Wednesday, December 7, 2022

More Precious

 Have you ever been brow-beaten?  Shouted at?  Treated like dirt?  Does it make you feel like you are worthless?

There is good news for you.  God says,

"You are worth far more than rubies" (Proverbs 31:10).

You may ask yourself...

Can I actually think of myself like this, over and above all the negative stuff that weights me down and depresses?!

Some of the most expensive gemstones, are rubies; did you know that?  The International Gem Society (.org) records that some rubies are priced over $1,000,000 per carat.

God said you are worth "far more".  Just think on that!  You are so precious to Him - His "treasured possession" (Malachi 3:17 NIV).

Think on that, hold tight to that when you are ridiculed unfairly and nastily spoken to and put down.  It's a TOUGH call but be so comforted to know God loves you and thinks of you as worth MORE THAN RUBIES!  What really matters is what God thinks of you.

Let your thought about His thoughts about you, raise you up.  You are His child whom He treasures and remember that you are made in His own image!  That accounts for A LOT!

                                                       ~ERC  November 2022~

Based on Proverbs 3:10; Malachi 3:17 NIV.

Sing, When He Cometh, along with TheNCrew and More Precious Than Rubies by Ralph Henderson.

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