Monday, December 12, 2022

Traveling Home

 Some day soon and very soon, we will be walking those golden streets in our Heavenly Father's paradise.  Whether our life's journey on earth is ended and we go on before others, or we all travel 'Home' together when we hear that SHOUT from Jesus on the cloud, we look forward ever increasingly to go to be with Him and live in our Saviour's presence.

David was thinking on it.  He wrote,

"Surely the righteous will praise Your name, and the upright will live in Your presence" (Psalm 140:13 NIV YouVersion - phone).

Until then, thinking on it comforts and encourages us to live our daily Christian lives aright.  Meting out justice for the poor and upholding the cause of the needy is what our Lord values highly.  If we don't work in partnership with Him, He will find other ways to advance His own agenda but He still wishes us to yoke ourselves with Him.  David was pretty sure of it, he said,

"I know..." (Psalm 140:12)

that the LORD does these things.

We will be amiss if we are not "like Father, like sons and daughters of our most High Heavenly Father.  Let us work while it is yet day, while we have strength and life, before our chance is over and we 'go home'.  Even the dead-in-Christ can't do anything.  Let us have the righteousness and uprightness as becomes children of God as we have opportunity in the here and now.  Make it an urgent matter for yourselves.

Jesus is coming soon; perhaps today!

Work while it is yet 'day' in our lives.  When we 'travel Home' to that "bright and fair" place to be in our Saviour's presence, we will surely look up into His glad face and hear, "Well done!"

                                                     ~ERC  November 2022~

Based on Psalm 140:12-13 (NIV YouVersion - phone).

Sing, I Feel Like Traveling On, along with Loretta Lynn and Soon and Very Soon, along with 

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