Sunday, July 4, 2021

Prayer - Home Sweet Home


"Home Sweet Home," the plaque on the foyer wall read.  You could see it first thing when stepping through the front door.  It was comforting.  Satisfying, and rarely failed to bring a smile to one's weariness at the end of a day.

It created a wake of relaxation; permeating the mood as one walked through the house, discarding car keys, hats, coats, gloves, books, shoes, work clothes, etc in the hunt for family and food.  Ah-h-h.

Then to put ones feet up before a crackling fire, nice cuppa tea, coffee or hot cocoa in hand; or to scout out the cooler inner sanctums of the favorite family room and enjoy gleeful moments of rumpus with chidren and welcome hugs, kisses and smiles from one's spouse.  This is home, sweet home.

It is the shelter and shadow; the refuge and fortress established by husband and wife or parents.  This is your "dwelling place".  It feels invincible and you the "reigning protector" with "shield and buckler", so to speak, and encased by walls and roof and truth from God's word.

This is what the psalmist of Psaslm 91 calls Almighty God, the God most High.  He who dwells there in the Almighty's shadow and shelter.  He recommended it, in psalm song for whoever sang it and heard it sung.  This God in whom he had placed his trust.

Trust well-placed and protected from the "snare of fowler",  and "from the deadly pestilence".  Oh, we all who have been living through the years, from end of 2019 all the way to this year of 2021 AD, know this one well.  We've been sheltering under our Heavenly Father's wings.   We can't do much else.

The terrors and fears of the COVID-19 virus and even of the supposed vaccine antidote; of all the unrest and demonstrations gone awry; of natural disaster after natural disaster; of wars: these "arrows which fly by day".

From our shelter, nestled in the "dwelling place" of our LORD and His love, we too, need not fear.  These are big, bold words.  Heavenly Father, You are teaching us to trust You.  We can trust that You are in control throughout all the circumstances of life that do bring us a plethora of fears.  

Let us press on to the hope in Him each day of our lives.  Father God, in You we put our trust.  May we overcome and have joy in You through Jesus.  It is in Him we abide, for He is our ...

"Home Sweet Home"!

In Jesus' name we pray, praise and trust.

                                                  ~ERC  March 2021~

Based on Psalm 90:1-16 ESV.

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