Sunday, July 25, 2021

Prayer - Enjoyment and Pleasure


O LORD, mighty are Your manifold works of creation!  They are arrayed and decked out in splendor by Your wisdom and majesty.  They are awesome and breathtaking; some absolutely terrifying.  All of Your creation:  in the heavens, on the earth and in the deep blue seas and oceans, and all that in them are, are so much more than tongue can tell!

You keep it all going too!

Refreshing the earth with rains and snows; giving food to the animals and allowing mankind to fill the earth -- 

"all at the proper time" (v.27).

When we meditate upon such glory of Your creation and how it shines forth, we are reminded of You.  You are even more than all the sum of all the vast expanses of creation because You are the Creator -- the Master Designer -- of it all.  It's all made by Your wisdom, Your very greatness and glory.  It pleases You and You have given Your human creatures much pleasure in it all.

Even the fauna enjoy frolicking.  We've seen goat kids jumping for joy, dancing and prancing about; we've seen cows come out of their winter lodgings, running at top speed, even though it looks somewhat unseemly of the cows to the onlooker, the cows don't care.  They just 'skip' happily at their Spring release.  The robins that reappear in Spring bringing their color and song; the crocuses and lupins that bravely put forth their heads despite the threat of frosts and snow from clinging winter.  Oh, and the whales and dolphins; such enjoyment and pleasure we get by their enjoyment  of dipping and diving and breaching in Your colossal oceans.  Do You get any enjoyment and pleasure watching us try to build, carve, sculpt, bake, embroider, figure out complex questions like getting the right vaccine for a virus and to write stuff?  

Many of us enjoy those pursuits whether from leisure pleasure or for earning a living.  You've made us creative too!  May we honor and glorify You with our craftsmenship.  Your glory LORD, endures forever and we rejoice in Your works and all You touch.

In the end, may all Your children sing Your praise, oh Lord, oh Lord, our God!  May our meditations and praises be pleasing in Your sight.

Praise the Lord, oh Christians.  Praise the Lord!  Praise Him in the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior and Creator.

                                                         ~ERC  March 2021~

Based on Psalm 104:1-3 NIV

Sing, Praise the Savior, along with Martijn de Groot

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