Thursday, December 8, 2022

A Great Wall

Imagine in your mind, if you've never been to China and visited the Great Wall of China.  What would it be like to experience it?  How strong and sturdy it looks.  Did you know that it is about 13-16 meters wide and about 21, 196 km long?  Yet, we know the story of the ancient gatekeepers that were easily bribed and allowed the enemy breach, to invade China.  We can take a huge spiritual lesson from this story for our individual selves and also for our churches.  Even in early times of Christianity, the believers had to be on guard.  Let's take a look.

 Paul's suffering came in varied forms.  It came from within and without of the assemblies of believers.  Some was outright persecution instigated by authorities and religious leaders, such as being stoned and left for dead, or as mentioned in this chapter (2 Corinthians 11), he had to escape through a window and down a city wall in a basket.  This preserved his lfe. 

Other suffering was to be "the great wall" against false teachers, who boasted and bragged and led other brothers and sisters away from the truth that Paul had originally planted among them.  This seemed to make Paul feel the suffering in even greater measure than the physical beatings he bore.

This is saying a lot, as Paul's sufferings were great and numerous as can be seen in this chapter (2 Corinthians 11).  However, he wanted to boast about his weaknesses and knew God would back him up (v. 31).  Paul would praise God for this.

It is a serious matter that spiritual leaders, or those who purport to be so, be meek and humble, speaking, discerning, interpreting and applying the divine word of God accurately.  It is equally important for the hearers to discern and distinquish truth from falsehoods.  One needs to guard against false teaching infiltrating via deceptive teachers.  Be like the Bereans who checked out whether what was being said was true or not, by daily searching the Scriptures (Acts 17:10-12).  These folks were termed, "more noble".

Paul was all out to instill the truth and to protect the truth of the gospel and teaching of Jesus Christ.  He was bent on doing good even if he suffered for it.

Here's an excellent "motto" to live by, 

"Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up" (Galatians 6:9 NIV).

Seems Paul practiced this.  As individual children of God, corporately as a body of believers, let us too, follow Paul's impeccable example and not give up even when we are weary.  Let us each stand for the truth of God's word even if and when we suffer for it; be a great wall against false teachers and their teaching.  Don't let them infiltrate.

Some may wonder just how we can achieve the 'great wall' status.  Here's just a couple of things I thought of:   know God's word thoroughly; obey God's Word; teach God's Word; stand for the truth and even suffer for the truth if need be.  Others may be able to add to this list.  May the Lord give us all of His abundant grace to be able to be His standard bearers and be a great wall for Him.

                                                    ~ERC  November 2022~

Based on 2 Corinthians 11 NIV.

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