Saturday, December 17, 2022

Lord's Day Devotion - Hope & Sacrifice

 Christmas is a time when many people celebrate Jesus' birthday.  There are lights and tinsel, gifts and songs, lots of food and making merry.  A rather joyful time of year for a majority of folks.  

Yet, another portion of people experience misery and depression even among the joy of others.  Perhaps they don't realize there is hope.

You see, Jesus was born to bring us hope.  the hope of sins forgiven, having everlasting life, and being in His presence forever, where there is peace, joy and hope eternal.  These we can even enjoy now, on earth through Jesus.

Christ sacrificed Himself to bring us redemption, reconciliation with God, and so much more.  He came from heaven, His Father's beautiful, perfect Home, to the earth that reeked of sin, to be made sin for us; our Perfect Sacrifical Lamb of God, bringing salvation through His selfless act.

He endured mocking, shame and pain upon that cross.  He endured that absolute separation from His Father.  This all part and parcel of His sacrifice.

Jesus was born for this mission; born to die, so that we - the 'wohsoever' - might live and live iwht hope.

Is this enough for us though?  He sacrificed His everything for us.  Shoule we not live to sacrifice for Him?  Look at Romans 12:1-2.  Our bodies need to be "living sacrifices," "holy," and "pleasing to God."

If you are not sure how to worship the Lord, this here is how.  Those verses explain that to be living sacrifices it displays "true and proper worship."  Daily Christian living sacrifice is our modus operantdi.

We were born again for this.  This is now our mission to worship, adore, obey, live holy lives, serve Him sacrifically and to bring others to Him, giving them HOPE, in Christ as well.  Hope, not necessarily that everthing is going to be ok in whatever situation they are in that makes them downhearted, but that their hope, faith and joy can be founded in Jesus Christ who give freely of Himself.

Let us remember all this as we remember Jesus' sacrifice for us.  Partake of the broken bread and drink of the cup of wine, this Lord's Day, remembering Him and the hope His salvation has brought us, nestling in our hearts, eneergizing us to live holy, sacrificial lives out of reverence and thanksgiving for and to Him.  pour out your hearts and lives until He comes.  Perhaps, today. 

 Let's continue to sing our praises of joy and thanksgiving louder than the angels' shouts of worship; singing as the days go by until then.  Incidently, go and celebrate Jesus' birth, for sure, if you like, but remember He was born to die.  We rejoice He is alive now and living in Heaven. 




Giving hope despite our difficult situations.

                                                            ~ERC  December 2022~

Based on Romans 12:1-2 NIV.

Sing, Lord, I life Your Name on High, along with the Maranatha Singers.

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