Monday, July 19, 2021

Book Review - River of Ink - By Etienne Appert - Publication Date: 20 July 2021


"Why do you draw?'   "How did drawing get started?"

The artists hop into a boat and ride the River of Ink in search of the answer; to the beginnings.  The cartoon style depictions lend to a timeless sort of legend where the drawing past is 'let loose' and intertwines with the present; tongue in cheek, in a rather 'artful' way.  The sailors discover several reasons, 'why'.   To be clique, it's "different strokes for different folks".

For those contemplating drawing and for the curious, as you read, dive into this River of Ink, and swim with Saminia, with great strokes of freedom, stemming from your own perceptions and perspectives. Herein, you may well find your reasons 'why' and create your own masterpieces.

Additional bonus:  The author/cartoonist Etienne Appert interviews a fellow artist/cartoonist, the American Scott McCloud.  The interview is recorded in ink.  Enjoy the sail.

                                            ~Eunice C., Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                           July 2021

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy given me by the publishers.

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