Monday, December 26, 2022

Crowning the Year


The year 2022 marches swiftly to its close.  We can be glad and rejoice in the Lord for all He has done for us throughout the year.

As we moved from strength to strength we can give our faithful, loving heavenly Abba Father our praise.  All praise, honor, glory and blessing be unto Him in jesus' name.

Through all the ups and downs of our lives since January, we can count the blessings when and where we have spotted them.  Look for them, if from a perspective haze of tribulation.  It helps to have some joy in the heart even despite hardships and/or loss of loved ones.

For me, my husband got a new job, my son got engaged, we got to see other sons, finally after the covid era lockdowns were released and we had enough to eat with a roof over our heads.  We did not live in a war zone.  Huh, a biggie there.

My brother sent a video of many children in a certain place of great want.  Adults were passing out food.  The dear souls with hands eagerly outstretched received a plate of food.  It was gladly recieved with thanksgiving.

It warms the heart to know this lot of children and momma's, at least, were getting fed.

It is more blessed to give than recieve.  When we have plenty, we can look for those who have need, whether in these waning days of 2022 or throughout the year 2023, to come.

Thank-You, Father God, our Jehovah Jireh, for all You provide for us and for opportunities to provide for others in need.  May we each be sensitive to Your direction in helping others out from what You have given to us.

Thank-You for crowning our year with Your goodness and faithfulness. We look forward to drawing closer to You and strengthening our faith and relationship with You in the coming days until Jesus comes; come what may.

In Jesus' name, Amen.

                                  HAPPY NEW YEAR, EVERYONE!

                                               ~ERC  December 2022~

Based on Psalm 65:11.

Sing, Praise the Lord, along with the Heritage Singers.

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