Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Prayer - Steaming Dragons


Oh Father God, the dragons are steaming.  They pretend to sleep and snore but the steam and half-shut, drooping eyelids tell a different story.  They're actually, "lying in wait".  

May the words of our mouths be words of song, singing of your steadfast love and justice and not the 'dragon' of bad-mouthing or slander of our spouse, neighbor, or brother or sister-in-Christ.  When the 'dragon' of malice threatens to spew its fire, may we instead, make music to You, "pondering the way that is blameless".

Oh may Your Holy Spirit work pro-actively, convicting us so we will "walk with integrity of heart" in Your house as well as in our own.  Dragons of sexual immorality that want to gobble up our hearts and souls and innudate our spirits, let us not set these "evil," "worthless" things which cause many of Your children to fall away, before us; perhaps 'secret' in the lives even of those who appear to be Your mighty men, as King David had been.

May it only be those who "walk in the way that is blameless" to be the ones to take to the pulpit or other similar platform, to minister to Your people.  May such "ministers," (including all of Your children, actually) examine their minds, hearts and actions "morning by morning" for those steaming dragons that hide and lurk in the dark tunnel recesses of our beings.  

Overturn, overturn, overturn, all the lies and practices of deceit in our lives, Father.  Eradicate any excuses and justifications for keeping them.  Let them not continue within us.  Plough them up and attack at the roots.  Furrow them out, Lord!  May we have the courage and fortitude to face them, to destroy and cut them off from the "city of the LORD" within us.

Not forgetting, of course, to don Your armor (of God) and stand in prayer against all the wily cunning of such "dragons" that wish to destroy us, instead.  It is only in and through the name of Jesus Christ and the dynamic power of Your Holy Spirit that we can do this.  Then we can truly stand and sing and make music to You.

                                                     ~ERC  March 2021~

Based on Psalm 101:1-8 (ESV)

Also, dragon, written imagery, based on a scene with Bilbo and Smaug adapted from The Hobbit, byJ. R. R. Tokien.

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