD had instructed Moses."

I was thrilled to see how Moses deferred to the LORD in another instance.  For example, when the LORD told Moses to tell the Israelites when to celebrate the Passover but some of them had been unclean at that time.  They asked Moses what to do about it.  Here's what Moses answered.

"Wait until I find out what the LORD commands concerning you" (Numbers 9:1-9, esp vs 8).

Moses went to the Tent of Meeting expecting to talk with the LORD, confidently expecting the LORD to speak with him.  If we recall how Moses had gotten this tent of meeting started and how he so valued hearing from the LORD, we will not be so surprized at all that God spoke to him.  Most of the books of Leviticus and Numbers record major blocks of their conversations.   Don't you find that exciting?

I believe that when we sit and ponder upon God's Word in our own special spots for "finding out what the LORD commands," we will hear Him.  We will hear, see and/or sense His prescence with us.  We will hear Him through His word and the Holy Spirit's guidance.

Confidently expect it.

Then, of course, we must follow through like the Israelites did so ideally at the start.  We should obey the Lord's order for our respective lives in accordance with the LORD's commands" (see Numbers 9:23).  And continue...

LORD, I love how Your relationship with Moses was.  I'd like to have such give and take too.  train my ears and heart to listen to Your voice and to also be obedient to Your instructions for my life, all my days through.  Thank You that You care and are interested, just like You were for Moses, Aaron and the Israelites.  What a mighty God You are!

In Jesus' name I give You thanks and praise.  Amen.

                                                     ~ERC  March 2024~

Based on Numbers 9.

Sing, Word of God Speak, along with Mercy Me.

Related links:

Lord's Day Devotion - Altar Call

Meeting On Purpose

Monday, April 1, 2024

Symbiotic Relationship (Hebrews)


Science folks have this term called, Symbiotic Relationship.  As far as my non-nerd self can understand, that is when two seemingly unrelated parts of nature help each other out and benefit each other by what they contribute to the unlikely relationship.   Actually there's a little bit more to it but this is the very simplified version; ha, ha, my disclaimer.

Anyway, for instance, mud whelks (do you know what they are?) ... they're a type of snail, coupled with mangrove trees.  The snails help the trees and the trees help the snails.

"How so?" you might ask.  Well, the snails eat plants and dead material that have fallen into the swampy mud around the trees.  The trees offer shelter and protection from rising water as the mud whelks slowly climb clear up the roots and limbs of the mangrove tree out of harm's way.

Voila!  A symbiotic relationship!

What do you think of that?

I find it very interesting and know of  one high school student who, along with a chosen few others, studied this symbiotic relationship to enter into a national science competition.  These participants had to go out into the hot tropical sun and sometimes rainy weather to muck about in the swamps watching snails move about.

Do you know how fast a snail moves?  Ha, ha, again.  Not very fast, right?  These teammates had to have a LOT of patience to record their data.  It took a LOT of time and also some faith that those mud whelks would move in the mud and trees.

Their patience was rewarded though and the snails conveniently did their thing while the team members did theirs.  They won the competition and hopefully learned some useful lessons therefrom.

This example can be loaned into the the spiritual realm, believe it or not.  There is warning not to be lazy but to have diligence to have faith and patience to do our work for Jesus in the House of God and to bring many sons and daughters into God's kingdom (They are the 'data', so to speak, to collect).  Our Heavenly Father won't forget your labor of love as you work for Him.  You are showing Him as you help His people and continue to help no matter how slow the process (see Hebrews 6:10).

This is like a symbiotic relationship between God and us.  God is so holy and divine whilst we human beings often fail and disappoint.  Nevertheless, many Christians have worked well with Him.  We can imitate their faith and patience and do our thing while God does His.  We sow and water while He brings the increase (see 1 Corinthians 3:6).

Let's all be diligent in keeping faith and having patience until we see the rewards of our efforts.  God delights to give.  May many treasures be stored up in heaven on His behalf (see Matthew 6:19-21).  Of course, we may not really see the fruit of our efforts on His behalf until we reach glory.  However, we can still press on for Him.

Almighty God, You give us protection and shelter as we work diligently for you.  Bring much increase as You help us maintain our symbiotic-like relationship with You and continue in faith and patience to work with and for You.  Without You we can do nothing so I really thank You for all You do for us.  You are ever faithful.    We give You our heartfelt thanks in Jesus' most precious name, Amen.

                                                        ~ERC  March 2024~

Based on Hebrews 6:10-12 NIV.

Sing, Together, along with Chris Tomlin.